MetaFlux is a web app for
- visualizing
- modifying
- analyzing
genome scale metabolic models of microbial consortia.
MetaFlux is powered by an Express server which communicates with a MongoDB database and runs Python scripts using cobrapy (COnstraints Based Reconstruction and Analysis). The web app is a single page application built off of AngularJS.
The web-app
in master right now is a little outdated to our current version. We are redoing some things, and the current version is not fully completed. AngularJS is not being used at the moment but it was present in an older branch of ours. However, install procedures are identical. Furthermore, at this point, the express-server is not explicitly required to be running for the web-app to work (in the final version it will be, for the sake of development we have been 'hardcoding' in server requests). Thanks, and hopefully you won't have too much trouble installing libsbml :).
See the user guide (coming soon).
The web-app and server each depend on NodeJS and npm.
If you are on OS X or Linux system, I recommend installing using one of these
methods to avoid having to sudo
Furthermore see
to set up npm packages to install into a custom global directory without sudo.
You can check if the install worked by running
node -v
in a terminal; it should return the version number. You don't need to worry
about sudo on Windows, as Windows runs as admin by default. However, you may
face some PATH
issues on Windows (see below).
npm is node package manager and is the "largest
ecosystem of open source libraries in the world". Node comes with npm, though it
is usually not the latest version, and more importantly, it is not located where
your global npm modules are installed. Before continuing, you should make sure
your PATH
variable catches the correct npm binary, or in simpler terms,
npm -v
npm install -g npm
npm -v
should return a different value on the second npm -v
. (You may need to open
and close the terminal first). If it is not, compare the path returned by npm install -g npm
(of the format path -> path2
) to which npm
. If they are
different, it is because the directory containing Node's npm is earlier in your
than the one containing the binaries of npm's global modules. For
example, I have the following in my .bashrc
# Node and NPM
export NPM_PACKAGES="$HOME/node/npm-packages"
export NODE_PATH="$NPM_PACKAGES/lib/node_modules:$NODE_PATH"
export PATH="$PATH:$NPM_PACKAGES/bin:$HOME/node/bin"
You can see PATH
is the original PATH, followed by npm-packages, followed by
node. On OS X and Linux, you can add the above to your .bashrc
or .profile
etc. to achieve the same effect. To see your environment's PATH
, run echo $PATH
. Note, I used the two methods mentioned above for not using sudo with
Node and npm, with custom folder names (node
, and npm-packages
). On Windows,
you can go to System -> Advanced Settings -> Environment Variables -> Path and
edit it there.
Once Node and npm are all properly set up, installation and local hosting of the web app should be a breeze. First, lets install bower and gulp as global npm modules:
npm install -g bower gulp
Once we have those, cd
into the web-app
folder and run
bower install
npm install
These commands will read through the bower.json
and package.json
and install
dependencies into bower_components
and node_modules
, respectably. When you
are ready to view the application, simply run
and your browser will open to http://localhost:3000
. At this point, any source
modifications will immediately trigger a page refresh.
See the downloads or install
On OS X there a few things you need to do before starting mongod
, see Run
Alternatively, Run page for
Same as above, except no bower here, and there may be some annoying Python dependencies that refuse to build when installed through pip.
cd express-server
npm install -g nodemon
npm install
There are some scripts you can run to curl
requests to the localserver (optimize will only work if cobrapy is installed fully):
curl http://localhost:9001//model/optimize/iJO1366
See installation instructions. The optional dependencies required are:
Whether or not you use virtualenv is
up to you. I tried to get libsbml working with a virtual environment, however
something with the C bindings not linking properly prevented it from working. As
a global install however, it worked fine. If (sudo) pip install python-libsbml
is not working for you (the build fails), you should have better luck building
from source; see building and installing libsbml.
Once you have the libsbml source, you can run
./config --prefix=DIR/lib/python-version/dist-packages/ --with-python --with-python-interpreter=/path/to/python/binary
Also, I even had to use
even though my current libxml was multiple versions ahead of that required. SWIG is required to build bindings between C and Python for libsbml.
Please note, you will need to point to the correct Python binary (the one with a working cobra install)
in line 37 of routes/model/optimize/index.js
var optimizeScript = cp.spawn('python', args)
This will be moved into config.js
Current: 1.4.4
- Renders metabolic network as a set of nodes and links
- Integration of d3 with custom canvas rendering for improved performance
- Basic dragging of nodes working
- Panning and zooming of canvas working
- (1.1.x) Added deletion and adding, beta and WIP
- removal of nodes from target/source when trying to create a reaction is now removed from the options menu
- (1.1.1) Error handling
- (1.1.2) Significant performance increases
- (1.2.x) Re factored code for an MVC model, significant overhaul changes
- (1.3.x)
- Added the specie extracellular network and added new specie class that extends node
- (1.3.1) Fixed reaction visual bug
- (1.4.x) You can now enter a specie from a network
- (1.4.1) Fixed broken adding/populate options. Few more modular improvments
- (1.4.2) Made it more modular when it comes to adding new systems
- (1.4.3) Added the ability to return to the network
- (1.4.4) Zooming in and out of the specie/system returns to earlier state
Models have varying names for metabolites, or sometimes none and only the id. Develop a pipeline for creating and maintaining a standardized set of metabolites and reactions to be used across all models. Potentially integrate this with the web application to increase cooperation and standardization.
- Given a list of
species and their respective genome scale metabolic models (following SBML format as either originally an.xml
or later as a.json
), - Develop a list of all reactions across all species that occur in the extracellular space, or
- For each species
, loop through every reaction ine
. If a reaction contains a metabolite that is involved in a reaction from the 'global e reactions', append it into the model of that specie. This should take O(rxns_e * n) where rxns_e is the maximal number of extracellular reactions in a specie, and n is the number of species. - Perform FBA individual on each species
, optimizing for biomass production. The time this takes is proportional to the size of the linear problem to be solved. Further time analysis is necessary to accurately provide an upper bound on this process. - Using the results of FBA on each species, we have gathered a flux for each reaction in rxns_e of that specie. This will be different across the species; set a new upper and lower bound for each of this reactions by taking the average - SD and the average + SD. In this way, for all of the reactions which share extracellular metabolites, after this point, they will have the same lower and upper bounds.
- Perform FBA on each species again. Optimizing for biomass, as before. Again, more structured time analysis is needed, however this should take similar time to the previous step.
- Each biomass objective function for each species returns a numeric value. Use z-scoring to standardize these distributions, so that we may compute a 'relative biomass' value for each specie. The sum of all these values must be equal to 1.
- Construct a single metabolic model representing the entire community. Each species will be assigned a 'compartment'. The upper and lower bounds of each reaction in each specie will be modified as per that specie's relative biomass. In this way, reactions belonging to a less important specie will have less effect (or more) on the optimization of the objective function, which will be biomass. The results of this cFBA analysis should coincide (to a degree) with experimentally observed community dynamics.
MIT License