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Prevent double offboarding
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fix bug with CSP guest users query
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JohnDuprey committed Feb 5, 2025
1 parent 4aa6c50 commit 564780c
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 117 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,157 +13,165 @@ Function Invoke-ExecOffboardTenant {
Write-LogMessage -user $request.headers.'x-ms-client-principal' -API $APINAME -message 'Accessed this API' -Sev 'Debug'

$TenantQuery = $Request.Body.TenantFilter.value ?? $Request.Body.TenantFilter

$Tenant = Get-Tenants -IncludeAll -TenantFilter $TenantQuery
$TenantId = $Tenant.customerId
$TenantFilter = $Tenant.defaultDomainName

$results = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$errors = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

if ($request.body.RemoveCSPGuestUsers -eq $true) {
# Delete guest users who's domains match the CSP tenants
try {
if (!$Tenant) {
$results.Add('Tenant has already been offboarded')
} elseif ($TenantId -eq $env:TenantID) {
$errors.Add('You cannot offboard the CSP tenant')
} else {
if ($request.body.RemoveCSPGuestUsers -eq $true) {
# Delete guest users who's domains match the CSP tenants
try {
$domains = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id" -tenantid $env:TenantID -NoAuthCheck:$true).id
$CSPGuestUsers = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id,mail&`$filter=userType eq 'Guest' and $(($domains | ForEach-Object { "endswith(mail, '$_')" }) -join ' or ')&`$count=true" -tenantid $Tenantfilter -ComplexFilter)
} catch {
$errors.Add("Failed to retrieve guest users: $($_.Exception.message)")
try {
$domains = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id" -tenantid $env:TenantID -NoAuthCheck:$true).id
$DomainFilter = ($Domains | ForEach-Object { "endswith(mail, '$_')" }) -join ' or '
$CSPGuestUsers = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id,mail&`$filter=userType eq 'Guest' and ($DomainFilter)&`$count=true" -tenantid $Tenantfilter -ComplexFilter)
} catch {
$errors.Add("Failed to retrieve guest users: $($_.Exception.message)")

if ($CSPGuestUsers) {
[System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$BulkRequests = @($CSPGuestUsers | ForEach-Object {
id = $($
method = 'DELETE'
url = "/users/$($"

$BulkResults = New-GraphBulkRequest -Requests $BulkRequests -tenantid $TenantFilter

$results.Add('Successfully removed guest users')
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message 'CSP Guest users were removed' -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} else {
$results.Add('No guest users found to remove')
if ($CSPGuestUsers) {
[System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$BulkRequests = @($CSPGuestUsers | ForEach-Object {
id = $($
method = 'DELETE'
url = "/users/$($"

$BulkResults = New-GraphBulkRequest -Requests $BulkRequests -tenantid $TenantFilter

$results.Add('Successfully removed guest users')
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message 'CSP Guest users were removed' -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} else {
$results.Add('No guest users found to remove')
} catch {
$errors.Add("Something went wrong while deleting guest users: $($_.Exception.message)")
} catch {
$errors.Add("Something went wrong while deleting guest users: $($_.Exception.message)")

if ($request.body.RemoveCSPnotificationContacts -eq $true) {
# Remove all email adresses that match the CSP tenants domains from the contact properties in /organization
try {
if ($request.body.RemoveCSPnotificationContacts -eq $true) {
# Remove all email adresses that match the CSP tenants domains from the contact properties in /organization
try {
$domains = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id" -tenantid $env:TenantID -NoAuthCheck:$true).id
} catch {
throw "Failed to retrieve CSP domains: $($_.Exception.message)"
try {
$domains = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id" -tenantid $env:TenantID -NoAuthCheck:$true).id
} catch {
throw "Failed to retrieve CSP domains: $($_.Exception.message)"

try {
# Get /organization data
$orgContacts = New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id,marketingNotificationEmails,securityComplianceNotificationMails,technicalNotificationMails" -tenantid $TenantFilter
try {
# Get /organization data
$orgContacts = New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$select=id,marketingNotificationEmails,securityComplianceNotificationMails,technicalNotificationMails" -tenantid $TenantFilter

} catch {
throw "Failed to retrieve CSP domains: $($_.Exception.message)"
} catch {
throw "Failed to retrieve CSP domains: $($_.Exception.message)"
} catch {

# foreach through the properties we want to check/update
@('marketingNotificationEmails', 'securityComplianceNotificationMails', 'technicalNotificationMails') | ForEach-Object {
$property = $_
$propertyContacts = $orgContacts.($($property))

if ($propertyContacts -AND ($domains -notcontains ($propertyContacts | ForEach-Object { $_.Split('@')[1] }))) {
$newPropertyContent = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]($propertyContacts | Where-Object { $domains -notcontains $_.Split('@')[1] })

$patchContactBody = if (!($newPropertyContent)) { "{ `"$($property)`" : [] }" } else { [pscustomobject]@{ $property = $newPropertyContent } | ConvertTo-Json }
# foreach through the properties we want to check/update
@('marketingNotificationEmails', 'securityComplianceNotificationMails', 'technicalNotificationMails') | ForEach-Object {
$property = $_
$propertyContacts = $orgContacts.($($property))

if ($propertyContacts -AND ($domains -notcontains ($propertyContacts | ForEach-Object { $_.Split('@')[1] }))) {
$newPropertyContent = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]($propertyContacts | Where-Object { $domains -notcontains $_.Split('@')[1] })

$patchContactBody = if (!($newPropertyContent)) { "{ `"$($property)`" : [] }" } else { [pscustomobject]@{ $property = $newPropertyContent } | ConvertTo-Json }

try {
New-GraphPostRequest -type PATCH -body $patchContactBody -Uri "$($" -tenantid $Tenantfilter -ContentType 'application/json'
$results.Add("Successfully removed notification contacts from $($property): $(($propertyContacts | Where-Object { $domains -contains $_.Split('@')[1] }))")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "Contacts were removed from $($property)" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} catch {
$errors.Add("Failed to update property $($property): $($_.Exception.message)")
} else {
$results.Add("No notification contacts found in $($property)")
# Add logic for privacyProfile later - rvdwegen

$VendorApps = $Request.Body.vendorApplications
if ($VendorApps) {
$VendorApps | ForEach-Object {
try {
New-GraphPostRequest -type PATCH -body $patchContactBody -Uri "$($" -tenantid $Tenantfilter -ContentType 'application/json'
$results.Add("Successfully removed notification contacts from $($property): $(($propertyContacts | Where-Object { $domains -contains $_.Split('@')[1] }))")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "Contacts were removed from $($property)" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
$delete = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'DELETE' -Uri "$($_.value)" -tenantid $Tenantfilter)
$results.Add("Successfully removed app $($_.label)")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "App $($_.label) was removed" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} catch {
$errors.Add("Failed to update property $($property): $($_.Exception.message)")
#$results.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.displayName)")
$errors.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.label)")
} else {
$results.Add("No notification contacts found in $($property)")
# Add logic for privacyProfile later - rvdwegen

$VendorApps = $Request.Body.vendorApplications
if ($VendorApps) {
$VendorApps | ForEach-Object {
# All customer tenant specific actions ALWAYS have to be completed before this action!
if ($request.body.RemoveMultitenantCSPApps -eq $true) {
# Remove multi-tenant apps with the CSP tenant as origin
try {
$delete = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'DELETE' -Uri "$($_.value)" -tenantid $Tenantfilter)
$results.Add("Successfully removed app $($_.label)")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "App $($_.label) was removed" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
$multitenantCSPApps = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$count=true&`$select=displayName,appId,id,appOwnerOrganizationId&`$filter=appOwnerOrganizationId eq $($env:TenantID)" -tenantid $Tenantfilter -ComplexFilter)
$sortedArray = $multitenantCSPApps | Sort-Object @{Expression = { if ($_.appId -eq $ENV:ApplicationID) { 1 } else { 0 } }; Ascending = $true }
$sortedArray | ForEach-Object {
try {
$delete = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'DELETE' -Uri "$($" -tenantid $Tenantfilter)
$results.Add("Successfully removed app $($_.displayName)")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "App $($_.displayName) was removed" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.displayName)")
$errors.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.displayName)")
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.displayName)")
$errors.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.label)")
#$results.Add("Failed to retrieve multitenant apps, no apps have been removed: $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to retrieve multitenant CSP apps, no apps have been removed: $($_.Exception.message)")

# All customer tenant specific actions ALWAYS have to be completed before this action!
if ($request.body.RemoveMultitenantCSPApps -eq $true) {
# Remove multi-tenant apps with the CSP tenant as origin
try {
$multitenantCSPApps = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$count=true&`$select=displayName,appId,id,appOwnerOrganizationId&`$filter=appOwnerOrganizationId eq $($env:TenantID)" -tenantid $Tenantfilter -ComplexFilter)
$sortedArray = $multitenantCSPApps | Sort-Object @{Expression = { if ($_.appId -eq $ENV:ApplicationID) { 1 } else { 0 } }; Ascending = $true }
$sortedArray | ForEach-Object {
try {
$delete = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'DELETE' -Uri "$($" -tenantid $Tenantfilter)
$results.Add("Successfully removed app $($_.displayName)")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "App $($_.displayName) was removed" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.displayName)")
$errors.Add("Failed to removed app $($_.displayName)")
$ClearCache = $false
if ($request.body.TerminateGDAP -eq $true) {
# Terminate GDAP relationships
$ClearCache = $true
try {
$delegatedAdminRelationships = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$filter=(status eq 'active') AND (customer/tenantId eq '$tenantid')" -tenantid $env:TenantID)
$delegatedAdminRelationships | ForEach-Object {
try {
$terminate = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'POST' -Uri "$($" -body '{"action":"terminate"}' -ContentType 'application/json' -tenantid $env:TenantID)
$results.Add("Successfully terminated GDAP relationship $($_.displayName) from tenant $TenantFilter")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "GDAP Relationship $($_.displayName) has been terminated" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter

} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to terminate GDAP relationship $($_.displayName): $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to terminate GDAP relationship $($_.displayName): $($_.Exception.message)")
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to retrieve GDAP relationships, no relationships have been terminated: $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to retrieve GDAP relationships, no relationships have been terminated: $($_.Exception.message)")
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to retrieve multitenant apps, no apps have been removed: $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to retrieve multitenant CSP apps, no apps have been removed: $($_.Exception.message)")
$ClearCache = $false
if ($request.body.TerminateGDAP -eq $true) {
# Terminate GDAP relationships
$ClearCache = $true
try {
$delegatedAdminRelationships = (New-GraphGETRequest -Uri "`$filter=(status eq 'active') AND (customer/tenantId eq '$tenantid')" -tenantid $env:TenantID)
$delegatedAdminRelationships | ForEach-Object {
try {
$terminate = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'POST' -Uri "$($" -body '{"action":"terminate"}' -ContentType 'application/json' -tenantid $env:TenantID)
$results.Add("Successfully terminated GDAP relationship $($_.displayName) from tenant $TenantFilter")
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message "GDAP Relationship $($_.displayName) has been terminated" -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter

} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to terminate GDAP relationship $($_.displayName): $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to terminate GDAP relationship $($_.displayName): $($_.Exception.message)")
if ($request.body.TerminateContract -eq $true) {
# Terminate contract relationship
try {
$terminate = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'PATCH' -body '{ "relationshipToPartner": "none" }' -Uri "$TenantFilter" -ContentType 'application/json' -scope '' -tenantid $env:TenantID)
$results.Add('Successfully terminated contract relationship')
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message 'Contract relationship terminated' -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to terminate contract relationship: $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to terminate contract relationship: $($_.Exception.message)")
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to retrieve GDAP relationships, no relationships have been terminated: $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to retrieve GDAP relationships, no relationships have been terminated: $($_.Exception.message)")

if ($request.body.TerminateContract -eq $true) {
# Terminate contract relationship
try {
$terminate = (New-GraphPostRequest -type 'PATCH' -body '{ "relationshipToPartner": "none" }' -Uri "$TenantFilter" -ContentType 'application/json' -scope '' -tenantid $env:TenantID)
$results.Add('Successfully terminated contract relationship')
Write-LogMessage -user $ExecutingUser -API $APIName -message 'Contract relationship terminated' -Sev 'Info' -tenant $TenantFilter
} catch {
#$results.Add("Failed to terminate contract relationship: $($_.Exception.message)")
$errors.Add("Failed to terminate contract relationship: $($_.Exception.message)")

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