- Lukas Oswald
- Nam Khanh Nguyen (RickAndMhorti)
- Paulus Bintang Timur (PaulusDew)
- A university student needs to log into Google Drive on the professor's PC, connected to the projector, to do a presentation
- He can only get his Google password on his phone
- He is a cautious web user, so all of his passwords are different and usually look like this: 8fc#TdPICC*jpA#u
- It is impractical to sit there and slowly type the whole thing out
- The student goes to the Hopper website on his phone
- He copies and pastes the password into an empty text field
- On submission, a custom ID (called a "Key") is generated and given to him
- The student goes to the Hopper website on his professor's PC
- He types in the Key, which is significantly easier to do
- The website returns the password he submitted on his phone
- He can now copy and paste the password to log into Google
(If he doesn't choose to delete the password immediately, it will be automatically wiped from the database after 3 minutes)