Tools for indexing, shelving, copying, and modifying SETSM and ASP dems
Version 1.0
released 11 Oct 2017.
index_setsm - Build a gdb or shapefile index of a single SETSM DEM scene, strip, or tile, or a directory of DEMs of these types.
package_setsm - Build an index of a SETSM DEM or directory of DEMs and package all auxilary files into tar.gz archives.
package_setsm_tiles - Build an index of a SETSM DEM mosaic tiles or directory of tiles and package all auxilary files into tar.gz archives.
shelve_setsm_by_date - Move or copy a SETSM DEM or a directory of DEMs into folders based on acquisition date.
shelve_setsm_by_geocell - Move or copy a SETSM DEM or a directory of DEMs into folders based on the geocell that intersects with the DEM cetroid, as identified by the lower left geocell corner.
shelve_setsm_by_shp - Move or copy a SETSM DEM or a directory of DEMs into folders based on a custon shapefile index.
copy_dems - Copy DEMs using a subset of the DEM index bult using
apply_setsm_registration - If GCP registration information is included with a SETSM DEM, apply the offset and output a new raster.
resample_setsm - resample SETSM DEMs to a lower resolution.
divide_setsm_tiles - Divide SETSM DEM mosaic tiles into subtiles.
Some of the tools are designed to be run either in a serial, parallel, or with a PBS scheduler. If a PBS scheduler is present, the --pbs option can often be used to submit the jobs to PBS. The qsub* scripts can be modified or used as a template for job submission scripts. The --parallel-processes option, if available, allows the given tool to operate on several tasks at once.
Claire Porter
Email: [email protected]