#local PlaceId = game.PlaceId if PlaceId == 2753915549 then Sea1 = true elseif PlaceId == 4442272183 then Sea2 = true elseif PlaceId == 7449423635 then Sea3 = true end function CheckQuest() local Lv = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Data.Level.Value if Sea1 then if Lv == 1 or Lv <= 9 then Mon = "Bandit [Lv. 5]" NameMon = "Bandit" LvQuest = 1 NameQuest = "BanditQuest1" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(1038.2711181640625, 24.537282943725586, 1550.2586669921875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(1059.8109130859375, 16.362747192382812, 1549.0882568359375) elseif Lv == 10 or Lv <= 14 then Mon = "Monkey [Lv. 14]" NameMon = "Monkey" LvQuest = 1 NameQuest = "JungleQuest" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1443.7662353515625, 61.851966857910156, -47.555946350097656) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1599.8194580078125, 36.852149963378906, 153.0706024169922) elseif Lv == 15 or Lv <= 29 then Mon = "Gorilla [Lv. 20]" NameMon = "Gorilla" LvQuest = 2 NameQuest = "JungleQuest" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1443.7662353515625, 61.851966857910156, -47.555946350097656) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1599.8194580078125, 36.852149963378906, 153.0706024169922) elseif Lv == 30 or Lv <= 39 then Mon = "Pirate [Lv. 35]" NameMon = "Pirate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-988.5272827148438, 13.752047538757324, 4031.7265625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1141.374755859375, 4.752062797546387, 3829.837646484375) NameQuest = "BuggyQuest1" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 40 or Lv <= 58 then Mon = "Brute [Lv. 45]" NameMon = "Brute" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1178.796142578125, 32.562164306640625, 4164.41357421875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1141.374755859375, 4.752062797546387, 3829.837646484375) NameQuest = "BuggyQuest1" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 60 or Lv <= 74 then Mon = "Desert Bandit [Lv. 60]" NameMon = "Desert Bandit" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(923.748046875, 6.448704719543457, 4491.7626953125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(895.619873046875, 6.438474178314209, 4391.48828125) NameQuest = "DesertQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 75 or Lv <= 89 then Mon = "Desert Officer [Lv. 70]" NameMon = "Desert Officer" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(1607.8001708984375, 7.313505172729492, 4370.998046875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(895.619873046875, 6.438474178314209, 4391.48828125) NameQuest = "DesertQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 90 or Lv <= 99 then Mon = "Snow Bandit [Lv. 90]" NameMon = "Snow Bandit" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(1376.412353515625, 97.25218200683594, -1397.505126953125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(1388.5697021484375, 87.2574691772461, -1297.89306640625) NameQuest = "SnowQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 100 or Lv <= 119 then Mon = "Snowman [Lv. 100]" NameMon = "Snowman" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(1258.1685791015625, 87.27262115478516, -1688.7796630859375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(1388.5697021484375, 87.2574691772461, -1297.89306640625) NameQuest = "SnowQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 120 or Lv <= 149 then Mon = "Chief Petty Officer [Lv. 120]" NameMon = "Chief Petty Officer" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-4695.87548828125, 20.652050018310547, 4505.2001953125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5037.91357421875, 28.652050018310547, 4324.27685546875) NameQuest = "MarineQuest2" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 150 or Lv <= 173 then Mon = "Sky Bandit [Lv. 150]" NameMon = "Sky Bandit" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5026.087890625, 278.067138671875, -2786.537109375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-4839.85009765625, 717.6693725585938, -2621.01513671875) NameQuest = "SkyQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 175 or Lv <= 189 then Mon = "Dark Master [Lv. 175]" NameMon = "Dark Master" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5237.103515625, 388.6519470214844, -2303.81298828125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-4839.85009765625, 717.6693725585938, -2621.01513671875) NameQuest = "SkyQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 190 or Lv <= 209 then Mon = "Prisoner [Lv. 190]" NameMon = "Prisoner" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5162.3154296875, 3.351527214050293, 420.5860290527344) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5308.69287109375, 1.6552369594573975, 476.1368103027344) NameQuest = "PrisonerQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 210 or Lv <= 274 then Mon = "Dangerous Prisoner [Lv. 210]" NameMon = "Dangerous Prisoner" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5608.6044921875, 1.6335886716842651, 670.66748046875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5308.69287109375, 1.6552369594573975, 476.1368103027344) NameQuest = "PrisonerQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 210 or Lv <= 244 then Mon = "Toga Warrior [Lv. 250]" NameMon = "Toga Warrior" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1864.71142578125, 7.442556381225586, -2907.124755859375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1579.3824462890625, 7.389348983764648, -2984.995849609375) NameQuest = "ColosseumQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 275 or Lv <= 298 then Mon = "Gladiator [Lv. 275]" NameMon = "Gladiator" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1401.1207275390625, 7.442556381225586, -3117.96728515625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1579.3824462890625, 7.389348983764648, -2984.995849609375) NameQuest = "ColosseumQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 300 or Lv <= 323 then Mon = "Military Soldier [Lv. 300]" NameMon = "Military Soldier" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5277.33056640625, 26.809797286987305, 8614.669921875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5314.8828125, 12.236712455749512, 8515.8876953125) NameQuest = "MagmaQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 325 or Lv <= 374 then Mon = "Military Spy [Lv. 325]" NameMon = "Military Spy" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5773.30517578125, 82.96986389160156, 8761.5458984375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5314.8828125, 12.236712455749512, 8515.8876953125) NameQuest = "MagmaQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 375 or Lv <= 399 then Mon = "Fishman Warrior [Lv. 375]" NameMon = "Fishman Warrior" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(60899.3828125, 18.482830047607422, 1594.455078125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(61122.31640625, 18.47164535522461, 1565.877685546875) NameQuest = "FishmanQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 400 or Lv <= 449 then Mon = "Fishman Commando [Lv. 400]" NameMon = "Fishman Commando" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(60899.3828125, 18.482830047607422, 1594.455078125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(61122.31640625, 18.47164535522461, 1565.877685546875) NameQuest = "FishmanQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 450 or Lv <= 473 then Mon = "God's Guard [Lv. 450]" NameMon = "God's Guard" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-4819.96533203125, 844.3027954101562, -1935.9559326171875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-4722.841796875, 845.3027954101562, -1953.981689453125) NameQuest = "SkyExp1Quest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 475 or Lv <= 524 then Mon = "Shanda [Lv. 475]" NameMon = "Shanda" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-7684.23291015625, 5565.015625, -439.2098083496094) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-7860.45556640625, 5545.517578125, -380.8363037109375) NameQuest = "SkyExp1Quest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 525 or Lv <= 549 then Mon = "Royal Squad [Lv. 525]" NameMon = "Royal Squad" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-7773.08154296875, 5621.552734375, -1358.8348388671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-7903.35400390625, 5635.98828125, -1411.6661376953125) NameQuest = "SkyExp2Quest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 550 or Lv <= 624 then Mon = "Royal Soldier [Lv. 550]" NameMon = "Royal Soldier" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-7835.4453125, 5622.30615234375, -1786.0172119140625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-7903.35400390625, 5635.98828125, -1411.6661376953125) NameQuest = "SkyExp2Quest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 625 or Lv <= 649 then Mon = "Galley Pirate [Lv. 625]" NameMon = "Galley Pirate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5550.44970703125, 85.51802062988281, 4123.072265625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5258.3759765625, 38.52693176269531, 4048.90380859375) NameQuest = "FountainQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 650 or Lv <= 699 then Mon = "Galley Captain [Lv. 650]" NameMon = "Galley Captain" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5270.01708984375, 0.12784358859062195, 4938.8681640625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5258.3759765625, 38.52693176269531, 4048.90380859375) NameQuest = "FountainQuest" LvQuest = 2 end end end if Sea2 then local Lv = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Data.Level.Value if Lv == 700 or Lv <= 724 then Mon = "Raider [Lv. 700]" NameMon = "Raider" LvQuest = 1 NameQuest = "Area1Quest" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-379.59521484375, 75.89311218261719, 2676.202880859375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-428.1158447265625, 72.99632263183594, 1836.0904541015625) elseif Lv == 725 or Lv <= 774 then Mon = "Mercenary [Lv. 725]" NameMon = "Mercenary" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-849.7936401367188, 122.47102355957031, 1481.407470703125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-428.1158447265625, 72.99632263183594, 1836.0904541015625) NameQuest = "Area1Quest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 775 or Lv <= 799 then Mon = "Swan Pirate [Lv. 775]" NameMon = "Swan Pirate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(685.5987548828125, 72.9854965209961, 1284.5538330078125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(636.1425170898438, 73.09632873535156, 917.8521118164062) NameQuest = "Area2Quest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 800 or Lv <= 874 then Mon = "Factory Staff [Lv. 800]" NameMon = "Factory Staff" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(679.2174072265625, 137.8992156982422, 350.7538146972656) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(636.1425170898438, 73.09632873535156, 917.8521118164062) NameQuest = "Area2Quest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 875 or Lv <= 899 then Mon = "Marine Lieutenant [Lv. 875]" NameMon = "Marine Lieutenant" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2752.685791015625, 115.79624938964844, -3354.85888671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2442.25927734375, 73.04188537597656, -3217.06982421875) NameQuest = "MarineQuest3" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 900 or Lv <= 949 then Mon = "Marine Captain [Lv. 900]" NameMon = "Marine Captain" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2752.685791015625, 115.79624938964844, -3354.85888671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2442.25927734375, 73.04188537597656, -3217.06982421875) NameQuest = "MarineQuest3" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 950 or Lv <= 974 then Mon = "Zombie [Lv. 950]" NameMon = "Zombie" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5595.892578125, 49.967472076416016, -1010.1049194335938) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5491.50341796875, 48.50592041015625, -794.6982421875) NameQuest = "ZombieQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 975 or Lv <= 999 then Mon = "Vampire [Lv. 975]" NameMon = "Vampire" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5788.99755859375, 6.428503036499023, -1200.2452392578125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5491.50341796875, 48.50592041015625, -794.6982421875) NameQuest = "ZombieQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1000 or Lv <= 1049 then Mon = "Snow Trooper [Lv. 1000]" NameMon = "Snow Trooper" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2752.685791015625, 115.79624938964844, -3354.85888671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2442.25927734375, 73.04188537597656, -3217.06982421875) NameQuest = "SnowMountainQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1050 or Lv <= 1099 then Mon = "Winter Warrior [Lv. 1050]" NameMon = "Winter Warrior" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2752.685791015625, 115.79624938964844, -3354.85888671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2442.25927734375, 73.04188537597656, -3217.06982421875) NameQuest = "SnowMountainQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1100 or Lv <= 1124 then Mon = "Lab Subordinate [Lv. 1100]" NameMon = "Lab Subordinate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-6150.83740234375, 15.97768497467041, -4388.92626953125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-6062.6689453125, 15.97756290435791, -4903.7060546875) NameQuest = "IceSideQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1125 or Lv <= 1174 then Mon = "Horned Warrior [Lv. 1125]" NameMon = "Horned Warrior" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-6383.04833984375, 31.631372451782227, -5928.79541015625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-6062.6689453125, 15.97756290435791, -4903.7060546875) NameQuest = "IceSideQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1175 or Lv <= 1199 then Mon = "Magma Ninja [Lv. 1175]" NameMon = "Magma Ninja" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5317.50341796875, 23.80988121032715, -5446.87353515625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5430.1708984375, 15.97756290435791, -5293.5537109375) NameQuest = "FireSideQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1200 or Lv <= 1249 then Mon = "Lava Pirate [Lv. 1200" NameMon = "Lava Pirate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-5198.43603515625, 21.75054359436035, -5146.00927734375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-5430.1708984375, 15.97756290435791, -5293.5537109375) NameQuest = "FireSideQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1250 or Lv <= 1299 then Mon = "Ship Deckhand [Lv. 1250]" NameMon = "Ship Deckhand" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(1056.54541015625, 125.0829086303711, 32845.06640625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(1037.679931640625, 125.0829086303711, 32911.9609375) NameQuest = "ShipQuest1" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1300 or Lv <= 1324 then Mon = "Ship Officer [Lv. 1325]" NameMon = "Ship Officer" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(949.9971923828125, 136.58181762695312, 33337.74609375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(968.3858032226562, 125.0829086303711, 33243.62890625) NameQuest = "ShipQuest2" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1325 or Lv <= 1349 then Mon = "Ship Officer [Lv. 1325]" NameMon = "Ship Officer" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(1225.73779296875, 181.17491149902344, 33292.98828125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(968.3858032226562, 125.0829086303711, 33243.62890625) NameQuest = "ShipQuest2" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1350 or Lv <= 1374 then Mon = "Arctic Warrior [Lv. 1350]" NameMon = "Arctic Warrior" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(6133.435546875, 28.39253044128418, -6239.7431640625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5671.80859375, 28.20246124267578, -6482.96826171875) NameQuest = "FrostQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1375 or Lv <= 1424 then Mon = "Snow Lurker [Lv. 1375]" NameMon = "Snow Lurker" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5443.203125, 84.44671630859375, -6718.73388671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5671.80859375, 28.20246124267578, -6482.96826171875) NameQuest = "FrostQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1425 or Lv <= 1449 then Mon = "Sea Soldier [Lv. 1425]" NameMon = "Sea Soldier" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-3026.2275390625, 131.7957763671875, -9814.0546875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-3051.339599609375, 236.87208557128906, -10148.1044921875) NameQuest = "ForgottenQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1450 or Lv <= 1499 then Mon = "Water Fighter [Lv. 1450]" NameMon = "Water Fighter" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-3188.722412109375, 298.6902770996094, -10592.8134765625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-3051.339599609375, 236.87208557128906, -10148.1044921875) NameQuest = "ForgottenQuest" LvQuest = 2 end end if Sea3 then local Lv = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Data.Level.Value if Lv == 1500 or Lv <= 1524 then Mon = "Pirate Millionaire [Lv. 1500]" NameMon = "Pirate Millionaire" LvQuest = 1 NameQuest = "PiratePortQuest" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-459.04425048828125, 43.7557373046875, 5547.62646484375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-289.9590759277344, 43.81901168823242, 5579.88623046875) elseif Lv == 1525 or Lv <= 1574 then Mon = "Pistol Billionaire [Lv. 1525]" NameMon = "Pistol Billionaire" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-475.5018615722656, 73.75572204589844, 5839.98046875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-289.9590759277344, 43.81901168823242, 5579.88623046875) NameQuest = "PiratePortQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1575 or Lv <= 1599 then Mon = "Dragon Crew Warrior [Lv. 1575]" NameMon = "Dragon Crew Warrior" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5832.55078125, 51.37715530395508, -1105.109619140625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5832.55078125, 51.37715530395508, -1105.109619140625) NameQuest = "AmazonQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1600 or Lv <= 1524 then Mon = "Dragon Crew Archer [Lv. 1600]" NameMon = "Dragon Crew Archer" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(6492.38720703125, 338.295654296875, -116.89198303222656) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5832.55078125, 51.37715530395508, -1105.109619140625) NameQuest = "AmazonQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1625 or Lv <= 1649 then Mon = "Female Islander [Lv. 1625]" NameMon = "Female Islander" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(4787.7841796875, 700.1817626953125, 977.4163818359375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5444.22021484375, 601.6294555664062, 752.4744262695312) NameQuest = "AmazonQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1650 or Lv <= 1699 then Mon = "Giant Islander [Lv. 1650]" NameMon = "Giant Islander" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(5543.08203125, 601.594970703125, -350.8583679199219) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(5444.22021484375, 601.6294555664062, 752.4744262695312) NameQuest = "AmazonQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1700 or Lv <= 1724 then Mon = "Giant Islander [Lv. 1650]" NameMon = "Giant Islander" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(2511.83984375, 87.39913177490234, -7236.78369140625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(2178.9951171875, 28.731239318847656, -6739.1884765625) NameQuest = "MarineTreeIsland" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1725 or Lv <= 1774 then Mon = "Giant Islander [Lv. 1650]" NameMon = "Giant Islander" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(3621.549072265625, 160.5498504638672, -6968.73779296875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(2178.9951171875, 28.731239318847656, -6739.1884765625) NameQuest = "MarineTreeIsland" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1775 or Lv <= 1799 then Mon = "Fishman Raider [Lv. 1775]" NameMon = "Fishman Raider" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-10701.87890625, 331.7884216308594, -8274.6484375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-10583.04296875, 331.78839111328125, -8754.779296875) NameQuest = "DeepForestIsland3" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1800 or Lv <= 1899 then Mon = "Fishman Captain [Lv. 1800]" NameMon = "Fishman Captain" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-11283.9619140625, 331.7489929199219, -9004.1513671875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-10583.04296875, 331.78839111328125, -8754.779296875) NameQuest = "DeepForestIsland3" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1900 or Lv <= 1924 then Mon = "Jungle Pirate [Lv. 1900]" NameMon = "Jungle Pirate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-12270.6025390625, 465.96783447265625, -10254.17578125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-12686.134765625, 390.886474609375, -9901.1728515625) NameQuest = "DeepForestIsland2" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 1925 or Lv <= 1974 then Mon = "Musketeer Pirate [Lv. 1925]" NameMon = "Musketeer Pirate" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-13458.630859375, 391.5714416503906, -9859.1064453125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-12686.134765625, 390.886474609375, -9901.1728515625) NameQuest = "DeepForestIsland2" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 1975 or Lv <= 1999 then Mon = "Reborn Skeleton [Lv. 1975]" NameMon = "Reborn Skeleton" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-8766.974609375, 190.4741973876953, 6272.3095703125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-9484.8427734375, 142.130615234375, 5567.34814453125) NameQuest = "HauntedQuest1" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 2000 or Lv <= 2024 then Mon = "Living Zombie [Lv. 2000]" NameMon = "Living Zomb" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-10232.4052734375, 144.9747314453125, 6100.9384765625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-9484.8427734375, 142.130615234375, 5567.34814453125) NameQuest = "HauntedQuest1" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 2025 or Lv <= 2049 then Mon = "Demonic Soul [Lv. 2025]" NameMon = "Demonic Soul" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-9272.5546875, 191.3197784423828, 6035.5361328125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-9513.802734375, 172.130615234375, 6075.21630859375) NameQuest = "HauntedQuest2" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 2050 or Lv <= 2074 then Mon = "Posessed Mummy [Lv. 2050]" NameMon = "Posessed Mummy" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-9584.15625, 6.185522079467773, 6205.2607421875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-9513.802734375, 172.130615234375, 6075.21630859375) NameQuest = "HauntedQuest2" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 2075 or Lv <= 2099 then Mon = "Peanut Scout [Lv. 2075]" NameMon = "Peanut Scout" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1959.8287353515625, 88.63423156738281, -10249.7041015625) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2102.507568359375, 38.1290397644043, -10190.091796875) NameQuest = "NutsIslandQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 2100 or Lv <= 2124 then Mon = "Peanut President [Lv. 2100]" NameMon = "Peanut President" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2323.180419921875, 88.31880950927734, -10536.3583984375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2102.507568359375, 38.1290397644043, -10190.091796875) NameQuest = "NutsIslandQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 2125 or Lv <= 2149 then Mon = "Ice Cream Chef [Lv. 2125]" NameMon = "Ice Cream Chef" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-823.4948120117188, 65.84532928466797, -10962.1982421875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-823.4948120117188, 65.84532928466797, -10962.1982421875) NameQuest = "IceCreamIslandQuest" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 2150 or Lv <= 2199 then Mon = "Ice Cream Chef [Lv. 2125]" NameMon = "Ice Cream Chef" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-823.4948120117188, 65.84532928466797, -10962.1982421875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-823.4948120117188, 65.84532928466797, -10962.1982421875) NameQuest = "IceCreamIslandQuest" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 2200 or Lv <= 2224 then Mon = "Cookie Crafter [Lv. 2200]" NameMon = "Cookie Crafter" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2022.667724609375, 37.82401657104492, -12026.154296875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2022.667724609375, 37.82401657104492, -12026.154296875) NameQuest = "CakeQuest1" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 2225 or Lv <= 2249 then Mon = "Cake Guard [Lv. 2225]" NameMon = "Cake Guard" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1591.5015869140625, 44.802120208740234, -12251.9833984375) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-2022.667724609375, 37.82401657104492, -12026.154296875) NameQuest = "CakeQuest1" LvQuest = 2 elseif Lv == 2250 or Lv <= 2274 then Mon = "Head Baker [Lv. 2275]" NameMon = "Head Baker" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-1924.470458984375, 37.82392501831055, -12842.0546875) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1924.470458984375, 37.82392501831055, -12842.0546875) NameQuest = "CakeQuest2" LvQuest = 1 elseif Lv == 2275 or Lv <= 2299 then Mon = "Head Baker [Lv. 2275]" NameMon = "Head Baker" CFrameMon = CFrame.new(-2239.84912109375, 61.64055633544922, -12943.017578125) CFrameQuest = CFrame.new(-1924.470458984375, 37.82392501831055, -12842.0546875) NameQuest = "CakeQuest2" LvQuest = 2 end end
local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naypramx/Ui__Project/Script/XeNonUi", true))()
local CenterHubNo1 = library:CreateWindow("Ice x Hub | BLOX FRUIT",Enum.KeyCode.RightControl)
local Tab = CenterHubNo1:CreateTab("Main")
local AutoFarm = Tab:CreateSector("AutoFarm","Left")
AutoFarm:AddLabel("AutoFarm Lv")
Weapon = {}
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA"Tool" then
end local WE = AutoFarm:AddDropdown("Select Weapon",Weapon,"Select Weapon",false,function(t) _G.SelectWeapon = t end) function Equip(ToolX) if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild(ToolX) then getgenv().Tol = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild(ToolX) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(Tol) end end function click() game:GetService'VirtualUser':CaptureController() game:GetService'VirtualUser':Button1Down(Vector2.new(1280, 672)) end function TP(P) local Distance = (P.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude -- จุดที่จะไป Position Only local Speed = 300 -- ความเร็วของมึง tweenService, tweenInfo = game:GetService("TweenService"), TweenInfo.new(Distance/Speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) tween = tweenService:Create(game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"].Character.HumanoidRootPart, tweenInfo, {CFrame = P}) tween:Play() end AutoFarm:AddButton("ReSet Weapon",function() table.clear(Weapon) for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA"Tool" then WE:Add(v.Name) end end end)
AutoFarm:AddToggle("AutoFarm",false,function(t) _G.AutoFarm = t end) AutoFarm:AddToggle("BringMob",false,function(t) _G.BringMob = t end) function TP(P) Distance = (P.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude if Distance < 250 then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = P Speed = 1000 elseif Distance >= 1000 then Speed = 300 end game:GetService("TweenService"):Create( game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(Distance/Speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = P} ):Play() end
Boss = {} for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):GetChildren()) do if string.find(v.Name,"Boss") then table.insert(Boss,v.Name) end end local WE = AutoFarm:AddDropdown("Select Boss",Boss,"Select Boss",false,function(v) SelectBoss = v end) AutoFarm:AddToggle("Boss",false,function(v) _G.Boss = v end) spawn(function() while wait() do if _G.Boss then for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Enemies:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == SelectBoos and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then repeat wait() TP(v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,10,3)) v.HumanoidRootPart.Size = Vector3.new(30,30,30) v.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 v.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0 until not _G.Boss or v.Humanoid.Health <= 0 else if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild(SelectBoos) then TP(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild(SelectBoos).HumanoidRootPart.CFrame) end end end end end end) spawn(function() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if _G.Boss then if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then setfflag("HumanoidParallelRemoveNoPhysics", "False") setfflag("HumanoidParallelRemoveNoPhysicsNoSimulate2", "False") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11) end end end) end)
local Stats = Tab:CreateSector("Stats","Reft") Stats:AddLabel("Stats") Stats:AddToggle(" Melee",false,function(t) _G.Melee = t while G.Melee do wait(.1) pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("AddPoint","Melee",Point) end) end end) Stats:AddToggle(" Defense",false,function(t) _G.Defense = t while G.Defense do wait(.1) pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("AddPoint","Defense",Point) end) end end) Stats:AddToggle(" Sword",false,function(t) _G.Sword = t while G.Sword do wait(.1) pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("AddPoint","Sword",Point) end) end end) Stats:AddToggle(" Gun",false,function(t) _G.Gun = t while G.Gun do wait(.1) pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("AddPoint","Gun",Point) end) end end) Stats:AddToggle(" Blox Fruit",false,function(t) _G.Fruit = t while G.Fruit do wait(.1) pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("AddPoint","Demon Fruit",Point) end) end end) Stats:AddSlider("Point",1,1,100,1,function(x) Point = x end)
while wait() do
if _G.BringMob then
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Enemies:GetChildren()) do
for x,y in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Enemies:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Mon then if y.Name == Mon then v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = y.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame v.HumanoidRootPart.Size = Vector3.new(120,120,120) y.HumanoidRootPart.Size = Vector3.new(120,120,120) v.HumanoidRootPart.Transparency = 100 v.HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = false y.HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = false v.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 150 y.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 150 v.Humanoid.JumpPower = 150 y.Humanoid.JumpPower = 150 if sethiddenproperty then sethiddenproperty(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "SimulationRadius", math.huge) end end end end end end) end end end)
spawn(function() game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() pcall(function() local Combat = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.CombatFramework) local Cemara = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.CombatFramework.CameraShaker) Cemara.CameraShakeInstance.CameraShakeState = {FadingIn = 3, FadingOut = 2, Sustained = 0, Inactive = 1} end) end) end)
spawn(function() while wait() do if G.AutoFarm then pcall(function() CheckQuest() if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Quest.Visible == false then TP(CFrameQuest) if (CFrameQuest.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude <= 10 then wait(.1) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("StartQuest",NameQuest,LvQuest) end elseif game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Quest.Visible == true then if string.find(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Quest.Container.QuestTitle.Title.Text,NameMon) then for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Enemies:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Mon and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then if v.Humanoid.Health > 0 then repeat wait() click() Equip(_G.SelectWeapon) HealthMin = v.Humanoid.MaxHealth * 1000 / 1000 Magma = (v.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude if Magma <= 230 then if v.Humanoid.Health > HealthMin then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,20,0) else game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,20,0) end end if v.Humanoid.Health > HealthMin then Distance = (v.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude Speed = 300 tweenService, tweenInfo = game:GetService("TweenService"), TweenInfo.new(Distance/Speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) tween = tweenService:Create(game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"].Character.HumanoidRootPart, tweenInfo, {CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,20,0)}) tween:Play() else Distance = (v.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude Speed = 300 tweenService, tweenInfo = game:GetService("TweenService"), TweenInfo.new(Distance/Speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) tween = tweenService:Create(game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"].Character.HumanoidRootPart, tweenInfo, {CFrame = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,20,0)}) tween:Play() end v.HumanoidRootPart.Size = Vector3.new(70,70,70) v.HumanoidRootPart.CanCaillde = false until G.AutoFarm == false or v.Humanoid.Health <= 0 else TP(CFrameMon) end if not string.find(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Quest.Container.QuestTitle.Title.Text,NameMon) then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.CommF:InvokeServer("AbandonQuest") end if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then _G.AutoFarm = false wait(3) _G.AutoFarm = true end end end end end end) end end end)
spawn(function() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if _G.AutoFarm then if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then setfflag("HumanoidParallelRemoveNoPhysics", "False") setfflag("HumanoidParallelRemoveNoPhysicsNoSimulate2", "False") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11) end end end) end)
local Tab = CenterHubNo1:CreateTab("Store") local Store = Tab:CreateSector("Store","Left") Store:AddToggle(" DARK STEP",false,function(v) _G.DARKSTEP = v local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(-984.609375, 14.3359022, 3990.02368, -0.408447713, -0, -0.912781715, -0, 1, -0, 0.912781715, 0, -0.408447713)}):Play() end) Store:AddToggle(" ELECTRIC",false,function(v) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(-5384.02881, 14.5887861, -2149.18042, -0.0822776556, -0, -0.996609449, -0, 1, -0, 0.996609449, 0, -0.0822776556)}):Play() end) Store:AddToggle(" WATER KUNG FU",false,function(v) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(61592.3125, 18.8970432, 984.843445, 0.0836518556, 0, -0.996495008, -0, 1, -0, 0.996495128, 0, 0.0836518481)}):Play() end) Store:AddToggle(" DRAGON BREAT",false,function(v) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(61592.3125, 18.8970432, 984.843445, 0.0836518556, 0, -0.996495008, -0, 1, -0, 0.996495128, 0, 0.0836518481)}):Play() end)
local Store = Tab:CreateSector("Haki-key","Left") Store:AddToggle(" key",false,function(v) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(4850.71582, 6.35411787, 718.245178, 0.29571557, 0, -0.955276012, -0, 1, -0, 0.955276132, 0, 0.295715541)}):Play() end) Store:AddToggle("key2",false, function(v) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(1350.41174, 37.7902641, -1327.59827, 0.558075845, 0, 0.829789937, -0, 1, -0, -0.829789937, 0, 0.558075845)}):Play() end)
Store:AddToggle("Haki",false, function(v) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Tw = TweenService:Create(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, TweenInfo.new(25, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0), {CFrame = CFrame.new(1490.64807, 38.0448494, -1413.59949, -0.378409445, 0, 0.925638318, 0, 1, -0, -0.925638318, 0, -0.378409445)}):Play() end)
local StatsAFK = Tab:CreateSector("AFK","Reft")
StatsAFK:AddToggle(" AFK",false,function(t)
Magnet = t
local t = game:GetService("VirtualUser")
StatsAFK:AddToggle(" AFK",false,function(t)