Frontend code lies herebackend
Backend code locates heredoc
Documents for developers and users
Root of djangobackend/BioBLESS
Functional codes- Test cases are in the
- django for website
- numpy & scipy for calculation
- matplotlib for plotting
- networkx for graph
- you could just use
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all the dependency.
./ migrate
./ loaddata parts
./ runserver
you could run
./ test BioBLESS
for unit test
Please install sphinx package for python. For example:
pip install sphinx
you could run
./doc_build/ (under *nix/macos)
doc_build\gendoc.cmd (under windows)
Then you can open doc_build/doc/html/index.html to view the doc
in the URI /docs
jQuery-2.1.4 License: MIT
Pixi.js-3.0.7 License: MIT
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run build-doc
mocha-2.2.5 License: MIT
chai-3.2.0 License: MIT
$ npm test