I'm passionate about table tennis and love exploring new things. As a developer, I'm committed to contributing to the open-source community.
- LXC: My name's initials
- CODER: Represents my passion for programming
- 2008: Birth year, showing my uniqueness
- Access URL: https://tools.lbeam08.cn/
- Based on @CorentinTh/it-tools
- Integrates commonly used development tools, providing convenient online services
- Access URL: https://gpt.lbeam08.cn/
- Based on @Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web
- Provides intelligent conversation services
- Access key required for usage
To obtain an access key, please send an email to [email protected]. I will respond as soon as possible.
- The IT Tools project is developed based on the original open-source project by @CorentinTh
- Web ChatGPT service requires an access key to ensure service quality and sustainability
- Feedback and suggestions are welcome to help improve these tools
- As the author is from China, all services are hosted on servers located in Beijing, China. Users from other regions might experience slower loading times due to geographical distance and network conditions
- Email: [email protected]