Home page: https://www.code-aster.org/
code_aster source files are dispatched into 3 repositories.
- src: containing Python, C/C++, Fortran source files, its build scripts and most of the testcases,
- validation: few testcase files with proprietary datas,
- data: material datas that can not be freely distributed.
Other independent repositories exist:
Content of the src repository
This repository contains the source files of code_aster and its build scripts.
Usually the repositories are cloned under $HOME/dev/codeaster
The branches are:
: The development branch where the current work goes. -
: The maintenance branch for the stable versions. Only fixes are added, no new features. -
: The branch of the old stable version. Not updated anymore.
Each published version is tagged with its number. Examples: 15.4.8, 16.0.9.
Two tags are used aliases and moved when new versions are published:
: The latest frozen state of the stable version in the maintenance branch (ex. 15.5.0). -
: The latest frozen state of the development version in the development branch (ex. 16.1.0).
Two names are often used in discussions to identify the code during its enhancements:
: The head of the development branch. -
: The head of the maintenance branch.
code_aster needs some prerequisites.
Singularity containers are available from the website in the section Download/salome_meca. The current version salome_meca and the prerequisites are provided in these containers. Of course the container must be updated each time that new prerequisites are required by the development version.
See the Installation and Development documentation and its changelog page to select the correct image to be used.
The prerequisites can be installed natively (see Compiling code_aster from scratch).
If one prerequisite is missing, one should use the option --no-enable-all
during the
configuration stage (by default all prerequisites are required/enabled):
./waf configure --no-enable-all
./waf install -j 8
From the version 16.3.2 to the current development version, the container name is salome_meca-lgpl-2022.1.0-1-20221225-scibian-9.sif.
$ mkdir $HOME/containers && cd $HOME/containers
# download and the container image (.sif) here
$ singularity run --app install salome_meca-lgpl-2022.1.0-1-20221225-scibian-9.sif
# build code_aster in the container environment
$ cd $HOME/dev/codeaster/src
$ $HOME/containers/salome_meca-lgpl-2022.1.0-1-20221225-scibian-9 --shell
Singularity> ./waf configure install -j 8
# or, with the embeeded makefile
Singularity> make bootstrap