A SFEIR School
You can view the slides here.
- ex01 - HandsOn (JSX and props)
- ex02 - Components (composition and children)
- ex03 - Local state and clicks (get interactive)
- ex03bis -> Introduction to hooks (useState)
- ex04 - Conditional, Lists (show 'em all)
- ex05 - Controlled Components - Input (search)
- ex06 - Lifecycle and Effects (async ftw)
- ex07 - Navigation
- ex08 - Context
- ex09 - forms
$ npm start
Launches 3 servers :
- demos and index at http://localhost:8080, in watch mode
- exercises at http://localhost:1234, in watch mode
- API at http://localhost:3000/people
Looking for school expert ? PLease see README at ./src/expert/{school_name}/README.md
$ npm run start:hooks
For more information, please see ./src/expert/hooks/README.md