This will utilize local redis in dev mode and vercel kv in production mode, the cache used is dynamically switched.
- To run the ReactJS App
npm run start
- To run the NodeJS Server (that connects to local Redis)
node .\redis\node-server.cjs
- To run a script that dynamically determines Local or Vercel Redis as well as ReactJS App
node .\start-servers.cjs
- Graphical Representation.
An interactive representation of all transactions for every wallet ID, in real time, for real wallet IDs.
Developed using
- Flagging Malicious Wallet IDs. On flagging, this service will register the wallet ID to a webhook that will notify the investigators of any activity on that account, via an Email.
- Support for Ethereum and Bitcoin.
- Downloading all transactions in the form of a CSV file. This feature opens doors for various others in the form of data analytics and machine learning for predictive study.
- Chatbot features. The bot permits scouting transactions and wallets by just conversing with it! Can speak in Kannada, Hindi, Telugu and various other languages.
- React.js with Vite
- Node.js
- Aceternity UI
- API caching using Redis.
- LLM support for beginners.${chain}/address/${address}${chain}/txhash/${txhash}${chain}${chain}${chain}${chain}