A simple web interface to call a robot
- clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/LCAS/CallARobot.git
- go into the
directory:cd .devcontainer
- run
docker compose up -d
- find the port to access the car server:
docker compose port nginx 80
, it should show something like0.0.0.0:32881
- open you browser to go to http://localhost:PORTNUMBER, in the above case it would be http://localhost:32881
Even easier may be to use the devcontainer in VSCode:
- In VSCode open the repository
- It should prompt you to open as devcontainer
- Once start, under ports, the forwarded port for the CAR server is found
- In the VSCode terminal, run
python callarobot.py
and you should be able to access it under the "CAR server" forwarded port
run sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
- run as
WEBSOCKET_URL="wss://lcas.lincoln.ac.uk/rasberry/ws" python callarobot.py
- run as
WEBSOCKET_URL="wss://lcas.lincoln.ac.uk/rasberry/ws" python ws_client.py
The demo client ws_client
will start as ROS node if it find rospy
rostopic echo /car_client/get_states
returns a JSON string looking something like this on every state change:data: '{"states": {"marc": "INIT"}, "_id": "13ed12d2-a398-4bdc-95e4-27a4563fddfe" , "method": "update_orders"}'
rostopic echo /car_client/get_gps
returns a JSON string looking something like this on every gps update change:data: '{"lat": 53.232973799999996, "_id": "578a0829-1fec-4843-9e2d-6f82136058b5", "method": "update_position", "long": -0.5458096000000001, "user": "marc" }'
set a state, by publishing a JSON string to
: e.g.rostopic pub /car_client/set_states std_msgs/String "data: '{\"user\": \"marc\", \"state\": \"CALLED\"}'"
<Location /rasberry/car>
SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass http://localhost:8127/car
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8127/rasberry/car
<LocationMatch "/rasberry/car/ws">
ProxyPassMatch ws://localhost:8128/ disablereuse=On
ProxyPassReverse ws://localhost:8128/
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
#LogLevel Debug