Tiny project, whose first purpose is to learn Emberjs's client-side framework.
- ember-1.0.0-rc.6.1-2a9ce26
- ember-data-0.0.13-3981a7c
- qunit-1.12.0
- bootstrap 2.3.2 (including bootstrap-modal, bootstrap-dropdown, bootstrap-tab)
- GitHub project 'kcanrf/myContactServer' (uggly server-side app)
- execute application: /not-so-build/index.html
- execute tests: /tests/index.html
managing Contacts, where a Contact is identify with an 'alias' and provides various personnal/professionnal mails and phones
Expected functionnal features:
- list, create, read, update, delete Contacts
- capability to list favorite Contacts
- capability to search Contacts
- capability to define Group of Contacts
- list, create, read, update, delete Groups