eCommerce shop project, a modern web application designed to provide a seamless shopping experience. This application is developed with Next.js and React, leveraging Redux for efficient state management. Data is fetched from a REST API to ensure dynamic and up-to-date content from
Main assumptions:
- Implement Redux State Management
- Integrate App Router Architecture (NextJs 14.2.4) and Redux. (
- Add authentication with Clerk
- Connect with MongoDB to store user comments
- Logged users are able to check previous orders
- Create unit and integration tests with Jest/React-testing-library
- Browse products dynamically fetched from a REST API
- Efficient state management using Redux
- Responsive design with TailwindCSS
- Smooth animations with Framer Motion
- Built with TypeScript for type safety
- Comprehensive testing using Jest and React Testing Library
- React (18)
- Next.js (14.2.4)
- Redux (2.2.6)
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Framer Motion
- Redux Toolkit
First, run the development server:
git clone
cd ecommerce-redux-app
npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev