This is a clean and minimal real-time multiplayer version of Tic-Tac-Toe game. Users can create rooms on the server and share the room-id with people to play against on another. You can find the hosted website here.
Primary Motivation: Explore real-time communication techniques.
Initial Assumption: Believed real-time communication could be achieved using HTTP alone.
Problems encountered:
- How can different users directly interact with each other?
- How is a common game state maintained between users?
Required Solution:
- Server must be able to send data without client initiated requests
- Connection should be persistent
Learning Outcome:
- Realized HTTP polling is very inefficient
- Discovered the WebSocket protocol for persistent, full duplex connection
Front end:
- EJS (template engine)
- JS
Back end:
- Node.js
- Express.js (For http connection)
- ws (For websocket connection)
Hosting: Render
The render site has not been updated since I've refactored the code.
When running on a local machine you need to run two commands:
node server.js # Runs a process on port: 8080
node gameServer.js # Runs a process on port: 3000
These commands communicate with each other and are accessed via localhost:3000 and localhost:8080.
But I couldn't figure out how to do the same with render without hosting the two processes as different web services (Too much hassle).