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standardization of 5G

  • ITR-R (international telecommunication union - radiocommunication) responsible to develop 5G requirements
  • technical specification developped by 3GPP
  • 3GPP is a consortium of major telecom vendors and operators
  • ITU-R requirements ==> 3GPP techincal specifications ==> vendors take specifications to develop their equipments so thier equipments can operate with one one another in harmony Screenshot from 2023-11-07 19-00-53

5G vision

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eMBB [peak data rate , high speed , high spectral efficiency]

  • main driver for 5G development
  • apllication { 3D video , UHD video streaming etc }
  • support for high speed mobility

mMTC/mIOT [power conservation , high connection density]

  • large number of connected devices
  • long better life
  • high connection density
  • operations over long range and in challenging coverage condition
  • application { IOT , smart home/city etc }

uRLLC [low latency , high reliability , mobility]

  • E2E low latency and ultra high reliability and availability
  • application { industrial automation , remote surgery , mission critical} Screenshot from 2023-11-07 19-30-39

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5G architecture

  • 3 main components :
    • UE
    • NG-RAN (next gen radio access network)
        1. uses 5G NR technology
        1. based on gNB ( next gen NodeB )
    • 5GC (5G core network)
    • all ip architecture Screenshot from 2023-11-08 18-09-43

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  • importance of NSA in 5G architecture : cost effective , without fullfledged 5G deployment they can still get many benefits of 5G network in NAS by using gNB , faster deployment

Dual connectivity (DC)

  • LTE eNB connected to EPC
  • enhanced eNB connected to 5G Core
  • 5G gNB connected to 5G core
  • master nodeB decides data and Qos a UE gets
  • bearer splitting(some data to UE , some to another nodeB etc) can take place at either of the nodeB's Screenshot from 2023-11-08 18-47-46

small cells in 5G networks

  • small cells directly related to DC
  • have 5G air interface but limited coverage (10m - 2km)
  • less channel impairments due to small coverage size
  • application
    • homes , stadiums , concerts and offices to improve coverage
    • used in DC to increase user data rate Screenshot from 2023-11-08 18-50-34

increased wireless spectrum

  • 5G NR can operate in 2 frequency ranges
    • FR1 450-6000MHZ
    • FR2 24250-52600MHz
  • Below 1 GHz : excellent in building penetration (great for large area cells) , wide area coverage tens of km , limited spectrum availability
  • 1-6 GHz : good coverage and good spectrum
  • 6-100 GHZ (mmWave) : low range (coverage inversely prop to frequency) , but a lot of bandwidth , effected by building penetration , good for small cells , smaller antennas (size of antennas inversely prop to frequency) , high directivity

OFDMA and flexible Numerology in 5G

  • 5G NR uses OFDMA as in 4G

  • But 5G has a wide frequency range

  • as frequency increases interfrequency interference due to doppler shift and phase error increases

  • solution => use scalable carrier spacing

  • OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is an efficient modulation technique in which a wide frequency band is split into many small frequencies, known as subcarriers, and transmitted so that they overlap each other but do not influence other subcarriers. These subcarriers are orthogonal to each other which means the peak point of a sub-carrier occurs at the NULL point of others such that the resources can be used with maximum efficiency.

  • to overcome the problem of a symbol overlaping another , a time gap is introduced between every 2 symbols. But leaving the space empty like turning off the transmission, would cause problems for the amplifier. So, to encounter this, a CP(Cyclic Prefix) is introduced in the space.

  • Cyclic Prefix is of 2 types -

    Normal CP - In Normal CP, the slot is divided into 14/7 symbols based on slot configuration. The normal CP length is designed to support propagation conditions with a delay spread up to 4.7 ÎĽs.

    Extended CP - The slot is divided into 12/6 OFDM symbols based on slot configuration in the case of extended CP. This is intended to support deployments where the delay spread is up to 16.7 ÎĽs. This is only supported for the ÎĽ value 2 i.e. 60KHz SCS.

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  • 14 OFDM symbols per slot (normal cp)
  • 12 OFDM symbols per slot (normal cp)


  • it is defined only for s frequency domain
  • a resource block is defined as 12 conseutive subcarriers in the frequency domain
  • LTE is defined in both freq and time domain
  • resource block is only defined in freq domain cause in time domain as the scs is increased the duration of time slot is decreased


  • smallest unit made up of
    • one subcarrier in frequency domain and
    • one OFDM symbol in time domain Screenshot from 2023-11-09 19-09-59


  • under favourible wireless channel (near base station)
    • 5G can use up to 256QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation)
    • 8 bits/symbol {log2 (256)}
  • lower modulation as the link detriorates
    • 64QAM (6bits/symbol) , 16QAM (4bits/symbol) etc


  • 2 main components
    • centralized unit (CU) : performs much of processing for large number of decentralizrd units
    • can be connected to multiple DU
    • typically resides in central office (edge computing)
      • handles computationally demanding tasks
        1. scheduling
        2. security
        3. power management
    • distributed unit (DU) : radio transmit/recive capability only
      • connected to one CU
      • near basestation

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beamforming and beam steering

  • large number of antennas work together to improve both coverage and also increase data rate
  • terms mMIMO and beamforming are often used interchangeably

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  • mimo technique suitable for wireless channels with rich multipath and scattering

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  • in a device some antennas used for mimo and another for beamforming (not exclusive to each other)

antenna for mmWave(above 6GHz)

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  • the 30GHz patch is much reduced if we use this in basestation for receiving/transmiting this antenna will capture much less energy so to solve this probliem we combine large number of antenna in an array

3D beam formming

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  • Digital beamforming
    • adjust amplitude and phase of RF signal fed into antenna array
    • directional beam by constructive interference of EMW
    • by varying the amplitude and phase of the input of these antenna elements we can steer this beam in any direnction in 3D plane
  • increasing number of antenna in array increases gain and directivity (in mmWave we can have upto 512 antennas)

beamforming and manassive MIMO

  • mMIMO technology uses antenna array on basestation
    • typically comprising of 16,32 or 64 or more array elements
  • number of antennas array elements much larger than number of UE's
  • narrower beams can be directed at different UE's
  • improve SNR
  • less interference Screenshot from 2023-11-09 23-14-41

5G architecture gNB

  • radio transmission/reception
  • digital signal processing(encryption,data comporession)
  • process access stratum signaling(siganling between UE and gNB,processed by gNB)
  • relay Non-access stratum signaling to core(signaling between UE and core)
  • radio resource management (gNB has to decide what resource block allocated to these UE)
  • communication with core network and nearby basestations(link between two gNB's called Xn , signaling needed b//w two gNB's over Xn interface for handover)

PDU (protocol data unit) sessions

  • 5G is an all IP system(all services(voice etc.) carried over ip packets)
  • 5G provides data connectivity to UE as PDU sessions
  • each PDU session may consist of one or more Qos flows
  • Qos characterised by
    • datarate
      • guaranteed : voice comm requires GBR so voice doesnt get disrupted
      • non guaranteed : used for busty traffic for ex browsing the net or downloading a file
    • latency
    • priority
    • ex voice service compared to web surfing Qos are very different , quality of voice packet has to be higher
  • each Qos flow has its own Qos ID
  • a UE at a time can establish 1 PDU session per network slice Screenshot from 2023-11-10 09-52-06

contol and user plane seperation in 5G

  • control plane function
    • authentication etc
    • connection management
    • Qos management
    • mobility manaagement
  • user plane functions
    • data traffic forwarding {mobility anchor , policy enforcement . lawful interception} , provides interface to intent to make sure the devices does not exceed the amount of data that the user have in their subsciption
  • advantage : scalability(increase upf or decrease cpf (eMBB) etc according to need of service)
    • more nodes to hadle data traffic Screenshot from 2023-11-10 10-02-52


  • manages UE registration
  • initiates authenttication
  • mobility management
  • {mobility management , registration} , responsible for supporting the device to move between different radio cells , also responsible for establishing signaling encrypted connection to the device so the device can register itself and can get authenticated and ready to acess the internet Screenshot from 2023-11-10 10-22-19

AUSF (authentication server function)

  • AMF invokes the authentication
    • passes UE identity to AUSF
  • AUSF retrieves authentication vector from UDM and passes it to AMF(authentication vector generated by UDM based on the secret key which is there with the UDM , this authentication vector passed to AMF)
  • AMF challenges UE with a random number(random number in authentication vector)
  • (UE generates a authentication response after recieving authentication number) AUSF checks if authentication response is valid
  • {security} supports AMF with authentication related function during different procedures


  • establishes and manages PDU session
  • interacts with PCF for policy decisions about Qos(PCF decides under given network condtions wheather PDU session can be established or what Qos this PDU session needs)
  • UPF selection (can be more than one so have to select one while moving)
  • IP address allocation
  • before the device transmits the data the network needs to establish a new session , give the device an IP address and release the sesssion when device has finished its activity . AMF forwardsall session related messages to SMF


  • point of contact with data network
    • data routing
  • anchor point for NG-RAN mobility
  • Qos enforcement on PDU flow(PCF decides Qos => decision taken by SMF => enforcement done by UPF)
  • data traffic forwarding {mobility anchor , policy enforcement . lawful interception} , provides interface to intent to make sure the devices does not exceed the amount of data that the user have in their subsciption

UDM (unified data management)

  • access authorization
    • holds security keys
  • tracking AMF of UE
  • subscriber information
    • data network Qos profile
    • access restrictions
    • mobility permissions
    • roaming restrictions
  • user subscription data is stored in user data repository (UDR) , UDM is the frontend for the user subscription data , the AMF dosnt contain user sub data , UMF supports AMF for registration of devices

PCF (policy charging function)

  • dynamic policy descisions
    • based upon network conditions
      • congestion
      • subscriber geo-location
  • eg UE in bad channel conditions wants to make a video call
    • throttle its data
    • refuse the call
  • mgmt of service areas
    • list of allowed and not allowed TA's(target areas)
  • can interact with AMF and SMF
  • decides how a flow is charged
  • session mgmt policies , non-session policies , charging devices depending on usage of device

AF (application function)

  • AF is an external server
    • communicates with core network to request a new packet flow
  • eg AF can be an IMS(IP MULTIMEDIA SUBSYSTEM , used to generate voice calls over IP) node
    • requesting voice call

network function virtualization(NFV)

  • problem with traditional mobile networks

    • network nodes implemented as special purpose hardware
    • the hardware is expensive to produce install and maintain
    • the hardware eventually needs to be replaced
    • difficult for new hardware vendors to enter the market
    • difficult to upgrade the network to support new cases eg: mMTC
  • NFV approach

    • networks functionalities is implemented in software
    • which runs on COTS(commercial off the shelf) hardware such as servers , storage and switches
  • NFV brings several advantages

    • the costs of both hardware and software reduces
    • easier for new vendors to enter the market
    • far easier to upgrade the network by simply upgrading the software

NFV architecture by ETSI (european telecomm standard institute)

  • virtual network function : software implementation of a network function
  • NFV infrastructure : physical hardware resources , such as computing , storage and networking
  • NFV management and orchestration encompasses the management of the
    • physial resources
    • virtual resources
    • and VNF

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  • example

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advantages of NFV in 5G

  • 5G is a collection of network functions
    • virtualized
    • run on a cloud infrastructure
  • cost effective network based on COTS
    • no custom hardware
  • ability to deploy new network functions quickly
  • shared usage of resource
  • scale up or scale down resources as per requirement
    • scale up AMF capacity in minutes using MANO

5G network slicing

  • 5G network slicing enables service providers to build virtual E2E networks tailored to application requirements
  • NFV will enable network slicing
    • allows creation of multiple virtual networks on shared physical infrasturcture
  • virtual networks are isolated in the control plane and user plane
  • user experiences them as a physically seperate networks
  • slicing crucial in 5G because of different Qos requirements for multitude of services
    • eg : low latency powerful mobile broadband
  • capabilities of slice optimised for one use case
  • on demand allocation of resources Screenshot from 2023-11-10 17-43-25

NRF (network repository function)

  • maintains profiles of network functions
  • receives discovery request of NF
    • returns IP addresses/domain names of servers for that NF

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NSSF (network slice selection function)

  • invoked during registration
    • if need to reselect an AMF for a particular service
  • NSSF returns
    • network slice
    • AMF for that service
  • new to 5G

NEF(network exposure function)

  • exposes the capabilities of 5G core network functions to an external AF
  • ensures that the communications take place securely :
    • may authenticate and authorize AF throttle the rate of info transfer
  • acts as middle man for info exchanged b//w 5GC and AF
  • AF might notbe authorized to communicate with other NF's in 5GC

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5G UE identifiers

  • PEI(permanent equipment identity)(device identifier)
    • curently only supporeted format is IMEI
  • SUPI(subscription permanent identifiers)(sim identifier)
    • can be either IMSI
    • NAI for non 3GPP access
  • SUCI(subscription concealed identifiers)
    • SUPI encrypted by public key
  • 5G-S-TMSI(5G S temporary MObile subscriber identity)
    • assigned by AMF
    • unique within AMF region
  • 5G-GUTI(5G global unique temporary identifier)
    • assigned by AMF
    • used when AMF region of UE is not known

tracking areas in 5G

  • TA may contain min 1 cell
  • a mobile network divided into tracking areas
  • tracking areas do not overlap
  • in idle mode , TA of a UE is known
  • in case of incoming call
    • all the UE's in the TA need to be paged with 5G-S-TMSI
    • TA update when a mobile enters a cell with different TA
  • core network can assign UE specific TA's list
    • UE roams in those TA's w//o TA update

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5G network identifers

  • PLMN-ID(public land mobile network identity)
    • PLMN-ID = mobile country code (MCC)and mobile network code(MNC)
  • AMI( AMF identifier )
  • GUAMI(global unique AMF identifier)
  • TAI(tracking area identity)
    • TAI = MCC,MNC,TAC(TA code)

UE power on procedure

  • in the acquisition pocedure , the UE discovers nearby cells by reading their PSS and SSS (primary/secondary synchronization sequences)
  • if it is a primary cell
    • then the cell broadcast system information (on PBCH) which decribes cell configuration and PLMN-ID
  • if no system info
    • cell is ignored

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  • establish securtiy
    • security based on process termed 5G AKA (authentication and key agreement)

    • AKA relies on the shared secret key ; the

      • USIM stores one copy
      • the UDM stores the other
    • secret key used for mutual authenticaion

      • both the device and th network authenticate one another
    • all signalling between the device and the network encrypted

      • UE and AMF
      • UE and gNB

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  • UE context installation
    • every valid subscriber has a subscriber profile stored in UDM
    • this profile defines
      • allowed Data network connection
      • Qos
      • Bandwidth
      • roaming
      • subscriber status

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  • UE Policy check
  • AMF performs a policy cjeck with the PCF
  • policy decisions influenced by
    • the time of day
    • location of the user
    • network congestion etc
  • policy check necessary
    • if subscriber can acess the network in these connection

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  • 5G-S-TMSI allocation
    • finally temporary ID allocated to the subscriber
    • this 5G-S-TMSI is created by the AMF
    • used for until the device isallocated
      • potentially due to an AMF change

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UE idle and connected modes

  • idle mode

    • UE location known to TA level(doesnt know exactly which cell)
    • UE is camping on a cell
    • UE listens to paging(whenever there is an incomig call for this device , the network will page all the mobile in TA in which mobile is located)
    • UE paged using 5G-S-TMSI(the paging message will contain the TMSI of the device , device will respond to the network and the network will know the current cell of the device)
  • connected mode

  • UE is actively exchanging voice or data with network

  • 5G-S-TMSI used for communication

  • UE location known to cell level

PDU session establishment

  • once the mobile has registered itself to the network then wants to avail some data service of network , this device will generate PDU session establishment request
  • then AMF will notify SMF to perform policy check for this request
  • PCF will then do a policy check
  • PCF will determine whether the device can use the services or not
  • if the check is positive the SMF will coordinates with AMF and UPF to establish user data PDU session

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UE paging procedure

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  • this paging message will contain TMSI of the mobile whose call is incoming , this device will message and respond to this message after which PDU session can be established for the downlink transfer of this data

tracking area update procedure

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handovers in 5G

  • handovers always take place when
    • UE is in a connected state during a call
  • the network decides a device switched from one cell to the next
  • two mechanisms of handover in 5G
    • Xn handover
    • N2 handover

Xn handover

  1. handover coordinattion : security info, PDU session info
  2. device connected to new cell
  3. AMF request to switch PDU session
  4. AMF will then request SMF to generate this switch
  5. SMF will ask UPF to change from souce gNB to target gNB
  6. new PDU session path established

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N2 handover ( no connection between source and target gNB directly only using AMF{AMF acts as middleman})

  1. AMF starts handover coordination
  2. device connected to new cell
  3. AMF request to switch PDU session
  4. AMF will then request SMF to generate this switch
  5. SMF will ask UPF to change from souce gNB to target gNB
  6. new PDU session path established

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5G sevice based architecture

  • service based arch introduced to increase modularity
  • a NETWORK FUNCTION provides one or more servicrs to other network functions in the network
  • these services are made available over service based interfaces of network funtion interface

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main mechanisms for NF services

  • request-reponse :
    • NF service consumer requests a service
    • NF service provider returns
      • information to the consumer
      • or performs an action , or both
    • subscribe-notify :
      • NF service consumer subscribes to provide service
      • provider notifies the consumer about
        • the occurrence of events or
        • periodic updates related to the service

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HTTP/2 for 5G core network

  • HTTP/2 used for communication between NF's
  • easy deployment in cloud environment
  • HTTP/2 is already very widely deployed
    • well developed security mechanisms , third party applications
  • easy integration of operatorand third-party applications

HTTP/2 on web vs HTTP/2 in 5G Core

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  • in 5G core request-response data only in JSON format

JSON format

     "empid":"SRAETS",  #name-value pair
           "address" :

concept of resource

  • exmaple of reources
    • PDU session
      • context
      • QoS policy
  • NF registration with NRF
  • resources located and manipulated as URI(uniform resouce identifier)

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HTTP methods used in 5GC

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HTTP reponses in 5G

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naming scheme for NF services

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REST applied to 5G sevices

  • defines a set rules for design of distributed applications
  • the 5GC service API implemented according to the REST "paradigm"
  • in the context of 5GC rules of REST applied to HTTP protocol

principles of RESTful design

  • client/server : split of responsibilities between client and server
  • stateless : each request from client must contain all the info necessary to understand the request
    • session state is therefore kept entireely on the client
  • cacheable : clients get indication from servers whether the received information can be cached at client
  • uniform interface : identification and manipulation of resources through URI's
  • layered system : each component cannot "see" beyond the immediate layer with which they are interacting

Use case 1 : NF service registration

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Use case 2 : NF sevice discovery

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What is network slicing ?

  • network slice is a logical network serving a defined customer consisting of all required network resources configured together
  • complete network within a provider
  • resources optimized for one use case
  • isolated but may share resoures
  • user experience it is as a seperate network
  • on demand allocation of resources

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example of network slicing in 5G

  • slices using same AMF Screenshot from 2023-11-13 20-54-13

S-NSSAI (single network slice selection assistance information)

  • a network slice instance (NSI) is identified by S-NSSAI

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  • SD is optional
  • used to differentiate between different network slices used for different customers

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  • SST : can be 1,2,3,4,5-127,128-255
  • SD : example there are two different eMBB slices that are allocated to two different users SD differentiates between these two eMBB using SD part

NSSI (network slice subnet instance in 5G)

  • NSI is further composed of NSSI

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  • A NSI is composed of one ore multiple network slice subnet instances (NSSIs)
  • A NSSI may contain one or multiple virtualized network functions
  • A NSSI may
    • consist NF(s) and other NSSI(s)
    • be shared by 2 or more NSIs
    • may contain core network functions or Access network functions or both

multiple slices support

  • at one time , maximum 8 slies can be assigned to a single UE
    • this UE must support PDU sessions associated with these slices
  • a common AMF instance supports all slices assigned to a UE
    • but these slices can have separate SMF/UPF instances
  • a PDU session is assoiated with only one S-NSSAI and one DN(data betwork)

NSI (network slice instance) life cycle

  1. preparation : decide what are the resources that are required for this network slice
  2. instantaion configration and activation phase : assign all necessity resources for this network slice(NS), config this NS , activate this NF
  3. run time : network slice is run
  4. decommision : deactivate and release all resources that were given to this network slice
  • NSMF ( network slice management function oversees the respective tasks of each phase

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1. preparation phase

  • network slice "blueprint" or "template" lists necessary attributes of network slice
  • if an existing network slice template meets the customer requirements
    • this template can be used as it is
    • or it can be scaled to meet customer requirements
  • in this case the preparation phase can be excluded

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  • if no suitable network slice template
    • new one is designed using the customer requirements
  • newly designed template can be added to a catalogue of network slice tmeplates
  • so preparation phase is skipped/shortened for the next customer with similar requirements

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2. instantiation , configuration and activation phase

  • all resources shared/dedicated required by a NSI are created (instantiated) and configured
  • actions to make NSI active , eg diverting traffic to it provisioning databases

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3. run time phase

  • NSI is capable of traffic handling
  • performance monitoring using key performance indicators (KPI) reporting
  • supervision : NSI may need to be modified
    • NSI reconfiguration , NSI capacity change , NSI topology change (how NFs are connected to one another), addition/deletion of NF's

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4. decommissioning phase

  • the decommissioning phase includes deactivation
  • the dedicated resources (eg NFs) assigned to this NSI are free
  • shared/dependent resources are reconfigured
  • after decommissioning the NSI does not exist anymore

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network slicing management model

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  • CSMF (comm service management function) converts the customer requirements to the network slice related requirements

    • network type
    • network capacity
    • QoS requirements etc
  • CSMF provides network slice requirements to NSMF

  • NSMF (network slice management function) manages the network slice instance

  • NSMF converts the network slice related requirements to network slice subnet related requirements

  • the NSSMF manages the NSSIs based on the network slice subnet related requirements received from the NSMF

radio access network slicing

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slice avaiability in the 5G network

  • network slice selection assistance information (NSSAI) is a set of S-NSSAIs
  • NSSAIs are managed at the
    • TA level in the 5G RAN
    • registration area level in 5GC
  • a given registration area (ie the list of tracking areas) shall support common set of slices

signaling related to slice availability

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  • using OMC(operations and managment center) ,the operator configures
    • the NSSF about where network slices are available in a 5G PLMN
    • the 5G gNBs about netwok slice availablity per TA level

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  • over N2 interface : during N2, connection setup/updation during RAN/AMF configuration update :
    • gNB --> AMF about S-NSSAIs supported per TS
    • AMF --> gNB about S-NSSAIs per PLMN ID supported by AMF
    • over Xn interface : at Xn setup and 5G RAN node configuration update
      • gNBs exchange S-NSSAIs per TA

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  • over N22 interface : a setup or change
    • AMF-->NSSF about S-NSSAIs per TA
    • NSSF-->AMF about restricted S-NSSAIs per TA

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NSSF (network slice selecion function)

  • provides services to other AMF and NSSFs

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5G roaming architecture

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  • visiting UPF controlled by visting UPF , HOME UPF controlled SMF

logical entities for network access security

  • seperate logical entities for security defined to maintain a logical security architecture
  • contaibed within 5GC NFs
  • logical entities

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SIDF(subscription identifier de-concealing funtion)

  • the SIDF is a service offered by the UDM NF in the home network
  • it is responsible for resolving the SUPI from the SUCI
  • responsible to deconceal SUCI

AUSF(authentication server function)

  • defined as a standalone NF in the 5GC architecture
  • responsible for handling the authentication in the home network
    • based on information received from the UE and UDM/ARPF

SEAF(seurity anchor function)

  • it is functionality provided by the AMF
  • responsible for handling the authentication in te serving(visited) network
    • based on info received from UE and AUSF
  • called a seruity anchor cause UE cannot directly communicate with the AUSF or AMF for its authentication


  • important
  • ARPF contains the subscirbers security credentials
    • long-term/master key (K)
      • uses of master key:authentication , derivation of ciphering and integrity protection keys
    • the subscription identifier SUPI
  • ARPF services are provided via the UDM
    • no open interface defined between UDM and ARPF

network access securtiy

  • it comprises of all those functions that are related to the secure access of this UE to the network
  • mutual authentication
    • UE and network confirm each other's identities

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  • UE and network must support 2 authentication methods :

    • 5G AKA (5G autentication and key agreement)
      • for 3GPP access (UE<==>gNB)
    • EAP-AKA (extensivle authentication protocol - AKA)
      • for non 3GPP access (WLAN device connected to WLAN access network)
  • one the authentication procedure is complete the ciphering and integrity protection keys are generated (ex UE when connected to AMF)

  • exceptions - emergency calls

initiation of authentication

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  • based on SUPI , ARPF which type of authentication to be used (AKA or EKA-AKA)

concealement/deconcealement of SUPI

  • 5G-GUTI is sent if the UE has a valid 5G-GUTI from a previous registration

  • if 5G-GUTI not available, SUPI needs to be used

  • SUPI is never sent in clear text over the air

  • a concealed version of SUPI called SUCI is used

  • SUCI is created by the UE based on publi key cryptography and a protection scheme

  • the HPLMN (UDM/SIDF) can derive the SUPI from the SUCI by using the home network private key

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  • MSIN (mobile subscriber identification number) is encrypted using home network public key

5G AKA procedre

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  • once the authentication procedure has been initiated then UDM has the SUPI and based on the SUPI , UDM decides whether it has to use 5G AKA procedure or EAP-AKA procedure(we are looking at AKA)
  • the ARPF generates the 5G home environment authentication vector cause (AUSF and UDM are in hone network)
  • the expected response to the random number(XRES) is calculated using the MILENAGE FUNCTION and the input to the milenage function are sequence number , random number , Authentication manaegement field and the master key (K)
  • this milenage function has 5 subfunctions :- MAC(generates message authentication code) , XRES(response to random number) , IK , AK

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  • UDM derives XRES* as follows using HMAC-SHA-256 KDF function

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  • UDM derives K_AUSF as follows using HMAC-SHA-256(K,S) KDF(key derivation function) as below

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  • AUSF derives K_SEAF from K_AUSF by passing K=K_AUSF and S= 0x6C || serving network name || length of serving network name to KDF function
  • this K_SEAF for the time being is stored in the AUSF

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  • AUSF uses the XRES* to calculate the HXRES*
  • HXRES* calculation at AUSF : HXRES* is 128bit MSB of the output of SHA-256 hash, calculated by passing RAND||XRES* as input to SHA-256 algorithm

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  • AUSF sends the 5G SE AV (serving environment authentication vector) to the AMF (SE cause AMF is located in the serving network of the UE)

  • SEAF(AMF) stores the HXRES* and send random number (RAND) and authentication token (AUTN) tothe ME (mobile equipment) which send it to USIM

  • USIM verifies the AUTN and derives the RES and keys(CK,IK)

  • UE uses milenage function to derive XMAC , RES , CK , IK as below

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  • if the XMAC and MAC are the same then it means its the genuine mobie network that this UE is connecting

  • also verifies that sequence number(SQN) is in the correct range

  • CK and IK are sent to ME and it calculates RES* and derive Kausf key , Kmac key , Kamf key

  • then ME send RES* and MAC to the AMF(SEAF)

  • SEAF(AMF) calculates the HRES* from RES* and compares it with HXRES* from the HXRES* it hase already stored if they are the same it means it is good

  • AUSF compares RES* with XRES* (AUSF stores XRES*) if it is the same then authentication is successful

5G security key hierarchy

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  • KNASint used for integrity protection of the link that is there between AMF and UE

  • KgNB handed over to gNB from AMF used to derive the following

    • KRRCint signaling between UE and gNB is called RRC k KRRCint does integrirty protection
    • KRRCenc encryption of RRC
    • KUPint integrity protection of data that is flowing from UE to gNB
    • KRRCint encryption of the flowing data
  • the AMF passes K_gNB to the master eNB/gNB

    • stored there till the UE is in the state of CM-CONNECTED
  • the encryption and integrity keys are 256 bits long

    • but are truncated to 128 bits before use , future provision 256 bits
  • ciphering/integrity keys called as low level keys as these keys are used just between OSI layer 1(physical layer) and layer 2(data link layer)

ciphering/integrity algo in 5G

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5G EAP-AKA for non-3GPP access architecture

  • used for authentication of non-3GPP devices if they want to connect to 5GCN

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  • instead of UE directly connecting to AMF it first connects to access point for WLAN
  • In order to connect to 5GC will need protocol converison which is provided by N3IWWF(non-3GPP access interworking function)

5G EAP-AKA(extensible authentication protocol - authentication and key agreement)

  • defiend by IETF in RFC 3748 is a protocol framework for
    • authentication
    • typically between an end-user device and a network
  • first introduced for the point to point (PPP)
  • EAP is not an authentication method per se but rather
    • a common authentication framework to impelement specific authentication methods
  • EAP is therefore "extensible" as it enables support for different authentication methods
  • new authentication methods can be added
  • these authentication methods are typically referred as EAP methods

5G EAP-AKA' (subtype of 5G EAP-AKA)

  • it is for performing authentication based on USIM cards
  • UDM/ARPF will generate a transformed authentication vector(AV') and provide it ti the AUSF
  • the AV' consists of 5 parameters
    • RAND (random number)
    • XRES (expected result)
    • AUTN (network authentication token)
    • CK' and IK' (keys)

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  • UDM generate AV'(RAND,XRES,AUTN,CK',IK') which is given to AUSF
  • AUSF will keep XRES,CK'and IK' within itself and calculate the MAC(message authentication code) , generate KAUSF and from this will generate KSEAF and will keep KSEAF in itself and forward RAND,AUTN,MAC to AMF
  • AMF will challenge the ME using RAND,MAC,AUTN , ME will kepp MAC and forward RAND , AUTN to USIM
  • USIM verifies the AUTN and derives the RES and keys(CK,IK) and forward it to ME
  • ME/UE verifes the MAC and derives KSEAF, KAUSF, KAMF
  • UE sends response to the challenge with RES , MAC '
  • AMF then forwards the RES , AC to AUSF (AMF just forwarding messages not calculating any hashes or doing any comparison)
  • AUSF compares RES with XRES and checks if ir is valid response if the value is correct it means its good , it also verifies MAC and finds them correct
  • AUSF then sends KSEAF to the AMF and AMF will then derive the KAMF based on KSEAF and will keep KAMF with itself
  • AMF then informs the UE that authenticaion was a success

5G security key hierarchy for EAP-AKA (non-3GPP Access)

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  • 5G voice service will be provided based in IMS (IP multimedia subsystem)
  • IMS was launched with 3G as voice over IP solution
    • used in VoLTE calls
    • 2G,3G used ckt switching
  • 2 major voice solutions in 5G
    1. voice over 5GS
    2. EPS fallback: if 5G coverage not available(handed over to LTE system)
  • VoLTE supports
    • SRVCC (single radio voice call continuity)
      • active VoLTE call handed over to 2G/3G voice if no 4G coverage
    • CSFB (ckt switched fallback)
      • call is handed to 2G/3G before te call is connected
  • with 5G core , no SRVCC or CSFB capability
    • ckt switched voice option lost

Vo5G Codecs

  • codec is an algorithm that digitalizes and compresses the voice in the transmitter and decompresses the voice at the reciver end and gives it an analog wave form shape so that it can be heard by the person who is recieving this voice
  • Vo5G must support 2 codecs
    1. EVS (enhanced voice services)
      • norrow band to wideband HD voice (128 Kbps)
      • backward compatible WB-AMR(LTE)
      • robustness to delay jitter and packet loss
    2. IVAS (immersive voice and audio service)
      • mono to stereo to fully immersive for VR
      • underdevelopement

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  • whether the voice is encoded using EVS or IVAS , this voice is carried in RTP packets (real time protocol) , these RTP packets are then carried to UDP packets (user datagram protocol) in the transport layer (L4) , these UDP packets then carried in the IP packets

SIP(session initiation protocol)

  • sip is an application layer signaling protocol
  • used in IMS signalling
  • simple,flexible protocol for creating , modifying and terminating sessions
  • sometimes SIP packets carry SDP(session description protocol)
    • IP addresses and port numbers
    • codecs uses
    • bandwidth required

IMS in 5G system

  • IMS architecture remains unchanged
  • some IMS interfaces upgraded for 5G SBA(system based architecture)
  • these services have the prefix of Ncx_IMSxxx_xxx


  • IMS uses SIP signalling to setup voice calls
  • CSCFs (call session control function) are responsible for
    • analyzing and routing the SIP based messages

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  • sits at the entry of the IMS function
  • routes messages to correct IMS node
  • security (eg. flooding attacks)
  • QoS for IMS
  • forwards request to I-CSCF


  • request for registration first comes to P-CSCF , which then is passed to I-CSCF , I-CSCF checks with the UDM whether the UE is already registered with IMS or not , if not then I-CSCF would assign S-CSCF to that user and the I-CSCF would pass that request to the corresponding S-CSCF
  • similary when there is call coming from another IMS network for the user in this IMS network then that call will come to I-CSCF and the I-CSCF would check with the UDM which S-CSCF the call user is assigned and after that the I-CSCF would pass that SIP call to the corresponding S-CSCF which is assingned to the called user
  • routing SIP requests from other SIP networks
    • queries UDM to find S-CSCF of called subscriber
    • routes call to that S-CSCF


  • once the registration request of the user has reached S-CSCF , it will interact with the UDM in order to get the security info of the UE and then S-CSCF will use this security info to authenticate this user in order to prove whether this is a genuine user or not
  • once authenticity is proven then S-CSCF will register the UE with itself and send this info to UDM
  • similarly when this registered UE wants to make a call , S-CSCF interats with other apllication servers(AS) in order to set up that call in case of voice call the S-CSCF may interact with the telephony application server(TAS) in order to set up the voice call

TAS(telephony application server) in IMS

  • CSCF provide basic call processing/routing
  • during call set up process S-CSCF interacts with the TAS in order to set up a voice call with the features :
    • calling line ID hiding
    • call divert etc

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IMS connectivity requirement

  • in order to use IMS , UE needs to connect to IMS

Screenshot from 2023-11-16 19-03-12 PDN(public data network)

PDU Session for IMS connectivity

  • registration : one QoS flow ( used to register UE to IMS system)
  • voice call : two QoS flow
    • QoS flow 1 (default rule) for IMS signalling(to generate , maintain and establish the voice call)
    • QoS flow 2 used as IMS media bearer(actual packets of voice carried by this one) , QoS parameter depends on voice call(std,high definition etc)

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IMS registration : 1. P-CSCF discovery

  • in order to communicate with the IMS network , a UE must know at least one IP address of the P-CSCF
  • 3 ways
    • assigned by SMF alongwith UE IP address
    • static configuration in UE
    • DHCP server can provide the P-CSCF IP/domain name(DNS)
    • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a network management protocol. It is used on Internet Protocol networks and automatically assigns an IP address to the devices connected to the network using a client-server architecture.

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IMS registration

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  • in the first step UE sends a registration request to proxy-CSCF
  • P-CSCF will then relay this meassage to INTEROGATING-CSCF , now I-CSCF will use Ncx_IMSRegistration_Get function to querry the UDM , wether this UE is already registered to the IMS system or not , if not I-CSCF will select a S-CSCF for the UE and send this request to S-CSCF
  • now S-CSCF will use registraion service of the SBA(service based architechure)(NCx_IMSRegistration_register) in order to send the registration request to the UDM
  • the UDM will temp store this UE against this S-CSCF and smilarlly the S-CSCF will request the authetication information for this UE using Ncx_IMSAuthentication_Get service
  • once S-CSCF gets this info , it will challenge the UE using this authentication info so that UE proves its genuiness
  • UE gives response by sending authentication response
  • if is successful then this service-CSCF tells UDM about this success
  • UDM registers the UE against this S-CSCF then notifies S-CSCF that the registration is complete
  • S-CSCF sends ok message to UE

3rd party registration

  • we know S-CSCF can offer only basic functions such as session routing or session management but if we want supplementary services we need to invlove AS(application servers)
  • for Vo5G we need AS eg TAS
  • 3rd party registration notifies ASs that user is now connected and ready to communicate

SIP signalling for Vo5G

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  • both UEs need to be registered , i.e both need to be assigned a S-CSCF in order to initiate a voice call
  • calling UE would send an INVITE(SDP{session desc protocol} offer) to called UE { what IP address for call , what port its gonna use , which codecs to be used }
  • called UE responds 183 session progress message(SDP answer){IP address , port number, codec}
  • calling UE responds with PRACK(progress acknowledgement)
  • called UE responds with 200 OK
  • IMS meadia bearer is establishment
  • SPD offer message sent from calling UE to called UE in order to indicate that the media bearer has been established
  • called UE sends 200 OK message with 180 ringing(called party is ringing)
  • once called UE picks up the phone 200 OK message is sent to calling UE
  • calling UE acknowledges
  • after this actual voice communication would take place in IMS meadia bearer that has already been established

IMS media bearer establishment

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tearing down the call (ending a call)

  • at SIP level

    • one user sends BYE
    • another responds with 200 OK Screenshot from 2023-11-16 21-06-32
  • IMS media bearer tear down

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EPS fallback

  • specially usefull in early phase of 5G deployment where NR coverage is not sufficient
  • voice call is setup via NR and 5GC
  • UE roams to an area w//o 5G coverage
  • NR instructs triggers a handover or redirection to LTE network

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UE state management

  • 5G system needs to be able to keep track of each UEs
    • availability
    • reachability
  • keeps track of 3 states of UE
    1. RRC radio resource control (between UE and gNB)
    2. CM connection management (between UE and AMF) also called non access stratum connection(NAS)
    3. RM registration management (between UE and AMF)

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1. RRC (radio resouce control) state

  • status of RRC connection between UE and gNB
  • RRC-idle : No RRC connection
    • UE monitors broadcast info(that it is recieving from the gNB)
    • cell selection/reselection
  • RRC connection required for
    • registration
    • voice call etc
  • RRC connected
    • UE location known to cell level

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  • RRC-inactive : intermediate state introduced in 5G(saves battery power)
    • RRC connection context (parameters) stored in UE and gNB
    • RRC connection can be ativated with minimum signalling
    • decrease in signalling
    • suitable for massive IOT

UE mobility in RRC_inactive state: RAN areas

  • RAN area are very like TAs nut relevant to the RAN
  • size of RAN area
    • min --> one cell of a TA
    • mac --> all the cells of a TA
  • RAN areas do not overlap
  • each RAN area is identified using RAN area ID

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UE mobility in RRC_inactive state: RAN-based notification areas(RNAs)

  • one or more RAN areas of same TA can be grouped as RNA(RAN-based notification areas)
  • the 5G RAN can assign a RNA to a UE
  • in RRC_INACTIVE state,
    • the RAN knows the RNA in which mobile is in
    • RAN notifies the network if it moves to another RNA
    • to contact UE , RAN pages all the cells in a RNA
  • reduced signaling : RNA updates instead of cell updates
  • in case of RRC_INACTIVE case the UE only notifies RAN about cell change if that cell belongs to a diff RNA this reduces load and save battery life of UE

2. CM (connection management) state

  • whether an active NAS connection exists between UE and AMF or not
  • also called N1 signalling link
  • CM-idle : no N1 connection between UE and AMF (AMF knows ue registration area)
  • CM-connected used for (AMf knows UEs current gNB)
    • registration
    • data transfer
    • registration update

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registraion area = UE TA list

3. RM (registration management) state

  • RM state is used to indicate the status of registration of the Ue with 5G network
  • RM-deregisterd
    • swithed off or deregistered
  • RM-registered
    • registered with %GC
    • served by an AMF
    • assigned a 5G-GUTI
    • registration update
      • UE enter another RA

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combined state diagram

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PDU session attributes

  • PDU session establishment not a part of the 5G registration procedure
    • UE can be registered without a PDU session
  • PDU session attributes
    • PDU session ID
    • PDU session type ( ethernet , unstructured{used when the network does not have any knowledge of what type of protocol is being used at the application layer } , IPv4 , IPv6 , IPv4v6 {IP header size increases hence not very efficient for mMMt , uRLLC , solution is to use ethernet in which we do not use IP header , we use MAC address , source and destination addresses for tranfer of data theough PDU session })
    • data network name ( name of data network to which this PDU session is connecting )
    • network slice type

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QoS flows in PDU sessions

  • one or more QoS flows per PDU session
  • each QoS flow is characterised by the QoS rule
    • QFI (QoS flow identifier)
    • QoS rule identifier
      • unique within a PDU session
    • packet filter set (to identify packets)
    • QoS parameters

PDU session states

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acive PDU session

  • a PDU session consists of 3 sub-bearers
    • data radio bearer (between UE and gNB)
    • N3 tunnel (between gNB and UPF)
    • N9 tunnel (between 3 UPFs)
  • bearer context
    • DRB-ID (data radio bearer ID)
    • TEID (tunnel endpoint ID)
    • UE IP address
  • this bearer context needs to stored UPF , AMF , gNB and UE for the activaton of PDU session

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Inactive PDU session

  • 5G PDU session may necome inactive
    • inactivity timer expiration
    • done to prolong battery life
  • DRB and N3 tinnel are released
  • any further incoming data buffered in anchor UPF
  • bearer context retained ( in UE , AMF , UPF and gNB inorder for faster reactivation )
  • can be reactivated by UE or AMF

2 main types of QoS flows

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QoS parameters (common in both GBR and non-GBR)

  • allocation and retention priority (ARP)

  • 5G QoS identifier (5QI)

  • GRB QoS flow

  • guaranteed flow bit rate (GFBR)

  • maximum flow bit rate (MFBR)

  • notification control

  • non GBR QoS flow

    • per session aggregate maximum bit rate ( session AMBR )
    • per UE aggregate maximum bit rate (UE-AMBR)
    • reflective QoS attribute (RQA)

ARP (allocation and retention priority)

  • competition for resources during busy period
  • 5GC will use ARP to
    • establish QoS flow with higher ARP
    • reject creation of QoS flow with lower ARP
  • in overload, QoS flow with a low ARP will be produced
  • ARP priority
    • ARP priority: 1-15
    • pre-emption capability: yes/no (whether other QoS flows that have a lower ARP priority they can be dropped in favour of this QoS flow or not)
    • pre-emption vunerability: yes/no ( defines whether this QoS flow can be dropped in favour of other QoS flows that have a higher ARP value )

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  • ARP parameter values for a specific subscriber are stored in the UDM
  • from the UDM given to SMF
  • how these parameters are gonna be used it is defined in the general ARP policy for network and this policy is defined the PCF
  • SMF takes input from UDM and PCF and based upon this input the SMF would decide which QoS flows it is going to create
  • in order to create a QoS flow SMf needs to coordinate with the AMF and UPF

5G , Qos identifier(5QI)

  • combination of 6 parameters
    1. Resoure type: GBR , delay critical GBr , or non-GBR
    2. default priority value: lower value --> higher priority (different from ARP , this priority level is more concerned with how UPF handles a peritcular QoS flow and what priority UPF gives to this QoS flow)
    3. packet delay budget(PDB) : 98% of packets in a QoS flow must have packet delay less than PDB
    4. Packet error rate: maximum packet error rate that is allowed in a QoS flow (eg 10^-2 means 1 in 100 packets can be in error)
    5. Default maximum data burst volume: amount of data that is transmitted through a QoS flow in the excess network during the duration of the PDB(valid for PDB<20 ms , if it exceeds than this parameter is no longer valid)
    6. averaging window: time duration over which the parameters of GFBR and MFBR (both GBR) are calculated (not a parameter for non-GBR)

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GBR QoS flow specific parameters

  • GFBR(guaranteed flow bit rate)
    • the minimum data rate that the QoS flow should maintain
  • MFBR(maximum flow bit rate)
    • the maximum data rate that the QoS flow is allowed to use
  • notification control parameters
    • indicates if the RAN should notify the SMF when the GFBR cannot be maintained

Non-GBR QoS flow parameter

  • session-AMBR(per session aggregate maximum bit rate)
    • the maximum total data rate within a particular PDU session , from all the UE's non-GBR QoS flows
  • UE-AMBR (per UE aggregate maximum bit rate)
    • the maximum total data rate for the UE , from all of its non-GBR QoS flows
  • RQA (reflective QoS attribute)
    • whether reflective QoS(first have to look at packet filters to understand) is enabled for a QoS flow

Packet filters

  • during the establishment of PDU session packet filters are installed in the UPF in the network side and in the UE on the UE side
  • once a PDU session is established we know PDU session consisits of QoS flows and these flows are then mapped to the data radio bearers
  • the function of packet filters is to identify the incoming traffic that it belongs to which PDU session then these packet filters map that traffic to their corresponding QoS flows bu marking them with QoS flow ID's
  • packet filters identify these traffics by using
    • source and destination IP addresses
    • source and destination port numbers
    • layer 4 protocol used in these traffic whether it is TCP or UDP

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5G reflective QoS (RQoS)

  • purpose of RQoS is to reduce 5G signalling
  • UE uses (mirrors) the same DL(downlink) QoS rules to send UL traffic( no signalling required in order to send UL QoS rule in UE)
  • during PDU session establishment the
    • UE indicates if it supports reflective QoS
    • network sets the RQA(RQoS attributes) for this PDU session
      • also provides RQ timer(reflective QoS timer)

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  • in order to trigger RQoS for a particular QoS flow the SMF signals to the UPf
  • UPF labels the QoS flows DL packet with
    • new QoS flow indicator (QFI)
    • UPF also sets the reflective QoS indicator in these DL packets
  • UE uses this info to
    • create an uplink QoS rule based on DL rule for this QoS flow
    • it uses the same QFI for this flow
  • UE continues to send the UL packets for this newly created QoS , as long a it continues to receive DL packets with RQI(RQoS idicator) bit as set
  • otherwise , it waits for a time equal to the RQoS timer
    • once the timer expires the UE deletes this newly created QoS flow in the UL

channel and trasmission bandwidths

  • the radio bandwidth of the channel that is being used by an operator in a given gNB depends upon 2 factors

    1. how much total bandwidth has been assigned by the regulator to the operator
    2. second , out of that total bandwidth how much bandwidth has been used by the operator in this gNB , that bandwidth is called channel bandwidth(MHz)
  • this channel bandwidth includes guardbands so that the transmission that are being made in this channel do not interfare with the adjacent frequency channels look in to this

  • when you remove gaurdbands from channel bandwidths you get Transmission Bandwidth Configuration NRB (total number of available resource block that are there in a gNB that can be used for transmission) [RB]

  • out of that Transmission Bandwidth Configuration at a time there may be a subset of the resource block that are actually being used for the transmission

  • these Active resouce blocks depend on time of day (more when more calls , less at night necause of less load)

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maximum transmission bandwidth configuration (FR1)

  • channel bandwidth lies between 5 and 100 MHZ in frequency range 1
  • and if we are using min bandwidth as the gaurdband so the maximum transmission bandwidth or in other word maximum number of resource blocks that are available for transmission they depend upon channel bandwidth

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  • as we increase the bandwidth the resource blocks are increasing
  • we cannot use the 15KHz with 60 MHZ bandwidth cause this is a very high bandwidth
  • as we increase SCS from 15KHz to 30 KHz we see that we can now use 60MHz or more bandwidths but they are less than the 15KHz SCS
  • in 60KHz spacing 5MHz is not available cause 5MHz channel bandwidth is small for this 60KHz SCS

maximum transmission bandwidth configuration (FR2)

  • channel bandwidth is between 50 and 400 MHz in frequency range 2

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Reference frequency (Fref)

  • in individual channel there is a centre frequency of this channel which is called the Reference frequency (Fref)
  • this reference frequency has an assosiated number which is called NR-Absolute Radio Frequency channel number (Nref)
  • NR-ARFCN is used to identify this channel

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  • the operator may decide instead of using a channel in a gNB it wants to use another channel in that gNB only
  • but in these 2 channels the bandwidth is the same but the frequencies are different as a result the center frequency or refernece frequency has changed
  • therefore associated NR-ARFC will also changed

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reference frequency calculation Fref

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  • global raster is the min distance in terms of frequency that can be there between reference frequencies
  • channel raster is the minimum distance between center frequencies of two channels

Difference between global and channel Raster

  • above 3 GHz , every refernce frequency can act as the center frequency for the channel that means channel raster and global raster is same
  • below 3 GHz , the global raster is 5KHz that means minimum distance between 2 between two reference frequenies is 5KHz but channel raster can be 15KHz or 100KHz

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Bandwidth part (BWP)

  • in LTE , UE's radio bandwidth usually same as eNB bandwidth
  • in 5G , UE,s radio bandwidth can be less than gNB bandwidth
  • BWP is a contiguous set of RBs
    • subset of the base stations transmission bandwidth configuration

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  • numerology = SCS
  • UE can be assigned
    • upto 4 BWPs in downlink
    • upto 4 BWPs in uplink
  • at one time
    • only one BWP ative in uplink
    • and one BWP ative in downlink
  • BWPs can overlap but active at different time

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Resource Grid

  • the total bandwidth that is there in a cell is divided into resouce blocks in frquency domain
  • while in the time domain we have frames each frame is of 10ms and it has 10 subframes of 1ms each
  • if we have SCS of 60 KHz we will have 4 slots per subframe (2^2)
  • the normal CP is 14 symbols per slot in time domain and 12 subcarriers in frequency domain
  • The 3GPP documents describes a resource block to be a group of resource elements spanning 12 consecutive subcarriers in the frequency domain and one slot in the time domain.

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  • each cell/gNB can have multiple resouce grids (eg one resource grid for UL and one for DL)
  • there is one resource grid for each combination of
    • direction(UL or DL)
    • antenna port in MIMO
    • SCS configuration

5G NR Model for Air interface channels

  • 3 channels
    • physical
    • transport
    • logical

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5G NR logical channels

  • black arrow --> channels in DL direction
  • red aarow --> channels in UL diretion

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Dedicated , Common and Broadcast Logical Channels

  • Dedicated Channels(P2P channel)

    • channels reserved for a single user
      • DTCH (dedicated trafiic channel)(in case of call)
      • DCCH (dedicated control channel)(signalling to support this call would be carried on by DCCH)
  • Common Channels

    • channel shared between users
    • no reserved channels
      • PCCH (paging control channel)(incoming call , gNB uses PCCH to page the UE)
      • CCCH (common control channel)(used by UE in order to initiate a call with the network)
  • Broadcast Channels

    • channels for broadcasting to user in a cell
    • BCCH (broadcasting control channel)(broadcast system info to UE that are there in the cell)

5G NR channels (Transport channels)

  • PCCH is mapped by PCH (paging channel)
  • BCCH mapped by BCH (broadcast channel)
  • CCCH , BCCH , DTCH and DCCH are multiplexed on the DL-SCH(DL-shared channel)
  • in UL UL-SCH(UL-shared channel) is being demultiplexed into CCCH,DCCH,DTCH

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5G NR channels (Physical channels)

  • uptill now info was being carried out in the form of bits
  • in order to transmit that info over air interface we need to convert that info into EM signal
  • a physical channel that has certain phyical layer procedures applied to it so that it can carry that info in form of EM signal
  • for eg PBCH (physical broadcast channel) is taking info as bits from the BCH and it is then transmiting that info over air interface
  • PUSCH(physical UL shared channel) receives info as EM signals and gives it to UL-SCH

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  • yellow colured physicals channels called physical signals do not take any info from physical layer or any higher layer and sending on the air interface

  • purple colured PC , these physical channels take info from 1st layer and transmit it as EM signals over air interface or vice versa

  • orange coloured PC , these physical channels take info from 2nd layer or higher send info over air interface or vice versa

  • first looking at yellow coloured channels

    1. DM-RS(demodulation-reference signal) : almost all purple and orange coloured physical channels that are carrying some info have an associated DM-RS (exception : PRACH(physical random access channel)) therefore it is an important physical signal . DM-RS helps the receiver to demodulate the incoming signal .

    2. SRS (sounding refernce signal) : transmitted by the UE on differnet subcarrier frequencies in the UL towards the gNB , gNB makes quality measurement on those subcarriers , then gNB comes to know what are the subcarriers that are best for this UE for UL transmission . based on this gNODEB schudeles RB foe uplink transmssion and modulation scheme (256QAM {8 bits transmitted per RE/1 OFDM symbol} , 62QAM {6 bits transmitted per RE/1 OFDM symbol}, etc) . helps the gNB receiver to determine which UL subcarriers are best for the UE

    3. CSI-RS (channel state information-reference signal) : helps the UE receiver to determine the best downlink subcarriers , the best downlink modulation scheme . it is transmitted by the gNB towards the UE in the DL on different subcarrier frequencies and then UE makes quality measurments on these subcarriers , based on that the UE decides that which subcarriers or physical resource blocks are good for DL transmission and what is the best modulation scheme that can be used on those subcarriers and the UE sends this info back to gNB as UL-control inforamtion and based on that info gNB can decide what RBs it can use in the DL and modulation scheme on those RBs

    4. PT-RS (phase tracking reference signal) : helps the receiver to compensate for phase errors at high radio frequencies (mmwave) , and maintain phase synchronization

Procedures to Understand 5G channels

  1. cell aquisition
  2. intial access
  3. scheduling of data transmissions
  4. paging

5G NR Cell acquistion procedure

  • this procedure is run by a UE when you power on your UE
  • cell acquisition is procedure in which
    • UE discovers nearby cells
    • UE decodes the cell ID and other system info in those cells
    • in a cell this system info is being transmitted by the BCCH(logical channel) this logiacal channel is the mapped to the transport channel of BCH and this BCH is then mapped to the PBCH and associated with this PBCH you have PSS(primary synchronization sequence) and SSS(secondary synchronization sequence) and you have the physical signal DM-RS
    • togther all these physical channels are called as the SSB (syncronization signal block)
    • this SSB are transmitted on some specific frequencies and those are called Global synchronization channel numbers
    • once powered on UE tunes to those specific frequencies called Global synchronization channel numbers
    • UE then tries to detect synchronization signal block SSB

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Cell Acquisition : BEAM SWEEPING

  • in a cell you have different beems that are transmiited over different directions
  • these SSB blocks are transitted one after the another called SSB burst
  • this procedure of transmitting SSB blocks one after another on the beams in different directions is called beam sweeping procedure
  • each SSB blocks in SSB burst has a unique SSB index
  • no. of SSBs in burst (as frequency increases the beams become more sharp the number of beams in a cell increase hence no. of SSB blocks depend on frequency)
    • 4(below 3 GHz)
    • 8(3 to 6 GHz)
    • 64(6 to 52.6 GHz)

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Cell Acquisition : SSB Block

  • SSB block is mapped on the resource grid like this

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  • in the PBCH within each BRB DM-RS is being transmitted in every 4th subcarrier
  • UE measure power of SSBs on DM-RS to determine which is the most powerfull beam
    • part of SSB index carried by DM-RS(& other by PBCH)
  • this SSB block is modulated using QPSK modulation

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Cell Acquisition : physical cell ID (PCI)

  • In the next step UE determines the Physical cell ID(PCI)
  • inorder to determine PSI the UE needs to determine the PSS and the SSS
  • PSS consists of 3 possible sequences , numbered 0-2 , determined by the UE as NID(2)
  • SSS consists of 336 possible sequences , numbered 0-335 , determined by the UE as NID(1)
  • once the NID(1) and (2) are determined they are put into the formula and generate the PCI
  • in 5G PCI is a number that can lie between 0-1007

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Cell Acquisition : physical broadband channel (PBCH)

  • UE decodes the PBCH to get MIB(master info block)
  • MIBcontains information about
    • cell barred or not ?
    • system frame number SFN
    • DM-RS configuration for PDSCH for SIB1
    • configuration and location of PDCCH (CORESET0)

Cell Search : control resource set (CORESETs)

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Cell Acquisition : System information block 1 (SIB1)

  • SIB1 contains the remaining minimum system information
  • this SIB1 is carried on the PDSCH
  • PDSCH location on resource grid is in the DCI(downlink control information) and this DCI is carried in the PDCCH that is on the CORESET0
  • after decoding SIB1 , UE gets
    • parameters for cell access/connection
    • location of other SIBs
    • PLMN(identity of mobile network whom this cell belongs to) , TAC(tracking area code where the UE is currently located) etc

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Initial Access (RACH Procedure)

  • once the UE has decided which gNB it wants to register then it initiates that process by RACH procedure

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  • (msg1) At the start of the initial process UE sends a preamble to gNB using PRACH (physical random access channel) .

  • (msg2) then the cell responds with PDCCH and using PDCCH the cell assigns a PDSCH in the DL

  • and on thisPDSCH there is the response of the cell to the preamble or random access response and in this response the cell assigns

    • A temp C-RNTI
    • A UL scheduling grant
    • Timing advance , will enable the UE to send its transmissions at a time that its UL transmission is synchronized with the UL transmissions of the other users
  • (msg3) Once the UE receives this message the UE responds using the PUSCH

  • In this response , the UE requests a RRC setup connection and this request will also contain the UE ID (no collision)

  • (msg4) When msg3 is received by the cell , it will again use PDCCH to assign PDSCH

  • In this PDSCH there will be RRC connection setup message , means RRC(radio resource connection) can now be set up

  • UE then ACK it using PUCCH

  • using RRC connection the UE registers itself with the cell

scheduling data transmission

  • for ex cell has some data or signalling that it needs to transit to the UE
  • first the cell will use PDCCH to assign a PDSCH to this UE , using this PDSCH , the cell would then send the data or signalling to the UE
  • Then the UE will respond using the UCI(UL control information) to the cell , if this UE needs/wants to the send some data or signalling to the cell , then it can make that request in the UCI
  • As a result of this request the cell would then use PDCCH to assign PUSCH
  • using this PUSCH UE can send data or signalling to thr cell
  • and then the cell can ACK this using the PDCCH

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  • gNB is using the DCI(DL control info) that is there in PDCCH to assign the PDSCH
  • PDSCH carries data or signalling from gNB to UE
  • the UE can then ACK using UCI
  • similarly DCI on PDCCH assigns PUSCH using which UE can send data or signlling to gNB
  • gNB can ACK this info using DCI that would be ther in the next PDCCH

DCI (Downlink Control Information)

  • DCI helps the base station and user devices coordinate when and how data should be transmitted and received.
  • DCI used to schedule
  • modulation scheme and Coding Rate
    • BPSK , QPSK , 16QAM , 64QAM , 256QAM(8bits/symbol)
    • indicates new transmission or re-transmission (In simple terms, DCI scheduling helps manage whether the communication system is sending something for the first time or if it's re-sending information that may not have been successfully received in earlier attempts.)

UCI (UL control information)

  • UCI
    • ACK/NAK for DL transmission
    • Make UL sceduling request
    • CQI (channel quality information) : feedback about DL subcarriers by the UE to the cell using UCI , this feedaback is in form of CQI
  • UCI is carried on PUCCH but can be arried by PUSCH too (if present)

Coreset (revisited)

  • we know that PDCCH is located in a region called as the coreset and the PDCCH only in DL which means coreset also exists in the DL

  • Max 3 CORESETs can be configured for an active downlink BWP

  • A UE can have 4 BWPs and each have 3 CORESET (total 12 CORESETs)

  • CORESETs are active only when their associated BWP is active , with the exception of CORESET 0(carriers minimum system info)


  • whenever there is a incoming call for the UE , the gNB needs to page the UE , and for that paging PCCH (paging control channel) is used
  • the PCCH is mapped on the PCH(paging channel) and then mapped on PDSCH
  • when there is an incoming call for UE and it is paged by the gNB the UE responds by the RACH procedure and establishes connection with the gNB to get connected with that call

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