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Version 1.1.0

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@sshanks-kx sshanks-kx released this 30 Oct 09:43

Ability to get different Solace message payload types:

Current callbacks for new messages give the binary payload to the registered func

  • setTopicMsgCallback
  • setQueueMsgCallback

New alternative methods give Q the msg on their registered callback functions (instead of the binary payload parameter)

  • setTopicRawMsgCallback
  • setQueueRawMsgCallback

When the user it given the msg, they can call one of the following to get the payload

  • getPayloadAsXML
  • getPayloadAsString
  • getPayloadAsBinary

This isnt about us transforming the data, but how Solace encodes and stores data in the msgs - each of these calls a corresponding solace C call to get the XML/string/binary data (i.e. the solace string works when the sender has sent a solace string type message).
An example of this style is now shown in examples/sol_sub_direct.q