KYGnus Antivirus For Linux Systems
This App is Linux Security Tool But it's nut Just Pure Antivirus.This app Have:
1- Pure Antivirus for Detect Files Have potantional Malicious Files
2- Search page for Search in Malicious Urls
3- Visit Permissions of System and Save them
4- check configs
5- Scan Local system with clamav
6- Scan Remote system with clamAV
1-Change Directory to /tmp and Download File From GitHub
cd /tmp && wget && unzip && mv KYGnus-Guard-community-main KYGnus-Guard-Community && cd
sudo mv /tmp/KYGnus-Guard-Community /opt && cd /opt/KYGnus-Guard-Community
2-Test the pip Package Manager and then Install the packages
First First, we check that the pip is installed correctly on the system, then Install packages
pip -V
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
openSUSE Leap :
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Note : if get Error when Install Packeges Like Version Error You can remove Version of Packages in requirements File Like this:
sed 's/==.*//g' requirements.txt > requirements.txt
or run This Script
Note2 : When Remove Version of Packages Latest Version of Packes Will be Install
3- Create database in mariaDB
Note : if Mariadb Not installed on system Install it
For more Information About Install mariaDB on Fedora35
For more Information About Install mariaDB on Ubuntu 20.04
For more Information About Install mariaDB on OpenSuse: OpenSuse4Developers
Note : Installation of MariaDB in openSuse Same as ubuntu
4- Create Database malware_comminitu in MariaDB
ٔNote : If the database is located in the local system, it is better to put the username and password of the database in the /etc/my.conf file so that it is easy to log in and work with the database.
[client] user = mysqluser password = mysqlpassword
change dbuser with your databaseuser and dbpassword with your database password in command below
echo -e "[clinet-server]\n\n[client]\nuser=dbuser\npassword=dbpassword\n\n!includedir /etc/my.cnf.d" > /tmp/my.cnf
create database malware_community;
5- Restore malware_community.sql database to Your DB and insert shellTable
mysql -u root -p malware_community < malware_community.sql
6- Change config ( File From Your Configurations
7- Run App For First Time
Note : in openSUSE you Might see SELinux status Error,You should Install SELinux Packages :
sudo zypper in restorecond policycoreutils setools-console
Note: in RedHat Base systems Like Fedora You Don't Need chnage python command because in Default mode python Running python3 command.
8- copy service File in /etc/systemd/system Directory
sudo cp KYGnus_Guard.service /etc/systemd/system
9- Enable Service File
cd /etc/systemd/system/ && sudo systemctl enable KYGnus_Guard.service && sudo systemctl start KYGnus_Guard.service && cd && echo "Service File [ OK ]"
10- Create Directory For standard Logs /var/log Note: change user(koosha) with Your user in all lines
- 15-1 : Go to /var/log Directory and make Directory for app
cd /var/log && sudo mkdir KYGnus-Guard-Community && sudo ln -s /opt/KYGnus-Guard-Community/Log KYGnus-Guard-Community && cd && echo "Standard Log File Created Successfully [ OK ]"
11- Create Directory For standard Settings /etc Note: change user(koosha) with Your user in all lines
- 16-1 : Go to /etc Directory and make Directory for app
cd /etc && sudo mkdir KYGnus_Guard && cd KYGnus_Guard && sudo ln -s /opt/KYGnus-Guard-Community/ KYGnus-Guard.conf && cd && echo "Standard config File Created Successfully [ OK ]"
12- for Better Security You should Block 8080 port in Your system
sudo iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -i any --dport 8080 -j DROP
sudo iptables -F && sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/KYGnus_Guard.service && sudo rm -rf /var/log/KYGnus-Guard-Community && sudo rm -rf /etc/KYGnus-Guard-Community && rm -rf /opt/KYGnus-Guard-Community && mysql --execute="DROP DATABASE malware_community;" && echo "KYGnus-Guard-Community Removed [ Successfully ]"
Ansible software can be used to install the software on several hosts at the same time. To do this, just run the grp_install script.
Note 1: Note that the database is on your system, and if the database is placed on the remote system, delete the relevant line from the script.
Note 2 : In the script, all the hosts are taken into account. In order to specify specific hosts for installation, change the host on the playbook.
ansible-playbook grp_install.yml
ansible-playbook grp_remove.yml