'."\n";$cnx = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user1', 'pass1'); mysql_select_db('tracker', $cnx);
if($_GET['entries'] <> ""){
$entries = $_GET['entries'];
elseif ($_POST['entries'] <> "") {
$entries = $_POST['entries'];
else {
$entries = 50;
// echo $entries
if($_GET['imei'] <> "") { $imei = $_GET['imei']; } elseif ($_POST['imei'] <> "") { $imei = $_POST['imei']; } else { $imei = 0; }
$step = 255 / $entries; //echo $step; $loop = 0; $res1 = mysql_query("SELECT as nomeBem, b.identificacao FROM bem b WHERE b.imei = $imei LIMIT 1"); while($data1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res1)) { $nomeBem = $data1['nomeBem']; $identificacao = $data1['identificacao']; }
$res = mysql_query("SELECT g.* FROM gprmc g WHERE g.gpsSignalIndicator = 'F' and g.imei = $imei ORDER BY DESC LIMIT $entries");
$line_coordinates = "";
$ballons = "";
while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
strlen($data['longitudeDecimalDegrees']) == 9 && $data['longitudeDecimalDegrees'] = '0'.$data['longitudeDecimalDegrees'];
$g = substr($data['longitudeDecimalDegrees'],0,3);
$d = substr($data['longitudeDecimalDegrees'],3);
$longitudeDecimalDegrees = $g + ($d/60);
$data['longitudeHemisphere'] == "S" && $longitudeDecimalDegrees = $longitudeDecimalDegrees * -1;
$longitudeDecimalDegrees = $longitudeDecimalDegrees * -1;
$speed = $data['speed'] * 1.609;
$line_coordinates .= "$longitudeDecimalDegrees,$latitudeDecimalDegrees,0\n";
$line_coordinates_green = "$longitudeDecimalDegrees,$latitudeDecimalDegrees,0\n";
if ($loop != 0) {
$ballons .= '
<name>'.$nomeBem.' - '.$identificacao.'</name>
<description>Velocidade : '.floor($speed).'Km/h - Data : '.date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($data['date'])).' <br/> Lat: '.$longitudeDecimalDegrees.', Long:'.$latitudeDecimalDegrees. '</description>
} else {
//O ultimo registro obtido pelo gps fica verde; o ultimo é o primeiro da lista. ORDER BY DESC.
if ($loop == 0) {
$greenBallons = '
<name>'.$nomeBem.' - '.$identificacao.'</name>
<description>Velocidade : '.floor($speed).'Km/h - Data : '.date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($data['date'])).' <br/> Lat: '.$longitudeDecimalDegrees.', Long:'.$latitudeDecimalDegrees. '</description>
} mysql_close($cnx); ?> Tracker Map Tracker
<Style id="highlightPlacemark">
<Style id="highlightPlacemarkGreen">
<Style id="redLine">
<Style id="BalloonStyle">
<!-- a background color for the balloon -->
<!-- styling of the balloon text -->
<b><font color="#CC0000" size="+3">$[name]</font></b>
<font face="Courier">$[description]</font>
Extra text that will appear in the description balloon
<!-- insert the to/from hyperlinks -->
<Style id="greenPoint">
<name>Red Line</name>
<?php echo $line_coordinates; ?>
<?php echo $greenBallons; ?>
<?php echo $ballons; ?>