composer require kristianlentino/watermark-fpdf
Permette di creare facilmente un watermark in un file PDF. Esempio:
use Kristianlentino\WatermarkFpdf\WatermarkFpdi;
$fpdi = new WatermarkFpdi();
$pdfPath = __DIR__. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'../media/lf_ebooks/1634655065/file.pdf';
$pdfPathSave = __DIR__. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'../media/lf_ebooks/1634655065/file_prova.pdf';
$pageCount = $fpdi->setSourceFile($pdfPath);
for ($pageNo = 1; $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) {
// import a page
$templateId = $fpdi->importPage($pageNo);
$size = $fpdi->getTemplateSize($templateId);
//set the new page to the size of the template
//the last parameter will adjust the size of the page
$fpdi->useTemplate($templateId, 0, 0, null, null, true);
// set alpha to semi-transparency
// set alpha to semi-transparency
I --> mostra il file nel browser,
D --> Download file
F --> Salva il file in locale
S --> Ritorna il file come stringa
return $fpdi->Output($pdfPathSave,'I');
Queste funzioni sono state prese dai seguenti link: