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Luca Cadamuro edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 15 revisions

Output examples: ROOT flat Ntuples and "Enriched" miniAOD

NEW STANDALONE HH_lambda20 signal file

test over 50K events (one MINIAOD file):
old ROOTfile with all triggers
ROOTfile with reco::Leptons
ROOTfile without reco::Leptons

TrigReport ---------- Modules in Path: p ------------
TrigReport Trig Bit# Visited Passed Failed Error Name
TrigReport 1 0 49598 7587 42011 0 hltFilterDiMu

TimeReport ---------- Module Summary ---[sec]----
TimeReport per event per module-run per module-visit
TimeReport CPU Real CPU Real CPU Real Name
TimeReport 0.000019 0.000021 0.000019 0.000021 0.000019 0.000021 TriggerResults
TimeReport 0.000114 0.000116 0.000114 0.000116 0.000114 0.000116 goodPrimaryVertices
TimeReport 0.000009 0.000011 0.000009 0.000011 0.000009 0.000011 hltFilterDiMu
TimeReport 0.000011 0.000013 0.000075 0.000085 0.000075 0.000085 cleanedMu
TimeReport 0.000005 0.000005 0.000031 0.000033 0.000031 0.000033 bareSoftMuons
TimeReport 0.000009 0.000010 0.000058 0.000062 0.000058 0.000062 softMuons
TimeReport 0.000005 0.000005 0.000032 0.000030 0.000032 0.000030 bareSoftElectrons
TimeReport 0.000062 0.000079 0.000403 0.000515 0.000403 0.000515 softElectrons
TimeReport 0.000007 0.000089 0.000043 0.000584 0.000043 0.000584 cleanSoftElectrons
TimeReport 0.000004 0.000005 0.000029 0.000031 0.000029 0.000031 bareTaus
TimeReport 0.000012 0.000012 0.000076 0.000077 0.000076 0.000077 softTaus
TimeReport 0.000007 0.000008 0.000049 0.000051 0.000049 0.000051 softLeptons
TimeReport 0.000012 0.000012 0.000080 0.000078 0.000080 0.000078 barellCand
TimeReport 0.000006 0.000006 0.000037 0.000037 0.000037 0.000037 jets
TimeReport 0.995021 0.995318 6.504687 6.506626 6.504687 6.506626 SVllCand
TimeReport 0.000282 0.000293 0.001847 0.001914 0.001847 0.001914 HTauTauTree
TimeReport CPU Real CPU Real CPU Real Name
TimeReport per event per module-run per module-visit

MINIAOD file size: 1.2 GB
Output file size: with all triggers but without reco::Candidates: 13MB with only fired triggers and with all reco::Candidates leptons: 25MB
without reco::Candidates and without non-fired triggers: 2.8MB

Trigger: 22253 Pairs out of 49957 events (0.45 pairs/ev) with current selection (8.12.2014)
9615 Pairs out of the 7587 events (1.3 pairs/ev) with good trigger


  • Most (80%) of muon have the wrong mass (139.57 instead of 104.7)
  • Several e have mass<0 (resolution?)
  • (Not a bug, but TBC: how much the size increases when including softLeptons as reco::Candidate?=>modify the code as well to create the branch when flag is true)
  • Should we use pat::MET.sumEt() and pat::MET::phi() or pat::MET.corSumEt() and pat::MET::uncorrectedphi()?
  • dz for tau (see tauFiller): secondary vertex pointer is 0 even if the hasSecondaryVertex flag is true
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