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New biomes

Lanilor edited this page Dec 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

Desert high plains

A deserty elevated plain which is often more rocky than the common sand deserts. These remote areas have little to no vegetation because of the weather and soil conditions, even through the climate is quite humid. Some animals live in these harsh conditions or roam for fresh water.

Frozen lake

A frozen lake surrounded by boreal forest. Most of the year the area is below the freezing point so the lake is frozen. On warm summers, it might thaw and large herds of animals come here to drink.

Cold deep bog

A deep wetland packed with trees and vines. Much of this swamp is too marshy to build heavy structures or larger buildings, moving around is slow due to choking vegetation. Disease is endemic in this dense, wet ecosystem.

Temperate meadow

A meadow in a temperate region. Few trees stand out from the otherwise grassy plains. Many species of animals move around on the grasslands. Climate can be quite extreme in this open area with warm dry summers, rainy falls and snowy winters.

Spike mountains

An mountainous area filled with huge rock spires and a dense forest around them. Many years of physical erosion formed these strange looking rock spires. It can be hard to find good places to build larger buildings here.

Tidal flats

A flat coastal region with large areas affected by the tide. Here grows a unique vegetation that have adapted to the saltwater, common floods and rough weather. The main inhabitants are small animals and birds which feast on the rich microfauna of craps, mussels and many more small animals that live between the rocks and in the ground.

Deep temperate swamp

Deep wetlands choked with vegetation and disease. Dense overgrowth makes it hard to move around, and clearing areas for building takes a long time. Large areas of this deep swamp are too marshy to support heavy structures.

Mangrove forest

A tropical coast with a flat beach and large areas affected by the tides. Many mangrove trees grow in the shallow water and tidal beach and create a forest in the water. Some tropical animals live in the higher land area where the rainforest begins.

Deep tropical swamp

A plant-choked, steamy swamp seething with parasites and pathogens. It is hard to find good building spots in this deep swampy area. Difficult movement, aggressive animals, and rampant disease make living here a nightmare.


A mildly dry region, but not dry enough to become an arid shrubland. The plains are covered with a thick grass layer. Bushes and trees are widely spaced to maintain an open canopy but enough to give this area a light foresty though. Despite the good abount of plants the soil is mostly dry and animals roam the area on the search for food and water.

Desert Dunes

Desert dunes are large seas of dunes formed by wind-blown sand. Some of these dunes were once a lake, formed by water and wind. The sand is too dry and soft for farming or drilling, there are no minerals to mine and almost no animal life.


An oasis somewhere in the seemingly endless deserts. Plants grow around water spots and animals gather near them to drink and search for a shaded place.


A group of small islands in the ocean. Sometimes they are connected via shallow banks so people or animals can roam to another island. Mostly small animals and birds live here to fit the cramped environment.

Tidal islands

A few flat islands in the ocean. Most of these islands are affected by tides and create a unique ecosystem of plant specialized to grow in the saltwater when flooded by high tides. Mostly small animals and birds live here to fit the cramped environment.

Volcanic island

A dormant volcano reaching out of the water. A small costal area is buildable, then that the mountain starts reaches into the sky. A mixed variety of plants live here together with many different smaller animals in a balanced ecosystem.

Tundra skerries

An archipelago of many skerries and smaller islands. There is not really much going on here. A few islands have some soil and a decent vegetation, other are just composed of sand or ice in the winter. Mostly small animals and birds live here to fit the cramped environment.

Pack ice

A group of ice floes on the arctic ocean. There is not really much going on here. There is no vegatation and only very few animals live here. In winter the ocean freezes to one big ice surface, in summer the thin parts melt again and only leaves the frozen floes as solid blocks floating in the water.


An often ring-shaped coral island or group of islands that onces was a volcano which has eroded over time. The form can vary much, from one round island to many small that are connected via shallow banks. Mostly tropical plants and small animals live here to fit the environment.

Cave oasis

An underground cave system. Geological activities a long time ago formed these huge cave cambers and tunnels deep under the surface where no light reaches. Now the chambers are partly filled with water which sustains an unique ecosystem of mushrooms and animals that are adaped to live deep under the surface.

Tunnelworld cave

An underground cave system of many interconnected tunnels. These areas were mostly formed naturally due to plate tectonics or other geological activity. These tunnels are deep under a solid rock ceiling, so no sunlight will every reach here. Therefore plants are non-existent, instead various mushrooms inhabitate the caves, some of them even provide a little light for animals to live in this region.

Cave entrance

The entrance area to an underground cave system on the side of a mountain. Various tunnels are heading deep into the mountain, some of them may lead to another exit or exotic underground biotopes. The outside area is very rocky, so only plants and animals accustomed to the harsh terrain live here.

Infested mountains

An underground cave system interconnecting many sinkholes of various sizes. The sinkholes are of natural origin, the cave tunnels not so much. Gigant insectoids dug these tunnels over years and now live in them. Don't get tempted by the peaceful look of the overgrown sinkholes, this area is dangerous!

Desert canyon

A desert canyon formed by a river over many millenia. Various tunnels, partly natural and partly made by living creatures, start in the canyon and head deep into the mountain. The area is now dry after the river mostly dried up, so plants are rare and only a few animals who adapted to the environment live here.