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Releases: KingsMMA/BetterSBM

v1.0 Initial Release

04 Dec 14:34
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Initial Release

The initial release contains:

  • An in-app transcript viewer
  • A stats viewer for relevant information regarding logged services
  • A log hider to better view unreviewed logs.

Reviewing logs

The following is a tutorial on how to review logs. It can be accessed in-app by opening BetterSBM's plugin settings in Settings > BetterDiscord > Plugins.

  • First, check that the player has all the logged carries on their account.
    • If they do, react with the :white_check_mark: emoji.
    • If they don't, manually verify this, then react with the :x: emoji. Make sure to contact the client and carrier to see what happened.
  • Next, skim the ticket to check for any strikable offences.
    • If there were any strikable offences (including false logging), react with the :bowling: emoji. If they weren't already striked for it, do so.
  • If relevant, check the times of the logged services to see if they were done in a reasonable amount of time given the floor, score, and any relevant mayors.
    • If they weren't, skill check the carrier.
  • Once you've done all of this, react with the :thumbsup: emoji to mark the ticket as reviewed. Make sure all action has been taken first, including the verification of carries completed. That is, don't mark a log as reviewed if the client and carrier still need to be contacted or if you are still determining if a strike should be given.
  • If another user has already reacted to a message, please leave it for them to finish. If they seem to have forgotten, feel free to remind them with a friendly ping in ⁠💬|staff-chat.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to DM kingsdev on discord, ask in ⁠💬|staff-chat, or create an issue on the repo.