Blender 3D add-on for color matching.
Author: Nikita Akimov [email protected]
Version 1.1. for Blender 2.7x is frozen. You can get the last release here.
- Set the required color in the “Color” color picker field.
- “Search NCS (NCl)”, “Search RAL Classic”, “Search RAL Design”, “Search RAL Effect”, searches for the 5 closest colors in the specified color fan.
- The “Add RGB Color” button under each found color adds the RGB node to the active material node tree for all selected meshes.
- The “Copy to Clipboard” button puts the search results to the clipboard.
2.80, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.90
"3D View" window - T-Panel - "ColorMatch" tab
User Preferences - Add-ons - Install Add-on from File - select distributive archive
- Added Pantone (PMS) color fan
- Ported to Blender 2.80. Version for 2.7x frozen.
- RAL (Classic, Design, Effect) fans added to the search system
- This release