- Constants
- Outlets
- Other variables
- VC Lifecycle methods
- Binding
- General methods
- Implementations
- Actions
Variable: Camel cased
var sampleVariable: String = ""
Constant: Uppercased and underscored
let SAMPLE_CONSTANT: String = ""
- Create new branch for features, hotfixes, bugs etc.
- Branch naming should follow {Your Initials}/{feature, bug, hotfix letter}{ticket number}/{branch name}
e.g. js/f123/descriptive_name
- Commits should follow {ticket number} - {description} (No 'WIP' or 'I did things' commits please). There are obviously exceptions like merges or ReadMe updates, but if applicable please follow this naming and always provide a meaningful comment
e.g. 151 - Removed payments module done by SH
- Once branch development is complete, submit a PR to develop and assign the appropriate member of the team to review. This is a team effort, we are looking to maintain code quality, catch bugs, and of course improve as a team!