This projects is an opinionanted way to bootstrap express API projects. It creates the project structure, sets up typescript, installs common (essential) dependencies, sets up linting and provides some scripts to get up and running easily.
This template is fully compatible with windows now.
(Hopefully it's simple and beginner friendly :) );
Make sure you have yarn and at least node 12 instaled
First of all run
npx create-backend-template {projectName}
to bootstrap your project
A .env file will be created for you by default, edit it with your basic info then run:
yarn dev
to start your server.
This script runs your typescript code with ts node and automatically restarts the server when there are changes to files.
yarn dev
This script compiles your typescript code into javascript and stores it in the build folder. if there's not build folder, it creates one automatically for you.
yarn build
This runs your javascript files directly. Use this command to run your servers in production.
yarn start
Sequelize is used under the hood as an ORM & by default it's configured for postgres databases. This
command runs all your sequelize migrations. You can also use migrate:u
to undo last migration or
to undo all migrations
yarn migrate
yarn migrate:u
yarn migrate:u:a
This creates a model for you using sequelize. It accepts the model name and attributes as parameters.
yarn model {modelNAme} --attributes {attrib}:{type}
N.B it similar to running:
sequelize-cli model:generate --name {modelName} --attributes {attrib}:{type}
This creates a migration file for you using sequelize. It accepts the migration file name as a parameter.
yarn migration {create-tableName}
N.B it similar to running: sequelize-cli migration:create {create-tableName}
This runs all the necessary commands to create a deployment.
yarn deploy
Simply edit the .npm rc file and add the registry you want to use.
Swagger is already set up and ready to use. Just include you docs under paths in src/swagger.ts Once done, hit /docs in your browser to see your swagger docs.
The following dependencies are installed along with the project.
- axios
- compression
- cors
- date-fns
- dotenv
- express
- express-validator
- helmet
- jsonwebtoken
- nanoid
- pg
- pg-hstore
- sequelize
- sequelize-cli
- swagger-ui-express
- express-rate-limit
- @types/compression
- @types/cors
- @types/express
- @types/express-rate-limit
- @types/jsonwebtoken
- @types/sequelize
- eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb-typescript
- eslint-plugin-import
- typescript
Feel free to fork, open PRs and report issues. Any kind of feedback is appreciated.