Discord bot template using discord.js v13.6.0
- Fill in the necessary fields in template.env then rename it to .env
- Download and setup: NodeJS
- Installing the dependencies:
npm install
- Deploying to guild:
npm run guild
(Recommended for testing) - Deploying globally:
npm run global
- Starting the bot:
npm start
- They're example categories with 1 .js command and data.json file each
- The folder names can be changed but try keeping the name in each data.json consistent with the folder names
- They're for interactionCreate/messageCreate/ready events. interactionCreate will run when someone runs a slash command or interacts with an interaction. messageCreate will run when someone sends a message or runs a command with the bot prefix. ready runs when the bot is started.
- It's for deploying slash commands and allows you and other users to use them