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The fastest way to decode JSON in OpenResty for latency sensitive applications.

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local simdjson = require("resty.simdjson")

local parser =
-- local parser = -- yieldable parser

local tbl = parser:decode([[ { "hello": "world" } ]])
-- parser:destroy() -- optional: destroy parser explicitly

-- do_something(tbl)


syntax: parser =

context: any context

Create a new parser instance. The parser instance is a data structure that holds all required data structure and state information for parsing a JSON string.

If yield is true, then the parser will yield periodically during JSON parsing to reduce latency impact to the Nginx event loop. Default is false.

Safety: JSON parser instance does not share any global state, however, they are not reentrant meaning if yield is set to true, concurrent requests should not use the same parser instance to parse JSON concurrently.

Performance: When decoding large number of JSON strings in a loop, do not create a parser instance for each run to avoid frequent memory allocations. Reuse the same parser instance and call the :decode method repeatedly. You should only :destroy the instance if it is not needed for a while and you would like the memory used by the parser to be freed.

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syntax: parser:destroy()

context: any context

Destroys and deallocates any memory used by the JSON parser instance. This usually happens automatically when the parser gets garbage collected by LuaJIT, however you can call this method manually to free up memory immediately.

After calling this method, parser can not be used again.

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syntax: obj = parser:decode(json)

context: any context

Use parser to parse a json string into Lua object. obj could be a scalar type in case JSON is a number, string, boolean, null, or Lua table in case the JSON string is an array or object.

Safety: If the parser was initiated to be yieldable, then this method is not reentrant. Do not call the :decode method on the same parser instance from different thread/request concurrently.

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syntax: json = parser:encode(obj)

context: any context

Use parser to encode item into JSON string. obj could be a scalar type in case JSON is a number, string, boolean, null, or Lua table in case the JSON string is an array or object.

If yielding is enabled when calling new(), then this method yields periodically during encode to avoid high latencies caused by encoding a very large object.

Safety: This method is always reentrant no matter how parser was initiated.

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syntax: json = parser:encode_helper(obj, cb, ctx)

context: any context

Low level helper function for streaming encode of obj. cb is a function that takes two arguments: the token generated by the encoder and an extra context data. You can write something like:

local function cb(s, ctx)
    -- just as an example, use string.buffers API to buffer some
    -- token between ngx.print is probably more efficient

local res, err = encode_helper(item, cb, ctx)

to stream JSON encode results to the downstream in chunks. See the source code of :encode() function as an example on how to use String Buffers to achieve more efficient I/O with this method.

This function does not have inherit yielding support no matter how parser was initiated. If your callback does not perform any I/O operations, it is a good idea to implement some yielding inside the callback. See the source code of :encode() function for example.

Safety: This method is always reentrant no matter how parser was initiated.

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syntax: parser:encode_number_precision(precision)

context: any context

Allows encoding of numbers with a precision up to 16 decimals.

The default number precision is 16.

Safety: This method is always reentrant no matter how parser was initiated.

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syntax: parser:encode_sparse_array(convert)

context: any context

The only acceptable value of convert is false, which means that the sparse array will always be encoded to a JSON array and never a JSON object.

Safety: This method is always reentrant no matter how parser was initiated.

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Performance characteristics

Speed & Latency

Compared to lua-cjson, which is by far the most commonly used JSON decoder in the OpenResty/LuaJIT ecosystem, lua-resty-simdjson significantly improves the proxy path latency when dealing with large JSON inputs when yielding is enabled.

Due to the extremely high speed of simdjson, efficient data structure stream from C land to Lua land and usage of LuaJIT FFI instead of Lua C API for table building, the total decode time is also slightly faster than lua-cjson. During a benchmark to decode a 100MB JSON sample, lua-cjson took more than 400ms while lua-resty-simdjson finished decode in average 350ms (12% speedup) even with yielding enabled.

The maximum proxy path latency during decode was measured to be 4ms instead of 420ms using wrk2 in constant throughput mode (99% reduction):

# With lua-resty-simdjson
$ ./wrk -c 10 -d 20 -t 4 -R 2000
Initialised 4 threads in 0 ms.
Running 20s test @
  4 threads and 10 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     0.99ms  381.63us   4.13ms   63.31%
    Req/Sec   530.22     66.66   666.00     59.59%
  40000 requests in 20.00s, 6.45MB read
Requests/sec:   1999.86
Transfer/sec:    330.05KB

# With lua-cjson
$ ./wrk -c 10 -d 20 -t 4 -R 2000
Initialised 4 threads in 0 ms.
Running 20s test @
  4 threads and 10 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.97ms   49.55ms 421.63ms   96.32%
    Req/Sec   500.34    132.27     1.00k    92.86%
  40000 requests in 20.00s, 6.45MB read
Requests/sec:   1999.86
Transfer/sec:    330.05KB

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The lua-resty-simdjson library will use more memory than lua-cjson during parsing due to various internal data structure simdjson allocates. The overhead is roughly equal to the size of the JSON string and can be freed immediately after the call of :decode() or :destroy().

Encode will use less memory than lua-cjson if you use the streaming method with :encode_helper, or approximately same amount of memory with :encode.

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Copyright 2023 Datong Sun ([email protected])

Copyright 2024 Kong Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or>. Files in the project may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

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