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Easy way to install DVWA on Ubuntu 22.04 using Ansible. For more information on this app please see the upstream repo Before running this playbook you will need to run first but you do need ansible installed before that.

What does this playbook do?

It installs a LAMP stack(apache, mariadb and php) and configures them to get a working system to run DVWA


Credit goes to which this playbook is based on. I have fixed things that ansible has been complaining about, so you can use it with the lastest version and to get it to clone from git master instead of using a zip file release

Running playbook

Set up a Ubuntu 22.04 server with a user called ansible and update the IP in the hosts.yml file and do the following from the root of this folder on a host that has ansible installed

ansible-playbook main.yml -i hosts.yml -k -K


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