sentiment analysis on imdb data set with a deferent aproach the imdb data set is of most of the hollywood movies and the reviews are aslo by most of the USA citizens. thats why this model become biesed towards wastern culture and their accent of speaking and writing.
ini this model i have used some sentiment lexicons by indian commumnity that desides the sentence to be positive or negative
sentiment lexicons are some bag of words that has both positive and negative labled words you can see that in positive words.txt and negative words.txt files
using these lexicons and then making the model
set up internet connection and your environmentshaving following dependencies
- tensorflow
- numpy
- h5py
- maths
- keras please do install others if you need
Run file first
now Run file to get result
the result will be the array of two elements
the Sentiment_Analysis_new.ipynb file is the python noteboomk developement file for this project