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RyosukeSasaki committed Jul 16, 2019
1 parent c09a29b commit f47f4a3
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions raspberry_pi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
from lib import rover_gps as GPS
from lib import servo
from lib import MPU6050 as MPU
import math
import time
import queue

cam_dis = 0.01

dutyL = 9.0
dutyR = 9.0

M = 0.00
M1 = 0.00
goal = 0.00
e = 0.00
e1 = 0.00
e2 = 0.00
Kp = 0.1
Ki = 0.1
Kd = 0.1

#goal_lat =
#goal_lng =

position_memo = queue.Queue()

def cal_rotation_angle(preT,pre_gyro):
nowT = time.time() #現在時刻
now_gyro = MPU.get_gyro_data_lsb()[2] #現在の角速度

now_rotation_angle = (now_gyro + pre_gyro) * (nowT - preT) / 2
return [nowT, now_gyro, now_rotation_angle]

def cal_average(x):
sum = 0
for i range(5):
sum += x[i]
return sum / 5

pre = [None, None]
while pre is None:
pre = GPS.lat_long_measurement()

with servo(pinL) as svL, servo(pinR) as svR:

for i in range(5):
now = [None, None]
while now is None:
now = GPS.lat_long_measurement()
position_memo.put(GPS.convert_lat_long_to_r_theta(pre[0], pre[1], now[0], now[1]))
pre = now

now_azimuth = cal_average(position_memo)
rotation_angle = now_azimuth

to_goal = [None, None]
while (to_goal[0] is None) or (to_goal[1] is None)
to_goal = GPS.r_theta_to_goal(goal_lat, goal_long)

difference = to_goal[1]

while to_goal[0] > cam_dis:

now = [None, None]
now = GPS.lat_long_measurement()
if now[0] != None or now[1] != None:

position_memo.put(GPS.convert_lat_long_to_r_theta(pre[0], pre[1], now[0], now[1]))

pre = now

now_azimuth = cal_average(position_memo)
rotation_angle = now_azimuth

preT = time.time()
pre_gyro = math.radians(MPU.get_gyro_data_lsb()[2]) #degree to radian

preT, pre_gyro, now_rotation_angle = cal_rotation_angle(preT, pre_gyro)
rotation_angle += now_rotation_angle

to_goal = GPS.r_theta_to_goal(goal_lat, goal_long)
difference = to_goal[1] - rotation_angle

M1 = M
e1 = e
e2 = e1
e = goal - M
M = M1 + Kp * (e-e1) + Ki * e + Kd * ((e-e1) - (e1-e2))

if difference < math.pi and difference > -math.pi:
zenshin = 1
zenshin = 0

if M > 1:
M = 1
if M < -1:
M = -1

dutyL = 7.5 + 2.5*((zenshin + M) / 2)
dutyR = 7.5 + 2.5*((zenshin - M) / 2)

with servo(pinL) as svL, servo(pinR) as svR:

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