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List of output tree branches from (github.com/LLRCMS/LLRHiggsTauTau/blob/master/NtupleProducer/plugins/HTauTauNtuplizer.cc):
myTree->Branch("EventNumber",&_indexevents,"EventNumber/I"); myTree->Branch("RunNumber",&_runNumber,"RunNumber/I"); myTree->Branch("triggerbit",&_triggerbit,"triggerbit/I"); myTree->Branch("met",&_met,"met/F"); myTree->Branch("metphi",&_metphi,"metphi/F"); myTree->Branch("mothers",&_mothers); myTree->Branch("daughters",&_daughters); if(writeSoftLep)myTree->Branch("softLeptons",&_softLeptons); //myTree->Branch("daughters2",&_daughter2); myTree->Branch("SVfitMass",&_SVmass); myTree->Branch("METx",&_metx); myTree->Branch("METy",&_mety); myTree->Branch("PDGIdDaughters",&_pdgdau); myTree->Branch("indexDau1",&_indexDau1); myTree->Branch("indexDau2",&_indexDau2); myTree->Branch("particleType",&_particleType); myTree->Branch("discriminator",&_discriminator); myTree->Branch("dxy",&_dxy); myTree->Branch("dz",&_dz); myTree->Branch("decayMode",&_decayType); myTree->Branch("combreliso",& _combreliso); myTree->Branch("JetsNumber",&_numberOfJets,"JetsNumber/I"); myTree->Branch("jets",&_jets); myTree->Branch("bDiscriminator",&_bdiscr); myTree->Branch("bCSVscore",&_bdiscr2);
eventNumber: int. Event number
runNumber: int. Run number
triggerbit: int. Each bit corresponds to one of the available triggers, 1 if that trigger is fired in the event. The [OfflineProducerHelper](github.com/LLRCMS/LLRHiggsTauTau/blob/master/NtupleProducer/Utils/OfflineProducerHelper.h) can be used to translate the bit in the trigger path
met: float. The pat::MET::sumEt() of the event. (NB, this is NOT pat::MET()::corSumEt())
metphi: float. The pat::MET::phi() of the event. (NB, this is NOT pat::MET()::uncorrectedPhy())
mothers: vector<XYZTLorentzVector>. Vector with the p4() of the pairs. All the OS pairs.
daughters: vector<XYZTLorentzVector>. Vector with the p4() of all the leptons in the event.
softLeptons: vector<reco::Candidate>. Vector with all the leptons as reco::candidates (can be disabled)
SVfitMass: vector<float>. SVFitMass of the pairs, one entry for pair.
METx: vector<float>. MET x component for the pair. one entry for pair.
METy: vector<float>. MET y component for the pair. one entry for pair.
PDGIdDaughters: vector<int>. pdg code for the single leptons. One entry for lepton.
indexDau1: vector<int>. Reference to the lepton 1 in the pair. One entry for pair, it is the position of the lepton 1 in the daughters vector.
indexDau2: vector<int>. Reference to the lepton 2 in the pair. One entry for pair, it is the position of the lepton 2 in the daughters vector.
particleType: vector<int>. Particle flavour. 0 for muon, 1 for ele, 2 for tau. One entry for lepton.
discriminator: vector<float>. if electron is the BDT output, if tau the discriminator variable (0 for mu). One entry for lepton.
dxy: vector<float>. dxy of the lepton. One entry for lepton.
dz: vector<float>. dz of the lepton. One entry for lepton. is 999 for tau (tbc why)
decayMode: vector<int>. If tau, tau decay mode. 0 otherwise. One entry for lepton.
combreliso: vector<float>. Lepton combined relative ISO. See recipes in the Tau/Mu/EleFiller.cc plugins. One entry for lepton.
JetsNumber: int. Number of jets in the event.
jets: vector<XYZTLorentzVector>. p4() of all the jets.
bDiscriminator: vector<float>. jet b discriminator. One entry for jet.
bCSVscore: vector<float>. jet CSV score. One entry for jet.