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master Learn - Shared code

This repository contains shared code from all of other Learn repositories.

Publish to NPM

This repository is published to NPM as the kontent-ai-learn-shared-code package.

To publish a new version of the kontent-ai-learn-shared-code library to the NPM registry:

  1. Increase the main version in project.json.
  2. Push your change to the master branch.

The NPM Publish GitHub Action will take care of the rest. If you push code changes without increasing the version in project.json, the new code will not be published to NPM.

Shared functions

Azure storage

getBlobContainerName - Returns name of a blob container specified in an event grid event.

getBlobFromStorage - Async function that returns content of an Azure blob as a JSON object.

Kontent utils

getRootCodenamesOfItem - Traverses structured content from Kontent and returns codenames of found root items. Requires:

  • item - data about the item where the traversal starts
  • allItems - items from the project
  • rootItemTypes - types of the root content items

Shared classes


Contains configuration settings that are shared between the other Learn repositories:

  • azureAccountName
  • azureContainerName
  • azureStorageKey
  • searchAdminApiKey
  • searchAppId
  • searchIndexName
  • kenticoProjectId
  • securedApiKey
  • previewApiKey
  • docsWebsiteUrl

Shared interfaces


Event Grid - Specifies an Azure Event Grid schema, along with the options for passed data in the event's data property.

Kontent - Contains an IWebhookContentItem that specifies data sent in a webhook reacting to a change in published content.

Search - Contains a contract for records sent to Index Sync service.


Preprocessed models - Interfaces of preprocessed data models from Kontent. Those models are based on an OpenAPI Specification 3.0.2.

How To Contribute

Feel free to open a new issue where you describe your proposed changes, or even create a new pull request from your branch with proposed changes.


All the source codes are published under MIT license.