Here are the configuration files that I use on my machine:
- allacrity
- bspwm
- nvim
- polybar
- ranger
- rofi
- sxhkd
- zsh
I will just leave a reminder here to make an install.sh script with these programs that I am using now:
- rxfetch
- alacritty
- bspwm (Installed with system)
- code
- dmenu
- feh
- firefox (Installed with system)
- lazygit
- mpv (Installed with system)
- neovim
- polybar
- ranger
- rofi (Installed with system)
- rofi-calc
- rofi-emoji
- slack-desktop
- stow
- sxhkd (Installed with system)
- tree
- wireguard-tools
- xdotool
- obsidian
- intellij
- yay
- zathura
- zathura-cb
- zathura-djvu
- zathura-pdf-poppler
- zathura-ps
- zsh