Powershell stuff related to Azure AD (and probably some O365 mixed in)
Run-AzureADReport.ps1 : Uses GRAPH API to retrieve audit data from target AzureAD environment.
by Ken Hoover [email protected] for Yale University
[ Required ] ReportName [String] - the name of the report you want. These are case sensitive!
[ Required ] LookbackInterval [Integer 1-30 ]- how many days back in time you want to look for results (not all reports use this)
[ Optional ] ApplicationID [String] - required for some reports. Ignored if the selected report doesn't need it.
Output: A list of objects, one object per entry in the returned list of event records. This can be captured into a variable or piped to downstream cmdlets like convertto-CSV for further processing.
Run the "auditEvents" report, looking for records within 10 days of right now.
.\get-AzureADAuditeventsReport.ps1 -ReportName auditEvents -LookbackInterval 10
Dependency: Uses "AzureADReports.xml" to pull information on the available reports and their requirements for parameter checking.