This project aims to boost voter turnout by offering a user-friendly website with unbiased info on elections, candidates, and voting requirements. It targets young adults and low-income families, providing interactive tools and reminders to empower informed decision-making.
- This Website is the first iteration of the PollTech site, without the use of React or any no backend
- This project mainly focuses on the petition aspect of the site and serves as a stepping stone for the fully-fledged PollTech site
Link: file:///Users/kazangue/CS-Files/Projects-Personal/PollTech%20-%20Petition%20Site/code%20Files/Index.html
Next Step:
- The Next Stepp is building a fully-fledged, full-stack PollTech site with a presentable front and back end.
- You can Keep up with the site under the 'PollTech-Site' repository