The Hierarchical Bound-Tracing subhalo finder and merger tree builder, for numerical simulations in cosmology. HBT tracks haloes since their birth and continues to track them after mergers, finding self-bound structures as subhaloes and record their merger histories as merger trees.
--If reading gadget simulation, and you have the FoF halos already output in gadget format as well:
1.Create an parameter file under param/ directory, with name paramMyRun.h. You can find several examples there.
2.set RunName=MyRun in Makefile.runs
4.modify HBTrun or HBTjob etc. to submit your job.
--If reading other simulation format: create your own io directory change IODIR to be your own io directory in Makefile.runs then follow the steps above for gadget simulation.
The HBT paper is available at:
Currently, limited Documentation and examples can be found under utils/ and io_example/.
Contact: Jiaxin Han ICC, Durham University hanjiaxin #at#