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Added functioning Timpani Drum.
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KristofferStrube committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 5657a1c commit a1c5830
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Showing 2 changed files with 111 additions and 67 deletions.
176 changes: 110 additions & 66 deletions samples/KristofferStrube.Blazor.WebAudio.WasmExample/Pages/Drums.razor
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<p>Different drums are essentially just a combination of different enharmonic modes each with different frequencies, amplitudes, and decay times + some noice from the kick.</p>

Here we have a button that we can use to make a Bass Drum kick. An approximation of it is <code>OscillatorNode</code>s with the frequencies 50, 86, 136, 182, 225, 273 each with the same decay time (0.2 seconds) but with decreasing amplitude the higher the frequency gets.<br />
<small class="text-muted">I still havn't added the noise from the kick as I'm still figuring out how to do that in the simplest way.</small>
Below here we have a <b style="color:orange;">Timpani Drum</b> and soon I will add a <b style="color:green;">Bass Drum</b>.

<buttton class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" @onclick=PlaySound>🥁</buttton>
<svg width="200" height="200" @onpointerdown=PlayTimps>
<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="90" fill="orange" stroke="orangered"></circle>

<h3>Time Domain Data</h3>
<hr />
<Plot Data="timeDomainMeasurements" />
<h3>Frequency Data</h3>
<hr />
<Plot Data="frequencyMeasurements" />

@code {
static readonly float[] bassDrumFrecuencies = new float[] { 50, 118, 86, 93, 136, 182, 225, 273 };

AudioContext? context;
OscillatorNode[]? oscillatorNodes;
//AudioBufferSourceNode? noiseNode;
ChannelMergerNode? channelMergerNode;
ChannelSplitterNode? channelSplitterNode;
GainNode? gainNode;
DynamicsCompressorNode? compressorNode;
AudioDestinationNode? destinationNode;

public async Task PlaySound()
static readonly float[] timpsFrequencies = new float[] { 1.00f, 1.50f, 1.98f, 2.44f };
static readonly float[] timpsAmplitudes = new float[] { 1, 0.8f, 0.6f, 0.2f };
static readonly float[] timpsDecays = new float[] { 4.5f, 7.5f, 9f, 8.5f };
static readonly double[] lastTimpTime = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

bool makingMeasurements = false;
AudioContext context = default!;
DynamicsCompressorNode mainNode = default!;
AnalyserNode analyser = default!;
byte[] timeDomainMeasurements = Array.Empty<byte>();
byte[] frequencyMeasurements = Array.Empty<byte>();

public async Task Initialize()
if (context is null || gainNode is null)
if (context is null || mainNode is null || analyser is null)
// We create our context and all the nodes we need.
context = await AudioContext.CreateAsync(JSRuntime);
oscillatorNodes = new OscillatorNode[bassDrumFrecuencies.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < bassDrumFrecuencies.Length; i++)
OscillatorOptions options = new() { Type = OscillatorType.Sine, Frequency = bassDrumFrecuencies[i] };
oscillatorNodes[i] = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, options);
channelMergerNode = await context.CreateChannelMergerAsync(numberOfInputs: (ulong)bassDrumFrecuencies.Length);
channelSplitterNode = await context.CreateChannelSplitterAsync(numberOfOutputs: 2);
gainNode = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
compressorNode = await context.CreateDynamicsCompressorAsync();
destinationNode = await context.GetDestinationAsync();

// We add a local gain for each of the oscillators and connect them to the merger.
for (int i = 0; i < bassDrumFrecuencies.Length; i++)
var oscillatorNode = oscillatorNodes[i];
GainNode localModeGain = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 1.0f - (i / (float)bassDrumFrecuencies.Length) });
await oscillatorNode.ConnectAsync(localModeGain);
await localModeGain.ConnectAsync(channelMergerNode);
await oscillatorNode.StartAsync();

// We then add some noise to the mix as well simulating the kick when the stick hits the drum.
// int bufferSize = (int)await context.GetSampleRateAsync();
// AudioBuffer buffer = await context.DecodeAudioDataAsync(Enumerable.Range(0, bufferSize).Select(i => (byte)(i % 2)).ToArray());
// noiseNode = await AudioBufferSourceNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Buffer = buffer });
// await noiseNode.ConnectAsync(channelMergerNode);
// We seperate the merged channels out to stereo channels
// and then through a gain node we use to control when the sound is audible before finally normalising the sound.
await channelMergerNode.ConnectAsync(channelSplitterNode);
await channelSplitterNode.ConnectAsync(gainNode);
await gainNode.ConnectAsync(compressorNode);
await compressorNode.ConnectAsync(destinationNode);
mainNode = await DynamicsCompressorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context);
analyser = await context.CreateAnalyserAsync();
var mixer = await context.GetDestinationAsync();
await mainNode.ConnectAsync(analyser);
await analyser.ConnectAsync(mixer);

public async Task Analyze()
if (makingMeasurements) return;
makingMeasurements = true;

// When the button is clicked we only change the gain of the output.
// We start of with getting the current value of the gain and the time.
AudioParam gainAudioParam = await gainNode.GetGainAsync();
double currentTime = await context.GetCurrentTimeAsync();
float currentValue = await gainAudioParam.GetValueAsync();
// Then we hold the value that it has right now for 0.05 seconds.
await gainAudioParam.CancelAndHoldAtTimeAsync(currentTime);
await gainAudioParam.SetValueAtTimeAsync(currentValue, currentTime + 0.05);
// And the we ramp up the amplitude to 1 over 0.05 seconds before ramping down to 0 again over 0.2 seconds.
await gainAudioParam.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(1, currentTime + 0.1);
await gainAudioParam.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0, currentTime + 0.3);
int bufferLength = (int)await analyser.GetFrequencyBinCountAsync();
var timeDomainDataArray = await Uint8Array.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, bufferLength);
var frequencyDataArray = await Uint8Array.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, bufferLength);

while (makingMeasurements)
await analyser.GetByteTimeDomainDataAsync(timeDomainDataArray);
await analyser.GetByteFrequencyDataAsync(frequencyDataArray);

timeDomainMeasurements = await timeDomainDataArray.GetByteArrayAsync();
frequencyMeasurements = await frequencyDataArray.GetByteArrayAsync();
await Task.Delay(1);

public async Task StopSound()
public async Task PlayTimps(PointerEventArgs eventArgs)
if (oscillatorNodes is null) return;
await Initialize();

float distanceFromMid = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(eventArgs.OffsetX - 100, 2) + Math.Pow(eventArgs.OffsetY - 100, 2));
if (distanceFromMid > 90) return;
float pitch = 100 + distanceFromMid;

foreach (OscillatorNode oscillatorNode in oscillatorNodes)
ConstantSourceNode cVMixer = await ConstantSourceNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Offset = pitch });
await cVMixer.StartAsync();

GainNode[]? timpOscillatorAmplifiers = new GainNode[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var oscillator = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Type = OscillatorType.Sine, Frequency = 0 });
var amplifier = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
await oscillator.ConnectAsync(amplifier);
await amplifier.ConnectAsync(mainNode);
var oscillatorFrequency = await oscillator.GetFrequencyAsync();
var frequencyRelativeAmplifier = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = timpsFrequencies[i] });
await frequencyRelativeAmplifier.ConnectAsync(oscillatorFrequency);
await cVMixer.ConnectAsync(frequencyRelativeAmplifier);
timpOscillatorAmplifiers[i] = amplifier;
await oscillator.StartAsync();

var time = await context.GetCurrentTimeAsync();

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
await oscillatorNode.StopAsync();
var gain = await timpOscillatorAmplifiers[i].GetGainAsync();
await gain.SetValueAsync(await gain.GetValueAsync());
await gain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(timpsAmplitudes[i] / timpsAmplitudes.Sum(), time + 0.3);
var endTime = time + timpsDecays[i] * 0.1;
await gain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0, endTime);
lastTimpTime[i] = endTime;

var noiseCarrier = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Frequency = 100 });
var noiseModulator = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Frequency = 87 });
var noiseRingModulator = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
var noiseGain = await noiseRingModulator.GetGainAsync();
var noiseHighPassFilter = await BiquadFilterNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Type = BiquadFilterType.Highpass, Frequency = 150, Q = 1 });
var noiseAmplifier = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
await noiseCarrier.ConnectAsync(noiseRingModulator);
await noiseModulator.ConnectAsync(noiseGain);
await noiseRingModulator.ConnectAsync(noiseHighPassFilter);
await noiseHighPassFilter.ConnectAsync(noiseAmplifier);
await noiseAmplifier.ConnectAsync(mainNode);
await noiseCarrier.StartAsync();
await noiseModulator.StartAsync();
var noiseAmplifierGain = await noiseAmplifier.GetGainAsync();
await noiseAmplifierGain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0.2f, time + 0.3);
await noiseAmplifierGain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0, time + timpsDecays.Max() * 0.1);

await Analyze();

public async Task StopSound()
if (mainNode is null || analyser is null) return;

await mainNode.DisconnectAsync(analyser);

public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
makingMeasurements = false;
await StopSound();
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class ConstantSourceNode : AudioScheduledSourceNode
public static async Task<ConstantSourceNode> CreateAsync(IJSRuntime jSRuntime, BaseAudioContext context, ConstantSourceOptions? options = null)
IJSObjectReference helper = await jSRuntime.GetHelperAsync();
IJSObjectReference jSInstance = await helper.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("constructConstantSourceNode", context, options);
IJSObjectReference jSInstance = await helper.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("constructConstantSourceNode", context.JSReference, options);
return new ConstantSourceNode(jSRuntime, jSInstance);

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