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Mark Lizar edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the AdvCIS Summer Project Information

For the Kantara Summer Project - Summer Project Wiki

Schedule of 5 milestones to achieve

  1. July 15 - Provide inputs
  2. July 15 - Mixer with Standards in decentralised space
  3. July 20 - Hack-Day
  4. Aug 15 - Draft report
  5. Sept 23 - Present

Project Brief

A multi-community collaborative project at the apex of data privacy transparency, semantics and control. Collectively sprint on inputs for a single Digital Ledger Consent reference implementation. Utilising the ISO 27560 Consent record information structure to demonstrate compliance with ISO 27984 Online Privacy Notice & Consent Standard using data controls and semantics through the Kantara 1.1 CR update to a 1.2 Notice Receipt that includes all the waiting inputs to complete the consent record information structure.

Research question: Would a DLC reference implementation provide the same (better or worse) level of explicit consent and permission as the existing GA4GH federated model with DUO?

Participant Objectives (expected outputs/benefits)

  1. Kantara Notice & Consent Project: Digital Ledger Consent Extension for Consent record information structure
  2. OpenConsentGroup = Privacy Agreement - creates a object for common accord.
  3. W3C DPV - Genomic consent categories to W3C DPV CG
  4. ToiP- Decentralised Semantics WG - Conditions for DLC consent - a catalog of conditions
  5. Hyperledger Aries: DLC RFC -
  6. Common Accord -
  7. UBC - Research Implementation

Participant Inputs by July 15

  1. Kantara Notice & Consent Project: 1.2 Consent information structure inputs to ISO
  2. W3C DPVCG - Genomic consent categories for reference implementation + 1.2 Appendix ISO+GDPR+UDPV
  3. ToiP- Decentralised Semantics WG - OCA for UDPV to ISO + GDPR
  4. Hyperledger Aries: DLC RFC - Lifecycle of Consent
  5. Common Accord - Privacy Agreement Information Structure Specification
  6. UBC - Project Admin & Liaison

Project Briefs

  1. DPV to GA4GH - DUO (Labels + Conditions) mapped for input into Data Privacy Vocabulary maintained by the W3C DPV CG
  2. Listing the Conditions for Genetic Consent Conditions - Review if the DPV vs DUO - model -
  3. Analysis with all of the inputs - from July 10 - July 20th.
  4. Update DLC reference implementation with the inputs from the summer project Consent Receipt DLC extension contribution to the Kantara /ISO program of works
  5. Write a report / or demo - rough done 15 Aug