Enhance your alpine experience, for WSL users.
Install alpine with this helper application.
Execute oobe.sh
or setup manually.
If you prefer stable release, then replace all edge
with latest-stable
, you can skip this section to avoid unexpected release upgrades.
cat <<APK > /etc/apk/repositories
apk upgrade -Ua
These solutions are useful in most situations, but you are the boos.
# Fix "clear" in WindowsTerminal
apk add ncurses
# Fix "bash" in Windows side
apk add bash shadow
chsh -s /bin/bash
# VSCode Server runtime
apk add libstdc++
# Boot OpenRC services
cat <<ORC > /etc/wsl.conf
command = "/sbin/openrc sysinit && /sbin/openrc boot && /sbin/openrc default"
Restart WSL to apply the changes.
- For some scripts complain about
Install a full-featured grep by:
grep: unrecognized option: P
to fix the problem.apk add grep
- Since OpenRC functional, we can use docker for further development now:
apk add docker docker-cli-compose rc-update add docker default
[!NOTE] If daemon failed to startup with system, try this:
cat <<ENI > /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback ENI
The WSL kernel has builtin USB/IP support but no actually USB drivers provided by default, so let's do this.
You can run kernel.sh
to automatically build a kernel, or again, step by step.
Make sure you have /mnt/c/
in your alpine WSL, if it doesn't, simply start a PowerShell window and then type bash
to mount the C: volume, or wsl
if you didn't install bash.
The sh
will drop you into a Windows sh environment, not the WSL one.
cd ~/
TAGVERNUM=$(uname -r | sed -r "s/-.+\+?//g")
WIN_USERPROFILE=$(powershell.exe '$env:USERPROFILE' | sed -r 's#\r##g')
Then we clone the kernel source and copy the current kernel config
rm -rf *-microsoft-standard
git clone --depth 1 -b ${TAGVER} \
https://github.com/microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel.git \
cd ${TAGVERNUM}-microsoft-standard
cp /proc/config.gz config.gz \
&& gunzip config.gz \
&& mv config .config
Create a one-time ubuntu docker
docker run -itd --rm --name ub \
-w /wsl \
-v "${PWD}:/wsl" \
ubuntu /bin/bash
docker exec ub apt update
docker exec ub apt install -y build-essential flex bison \
libgtk-3-dev libelf-dev libncurses-dev autoconf \
libudev-dev libtool zip unzip v4l-utils libssl-dev \
python3-pip cmake git iputils-ping net-tools dwarves \
guvcview python-is-python3 bc
docker exec -it ub make menuconfig
To enable USB Mass-Storage amd UVCVideo support, go:
Device Drivers --->
<*> Multimedia support --->
Media drivers --->
[*] Media USB Adapters --->
<*> USB Video Class (UVC)
[*] USB support --->
<*> USB Mass Storage support
docker exec ub make -j$(nproc) KCONFIG_CONFIG=.config
docker exec ub make modules -j$(nproc) KCONFIG_CONFIG=.config
Now we can terminate the docker, and install kernel modules
docker stop ub
make modules_install -j$(nproc)
Finally, update the kernel and the .wslconfig
rm -f ${WSL_USERPROFILE}/vmlinux
cp ./vmlinux $WSL_USERPROFILE/
cat <<WSL > ${WSL_USERPROFILE}/.wslconfig
sed -i 's#\\#\\\\#g' ${WSL_USERPROFILE}/.wslconfig
wsl.exe --shutdown
if you modified .wslconfig
previously, make sure to make a backup and skip this section, then edit the file manually.
- wsl2_linux_kernel_usbcam_enable_conf: Provide instructions to build a custom WSL kernel.
- WSL2でUSBデバイスを扱えるようになっていました: Find the
make menuconfig
entry to enable uvcvideo support.