Simple patch to inject a interctive console, mainly for AIdealRays, might support other IKA9nt.Encrypter
games (theoretically, not tested however).
- Let the game decrypt bundles itself!
- Change screen resolution, refresh rate and V-Sync settings.
- Dodnload MelonLoader v0.6+(IL2CPP) from releases and install it to your game directory by following its instructions.
- Copy
to the MelonLoader'sMods
folder. - Run the game, the console shold appear.
- run "help", and you know how it works.
Though we've decide to let it go, we still generate the AREK.txt during the decrypt process anyway. Check AREK.txt Regex for more info.
- Follow the instructions on Melonloader Wiki and setup your build environment.
- Add the source files in MelonMod folder to your project.
- Build the solution.
Simple Unity editor script to decrypt IKA9nt.Encrypter (SeekableAesStream 256)
class (included).- Unity Editor
- Copy the Editor folder to you unity project.
- Click
IKA9nt => EncrypterBundlePath
button on the toolbar, it should open a folder. - Copy the encrypted bundle and AREK.txt to this folder.
- Click
IKA9nt => Decryptor
to start the decrypt process.
├── Decryptor
│ ├── decryptedBundle
│ └── ...
└── Encrypter
├── 6241053 // Enccrypted bundles
├── ...
└── AREK.txt
- $1 bundleLabel
- $2 bundlePassword
- $3 bundleHash