This project allows users to post and read tweets in real-time, and involves setting up a database and implementing various features. Docker containers are used to containerize both the database and the entire application. Additionally, the app can be monitored through Grafana/Prometheus, and it follows a DevSecOps methodology with continuous integration deployment via CI/CD GitActions.
The app has been deployed on Digital Ocean and has undergone a significant refactoring process, transitioning from a Python3 codebase Flask web framework to a C#/.NET Core React.js/JavaScript implementation.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
docker-compose up --build Go to your browser and open localhost:5050 or
The project uses various libraries such as sqlite3, dateTime, md5 Hashing, contextlib, and Render library. It also involves implementing methods such as Connect db, init db, and query db.
The project includes various user-specific features such as login/logout, register user, follow_user, unfollow_user, and add_message. It also includes timeline features such as get_user_timeline, get_public_timeline, and show_timeline.
The subtasks involved in this project include setting up the database, setting up Digital Ocean, setting up CI/CD GitActions, and setting up Grafana/Prometheus.
The project includes a metrics endpoint that can be accessed at
The project also includes a Grafana dashboard that can be accessed at
The project also includes a Prometheus endpoint that can be accessed at