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Repository files navigation SDK offers Bots SDKs as a set of platform-specific client libraries that provide a quick and convenient way to integrate Bots chat capability into custom applications.

With just few lines of code, you can embed our chat widget into your applications to enable end-users to interact with your applications using Natural Language. For more information, refer to

Bot SDKs

Web SDK Tutorial

Web Socket Endpoints and Events

SDK Security

SDK App Registration

Message Templates Web SDK for developers SDK for web enables you to talk to bots over a web socket. This repo also comes with the code for sample application that developers can modify according to their Bot configuration.

#Supported Browsers

  1. Google Chrome version 55 & above
  2. Mozilla Firefox version 51 & above
  3. Microsoft Edge version 111 & above
  4. Mac Safari version 9.1 & above
  5. Opera version 48 & above

#Supported JQuery version 3.3.1

Setting up


  • Service to generate JWT (JSON Web Tokens)- SDK uses this to send the user identity to Platform.

  • SDK app credentials

    • Login to the Bots platform
    • Navigate to the Bot builder
    • Search and click on the bot
    • Navigate to Apps & Agents tab and click on Web/Mobile SDK menu to create new or use existing SDK app
    • obtain client id and client secret as shown in the screen below Obtain Client id and Client secret
    • Enable Web / Mobile Client channel against the bot as shown in the screen below. Add bot to Web/Mobile Client channel
  • Service to generate JWT (JSON Web Tokens)- this service will be used in the assertion function injected to obtain the connection.


Integration of chat UI into your App. Clone the repository and create your html file inside the UI folder.

1. Include Dependent CSS

<link href="libs/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<link href="chatWindow.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<link href="../libs/emojione.sprites.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<link href="../libs/purejscarousel.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<link href="custom/customTemplate.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>

2. Include Dependent JS

<script src="libs/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="libs/jquery.tmpl.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="libs/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src='libs/moment.js'></script>
<script src="../libs/lodash.min.js"></script>

3. Include the graph dependent JS

<script src="../libs/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
<script src="../libs/KoreGraphAdapter.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

4. Include the kore-bot-sdk-client.js ,anonymousassertion.js & chatWindow.js files

<script src='../libs/anonymousassertion.js'></script>
<script src="../kore-bot-sdk-client.js"></script>
<script src="chatWindow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

5. Include dependencies for recorder , emoji, charts, Google speech and carousel template support

<script src="../libs/emoji.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../libs/recorder.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../libs/recorderWorker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../libs/purejscarousel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="custom/customTemplate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Uncomment following lines for Google Speech. -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/speech/app.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/speech/key.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/client_api.js"></script> -->

6. Define the assertion function (Should be defined by the clients)

    //SECURITY RECOMMENDATION:Instead of sending the 'clientId' and  'clientSecret' from browser javascript, store it in server and use it during the jwt generation.
    //NOTE:clients has to define a API which should generate and return the JWT token. and do the necessary changes in the below function like change the url,type,Authorization and on success set the returned jwt.
    //fields to set in JWT:subject(emailId),issuer(clientId),algorithm(HS256 or RS256)

    function assertion(options, callback) {
	//client has to fill the claims and call the callback.
	var jsonData = {
		"clientId": botOptions.clientId,
		"clientSecret": botOptions.clientSecret,
		"identity": botOptions.userIdentity,
		"aud": "",
		"isAnonymous": false
		url: botOptions.JWTUrl,
		type: 'post',
		data: jsonData,
		dataType: 'json',
		success: function (data) {
			options.assertion = data.jwt;
			callback(null, options);
		error: function (err) {
			console.error("Error in JWT get: "+JSON.stringify(err))	

7. Initialize the Bot

//Define the bot options
var botOptions = {};
botOptions.koreAPIUrl = "";
botOptions.koreSpeechAPIUrl = ""; // This option is deprecated
botOptions.ttsSocketUrl = ''; // This option is deprecated
botOptions.assertionFn = assertion;
botOptions.koreAnonymousFn = koreAnonymousFn;
botOptions.botInfo = {"name":"Bot Name", "_id" :"Bot Id"};  //Capture Bot Name & Bot ID from Builder Tool app. Go to respective Bot and then navigate to Settings-->Config Settings-->General settings section. Bot Name is case sensitive.
botOptions.JWTUrl ="PLEASE_ENTER_JWTURL_HERE";//above assertion function  picks url from here
botOptions.userIdentity = 'PLEASE_ENTER_USER_EMAIL_ID';// Provide users email id here
botOptions.clientId   = "PLEASE_ENTER_CLIENT_ID"; // issued by the on client app registration.
botOptions.clientSecret="PLEASE_ENTER_CLIENT_SECRET";// issued by the on client app registration.

// Assign Bot options to chatWindow config
var chatConfig={
    allowIframe : false, // set true, opens authentication links in popup window, default value is "false"
    isSendButton: false, // set true, to show send button below the compose bar
    isTTSEnabled: true, // set false, to hide speaker icon
    isSpeechEnabled: true, // set false, to hide mic icon
    allowGoogleSpeech : true, //This feature requires valid Google speech API key. (Place it in 'web-kore-sdk/libs/speech/key.js')
    						  //Google speech works in Google Chrome browser without API key.
    allowLocation : true, // set false, to deny sending location to server
    loadHistory: false, // set true to load recent chat history
    messageHistoryLimit: 10, // set limit to load recent chat history
    autoEnableSpeechAndTTS : false, // set true, to use talkType voice keyboard.
    graphLib: "d3"  // set google, to render google charts.This feature requires loader.js file which is available in google charts documentation.
	googleMapsAPIKey:'' // please provide google maps API key to fetch user location.

8. Call koreBotChat instance

    var chatInstance = koreBotChat(); // get chat instance; // open chat window
    chatInstance.destroy(); // for destroying chat window instance

How to run sample application

Install node js if not installed

1. Configure the following parameters in kore-config.js

botOptions.JWTUrl = "PLEASE_ENTER_JWTURL_HERE";//URL of the Service to generate JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
botOptions.userIdentity = 'PLEASE_ENTER_USER_EMAIL_ID';// Provide users email id here
botOptions.botInfo = { name: "PLEASE_ENTER_BOT_NAME", "_id": "PLEASE_ENTER_BOT_ID" }; // bot name is case sensitive
botOptions.clientId = "PLEASE_ENTER_CLIENT_ID";
botOptions.clientSecret = "PLEASE_ENTER_CLIENT_SECRET";

3. Install the dependencies

npm install

4. Run the Application

npm start	

How to create your own ui with chat bot api

1. Include the kore-bot-sdk-client.js & dependencies

-   <script src='jquery.js'></script>
-   <script src=""></script>
-   <script src='../libs/anonymousassertion.js'></script>
-   <script src='../kore-bot-sdk-client.js'></script>

2. Define the assertion function (Should be defined by the clients)

    //NOTE:clients has to define a API which should generate and return the JWT token. and do the necessary changes in the below function like change the url,type,Authorization and on success set the returned jwt.
    //fields to set in JWT:subject(emailId),issuer(clientId),algorithm(HS256 or RS256)
    //client has to fill the claims and call the callback.
    function assertion(options, callback) {
	//client has to fill the claims and call the callback.
	var jsonData = {
		"clientId": botOptions.clientId,
		"clientSecret": botOptions.clientSecret,
		"identity": botOptions.userIdentity,
		"aud": "",
		"isAnonymous": false
		url: botOptions.JWTUrl,
		type: 'post',
		data: jsonData,
		dataType: 'json',
		success: function (data) {
			options.assertion = data.jwt;
			callback(null, options);
		error: function (err) {
			console.error("Error in JWT get: "+JSON.stringify(err))	

3. Initialize the Bot

//define the bot options
var botOptions = {}; 
botOptions.koreAPIUrl = "";
botOptions.koreSpeechAPIUrl = ""; //This option is deprecated
botOptions.ttsSocketUrl = ''; //This option is deprecated
botOptions.assertionFn = assertion;
botOptions.koreAnonymousFn = koreAnonymousFn;
botOptions.clientId   = "clientId"; // issued by the on client app registration.
botOptions.userIdentity = 'PLEASE_ENTER_USER_EMAIL_ID';// Provide users email id here
botOptions.botInfo = {"chatBot":"Bot Name", "taskBotId" :"Bot Id"};
//Capture Bot Name & Bot ID from Builder Tool app. Go to respective Bot and then navigate to Settings-->Genernal Settings section. Bot Name is case sensitive. 	
botOptions.loadHistory = true;	
var bot = requireKr('/KoreBot.js').instance(); //initialize the bot.
bot.init(botOptions); // bot instance created.
bot.destroy(); // Destroy bot instance 

4. Send message to Bot

    var messageToBot = {};
    messageToBot["message"] = {body:"your message",attachments:[]};
    messageToBot["resourceid"] = '/bot.message';
    // Should be an unique id for each message, you can use timestamp as well
    messageToBot["clientMessageId"] = 232341234; 
    // Send message to Bot
    bot.sendMessage(messageToBot, function messageSent() {

5. Listen to a Message (Response)

    // Event occurs when you recieve any message from server
        console.log("Received Message::",;
        // Converting JSON string to object
        var dataObj = JSON.parse (; 
        //differ user message & bot response check message type
        if(dataObj.from === "bot" && dataObj.type === "bot_response") {
            // Bot sends a message to you

6. To get old messages (optional)

//applicable only if botOptions.loadHistory = true;	
bot.on("history", function (historyRes) {;
    console.log("History ::", JSON.stringify(historyRes));

How to check connection established with bot

    // Open event triggers when connection established with bot
    bot.on("open", function (response) {
        // your code

How to listen web socket connection events

bot.on("rtm_client_initialized", function () {

		//where event is web socket's onerror event
		//where event is web socket's onclose event

How to integrate emojis into chat

  1. Make sure emoji.js and emojione.sprites.css are properly included(by default those are included in index.html)
  2. Download the "emojione.sprites.png" file from this url
  3. Under "libs" directory create a new folder named "img"
  4. Copy the downloaded "emojione.sprites.png" image file in created "img" folder

How to handle custom templates


  • Please add the following two attributes for parent div in the custom template html
  • data-kr-msg-id with value msgData.messageId and data-time with value msgData.createdOnTimemillis

How to integrate Amazon Polly TTS

  1. Uncomment amazon polly files 'plugins/aws-sdk-2.668.0.min.js' and 'plugins/kore-aws-polly.js' in index.html
  2. Provide AWS "REGION" and "IDENTITY_POOL_ID" in plugins/kore-aws-polly.js which can be generated from AWS web console by following the instructions here 3.In kore-config.js set chatConfig.ttsInterface to "awspolly" and chatConfig.isTTSEnabled to "true"

How to integrate Agent Desktop features

  1. Goto in index.html and uncomment AgentDesktop files agentdesktop.css,ac_webrtc.min.js,audio_player.js,config.js,libs/c2c.js and agentdesktop.js
  2. Include these files in gruntFile.js if you are using minifed SDK

Note: When integrated into an iFrame, the SDK's functionality will be confined to that specific frame

How to implement minified SDK

node js:
    Install node js if not installed

    -> Go to UI folder and run "npm install" in terminal to install dependencies
    -> Run "grunt" in terminal. This will generate minified versions of js and css files
		for widgets+chat combination use grunt --type="widgets_chat"
		for only widgets  use grunt --type="widgets"
		Any additions or deletions of script and css inclusions should be updated in /UI/gruntFile.js 
    -> Now comment all the js and css references in index.html 
    -> Add the following lines
        <link href="dist/kore-ai-sdk.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
        <script src="dist/kore-ai-sdk.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>  

How to resolve conflicts with existing libraries like jquery, require, etc..

1. Add "libs/kore-no-conflict-start.js" before kore SDK files which will stores your library references.
2.Add "libs/kore-no-conflict-end.js" after kore SDK files which will reassign your library references.
In our sample UI/index.html it is been included already.	

How to enable API based (webhook channel) message communication

1. Enable the webhook channel by following the below link
2.Configure the botOptions in kore-config.js with the values you get in above steps
	botOptions.JWTUrl = "PLEASE_ENTER_JWTURL_HERE";//URL of the Service to generate JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
	botOptions.userIdentity = 'PLEASE_ENTER_USER_EMAIL_ID';// Provide users email id here
	botOptions.botInfo = { name: "PLEASE_ENTER_BOT_NAME", "_id": "PLEASE_ENTER_BOT_ID" }; // bot name is case sensitive
	botOptions.clientId = "PLEASE_ENTER_CLIENT_ID";
	botOptions.clientSecret = "PLEASE_ENTER_CLIENT_SECRET";
3.Un comment the following lines in UI/kore-config.js and provide the webhookURL which you get in the above steps
// for webhook based communication use following option 
// botOptions.webhookConfig={
//     enable:true,
//     apiVersion:2	
// }		

Release History

v10.7.0 [Minor] on 28-Sept-2024: Master branch
                1.History syncing can now be disabled during network resume by using the kore config. Added following config in the kore config
                    syncMessages: {
                        onNetworkResume: {
                            enable: true,  // Set true to sync messages on network back
                            batchSize: 10   // To configure the number of messages to fetch
                2.Two mandatory attributes have been introduced for custom templates to prevent duplicate template issues. Please refer to the link for more details -> 

v10.6.1 [Minor] on 14-Sept-2024: Master branch
                1.Dropdown template selected option name display issue fix
                2.Added date-time attribute for templates to avoid duplicate render on history api call

v10.6.0 [Minor] on 31-Aug-2024: Master branch
                1.Added optional delimiter key as connecting word/character between the start date and end date for date range template. Please find the json here ->
                1.Duplicate user messages issue fix
                2.Intermittent attachment upload token issue fix
                3.Agent responses repeatedly reading issue fix for sync messages

v10.5.1 [Minor] on 10-Aug-2024: Master branch
                1.Added new checklist template. Please find the relevant JSON and screenshot in the link ->
                1.Agent desktop cobrowse iceServers changed & incresed packet limit

v10.5.0 [Minor] on 27-July-2024: Master branch
                1.WCAG issues fix for attachment cancel button and header controls
v10.4.1 [Minor] on 13-July-2024: Master branch
                1.Messages can be synced now on Reconnect. Added config to enable disable syncing in kore config
                   syncMessages: {
                       onReconnect: {
                           enable: false,  // Set true to sync messages on Reconnect
                           batchSize: 10   // To configure the number of messages to fetch

        Breaking changes
                1.Agent joining message ui changed from system template to standard message

                1.Agent transfer issue fix on speaker enable
                2.Agent desktop cobrowse issue fix

v10.4.0 [Minor] on 29-June-2024: Master branch
                1.History sync issue fix on network connect/disconnect
                2.Button template user message text issue fix

v10.3.1 [Minor] on 15-June-2024: Master branch
                1.TTS message reading sequence added
                2.Carousel template sliding issue fix for mobile devices

v10.3.0 [Minor] on 01-June-2024: Master branch
                1.Removed console log in STT

v10.2.1 [Minor] on 11-May-2024: Master branch
                1.Date formatting issue fix in date & date range templates
                2.Agent desktop plugin issues fix
                3.Removed hard coded urls in article template

v10.2.0 [Minor] on 27-Apr-2024: Master branch
                1.Added config for the websocket url to add custom query parameters 
                    botOptions.webSocketConfig = {
                        socketUrl: {
                            queryParams: {} // add query params in the object
                  Note: isReconnect remains unchanged and will function as intended

                1.CSAT rating template text color issue fix
                2.Agent desktop plugin issues fix

v10.1.21 [Minor] on 09-Mar-2024: Master branch
                1.cobrowse stun server urls format change

v10.1.20 [Minor] on 24-Feb-2024: Master branch
                1.Universal selector issue fix in widget
                2.Whitelisted b & br tags
                3.Agent desktop plugin issues fix

v10.1.17 [Minor] on 06-Jan-2024: Master branch
                1.Added config for retries count for api reconnect on failure. Configuration available at chatConfig.maxReconnectionAPIAttempts

v10.1.13 [Minor] on 04-Nov-2023: Master branch
                1.Table template bugfixes
                2.White spaces to special characters issue fix from user

v10.1.12 [Minor] on 14-Oct-2023: Master branch
                1.Chat input white spaces trim issue fix
                2.Quick replies template console error issue fix
                3.Agent desktop bot instance issue fix

v10.1.10 [Minor] on 09-Sept-2023: Master branch
		1.Support for .log fileType for file uploads

                1.whitelisted Notes|notes protocol
                2.Widgets immediate api call issue fix
                3.fixed grunt issue for generating minified SDK 

v10.1.9 [Minor] on 19-Aug-2023: Master branch
		1.Added a config to send acknowledgement on bot response.Configuration available at chatConfig.botOptions.enableAck
		2.Support for .gif fileType
                3.Feedback templates added
                4.Solutions templates plugin added

		1.XSS bug fix
                2.Styling issues fix

v10.0.0 [Major] on 21-Jan-2023: Master branch
		1.Integrated Feedback Templates
		2.Azure Speech to text introduced

		1.Google and WebAPI's STT bugfixes
		2.indentation with unordered list markdown CSS fix
		3.Supporting fileUrl and image in attachment template
		4.Number parse issue for message node with large Integers
		5.The dropdown template CSS issue fixed
		6.Hiding end of chat history label for multipage apps

V9.3.0 [Minor] on 23-July-2022: Master branch
	1. Enhancement to link template to support download
	2. Bug fixes
V9.1.8 [Minor] on 19-Feb-2021: Master branch
    1.Theme customization
    2.Agent Desktop plugin
    3.jquery ui library upgrade
    4.Added Advaned list, Advanced multilist, Card, Propose Times, Default card templates
    5.Webhook and other bugfixes
V9.1.0 [Minor] on 29-Oct-2021: Master branch
    1.Webhook support
 	2.Bug fixes

V9.0.0 [Minor] on 14-Aug-2021: Master branch
    1.Bug fixes

V8.1.0 [Minor] on 20-Feb-2021: Master branch
    1.Bug fixes.
    2.Added listWidget, tableList template.

V8.0.0 [Major] on 31-OCT-2020: Master branch
    1.i18n and RTL support added.
    2.Support for multipage applications added.
    3.Added "list" and "live_agent" message templates.
    4.Added flexibility to override some of the methods of chatwindow.js and kore-bot-sdk-client.js. 
    5.Minor bug fixes 
    6.Added support to send metaTags.Older sdk's can take this specific change from here
v7.3.0[Major] on 04-Jun-2020: Master branch:
	1. Interactive UI Forms support
	   Launch interactive UI form to collect input from the end-users and then submit it to the virtual agent for taking the necessary actions
	2.Bug Fixes

v7.2.0[Major] on 10-Feb-2020: Master branch:
    1. Panels & Widgets support in SDK
	2. Moved chatConfig from index.html to kore-config.js
	3. Like and Dislike custom template support
	4. Minor Bug Fixes
	5. Added no-conflict files for prevention of conflicts with your libraries.

v7.1.0[Major] on 02-Nov-2019: Master branch:
	1. Multi-select & Dropdown custom templates support
	2. Added network disconnect warnings
	3. Minor bug fixes
	4. In chatConfig options, added googleMapsAPIKey to fetch user location.
		please provide google maps API key from

v6.4.0[Minor] on 23-Apr-2019:Master branch
	Released minor release with following changes:
	1. Add ADA compliance support
	2. Minor bug fixes

v6.3.1[Major] on 07-January-2019:Master branch
    Released major release with following bug fixes
    1. Added how to implement minified SDK.
    2. Removed Font awesome icons and family,Added images with base64 URL.
    3. Minor bug fixes.

v6.3.0[Minor] on 24-November-2018:Master branch
    Released minior release with following bug fixes
    1. Fixed duplicate welcome message
    2. Fixed copy & paste issue in the compose bar
    3. Fixed D3 graph minor issues
    4. Handled null exception in the quick replies 

v6.2.3[Minor] on 03-SEPTEMBER-2018:Master branch
    Released minor release with following features:
    1. Added D3 v4 library for rendering Graphs.
    2. Removed loader.js library from UI/lib folder.
    3. Minor bug fixes.

    Note: Rendering Graphs using google charts, should have loader.js file. 

v6.2.2[Minor] on 21-JULY-2018:Master branch
    Released minor release with following features:
    1.Added new notification, When app client secret ID is 'reset'.
    2.Minor bug fixes.

V6.2.0.1 [Minor] on 26-JUNE-2018: Master branch
    Released minor release with following features:
    1.Jquery libraries upgrade to address security issue
      jquery.js - v3.3.1. 
      jquery-ui.min.js - 1.12.1.
      jquery-ui.min.css - 1.12.1.
    2.Minor bug fixes.

    NOTE: New Jquery version upgrade requires below change in Index.html
    $(document).on("ready", function () { 
    $(document).ready(function () {

V6.2.0.1 [Minor] on 26-JUNE-2018: Master branch
    Released minor release with following features:
    1.Jquery libraries upgrade to address security issue
      jquery.js - v3.3.1. 
      jquery-ui.min.js - 1.12.1.
      jquery-ui.min.css - 1.12.1.
    2.Minor bug fixes.

    NOTE: New Jquery version upgrade requires below change in Index.html
    $(document).on("ready", function () { 
    $(document).ready(function () {

V6.2.0 [Minor] on 18-MAY-2018: Master branch
    Released minor release with following features:
    1. Added talkType voice keyboard. This feature allows you to use your voice to enter text on chatwindow input box. Even it reads out bot responses as well.
    2. Able to render Mini-chart table in both vertical and horizontal way.
    3. Updated chatConfig options to turn on/off voice-centric keyboard.
    4. Minor bug fixes.

V6.1.0 [Major] on 31-JAN-2018: Master branch
    Released major release with following features:
    1. Added Pie chart, Donut chart, Line chart, Bar chart and Table (Regular & Responsive) mini-table and Waiting-For-Response template support.
    2. Able to zoom image and chart templates.
    3. Showing intermediate results while using STT (Speech To Text).
    4. Able to fetch recent chat history.
    5. Avoid clearing chat messages when user click on reload button.

V6.0.0 [Major] on 04-NOV-2017: web-sdk-6.0.0 branch
    1. Added Pie chart, Line chart, Bar chart and Table support
    2. Added Google Speech to text support. 
        This feature requires valid Google speech API key. (Place it in 'web-kore-sdk/libs/speech/key.js')
        (Supported Browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari 11.
        Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari 11 requires Google API key)
    3. Updated chatConfig options to turn on/off Google Speech to Text.

# License
_Copyright ©, Inc. MIT License; see LICENSE for further details._