$ make install
- install depencency
- install air
- install mockery
$ make dev
$ make doc
├── cmd #Contains main applications for this project. e.g. API application, Worker application.
│ ├── api #Contains things only depend on application e.g. API application should have handlers, middleware, routes, etc.
│ ├── worker
├── config #Load and validate config from environment variables to use as a dependency.
│ ├── config.go
│ └── config.yml
├── docker #Contains Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml for development purpose
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── docker-compose.yml
├── pkg
│ ├── adapters #Contains the inbound/outbound adapters e.g. database connection, message queue connection.
│ ├── constant #Contains constant variables e.g. context fields, custom HTTP header fields.
│ ├── entity #Contains the entities.
│ ├── repository #Contains the database repositories.
│ ├── service #Contains the services for external communication e.g. sending API requests, sending messages through a message queue.
│ ├── usecase #Contains the use cases.
│ ├── log
│ └── validator