LiveKit is an open source project that provides scalable, multi-user conferencing over WebRTC. It's designed to give you everything you need to build real time video/audio capabilities in your applications.
- Horizontally scalable WebRTC Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU)
- Modern, full-featured client SDKs for JS, iOS, Android, and Flutter
- Built for production - JWT authentication and server APIs
- Robust networking & connectivity, over UDP & TCP
- Easy to deploy - pure Go & single binary
- Advanced features - speaker detection, simulcast, selective subscription, moderation APIs, and webhooks.
Docs & Guides at:
Head to our playground and give it a spin. Build a Zoom-like conferencing app in under 100 lines of code!
Client SDKs:
Server SDKs:
- Javascript (docs)
- Go (docs)
- Go 1.15+ is installed
- GOPATH/bin is in your PATH
Then run
git clone
cd livekit-server
LiveKit is published to Docker Hub under livekit/livekit-server
LiveKit utilizes JWT based access tokens for authentication to all of its APIs. Because of this, the server needs a list of valid API keys and secrets to validate the provided tokens. For more, see Access Tokens guide.
Generate API key/secret pairs with:
./bin/livekit-server generate-keys
docker run --rm livekit/livekit-server generate-keys
Store the generate keys in a YAML file like:
APIwLeah7g4fuLYDYAJeaKsSE: 8nTlwISkb-63DPP7OH4e.nw.J44JjicvZDiz8J59EoQ+
In development mode, LiveKit has no external dependencies. You can start LiveKit by passing it the API keys it should use
. LiveKit could also use a config file or config environment
LIVEKIT_KEYS="<key>: <secret>" ./bin/livekit-server --dev
docker run --rm \
-p 7880:7880 \
-p 7881:7881 \
-p 7882:7882/udp \
-e LIVEKIT_KEYS="<key>: <secret>" \
livekit/livekit-server \
--dev \
When running with docker, --node-ip
needs to be set to your machine's IP address. If the service is to be exposed to
public internet, this should the machine's public IP.
The --dev
flag turns on log verbosity to make it easier for local debugging/development
To create a join token for clients, livekit-server provides a convenient subcommand to create a development token. This token has an expiration of a month, which is useful for development & testing, but not appropriate for production use.
./bin/livekit-server --key-file <path/to/keyfile> create-join-token --room "myroom" --identity "myidentity"
To test your server, you can use our example web client (built with our React component)
Enter generated access token and you are connected to a room!
LiveKit is deployable to any environment that supports docker, including Kubernetes and Amazon ECS.
See deployment docs at
We welcome your contributions to make LiveKit better! Please join us on Slack to discuss your ideas and/or submit PRs.
LiveKit server is licensed under Apache License v2.0.