Application for splitting expenses between multiple people.
The project is divided into 3 modules:
- library (lib): the core logic of dividing expenses and should connect to the database
- api: the REST API that exposes the functionality of the library via HTTP interface. It's the server side of the app.
- app: the client interface (GUI) that each user will run.
The idea is to use a graph database (Neo4J) and utilize pathfinding to solve for the final debts.
There are 3 entities defined - 1 node and 2 types of edges (relationships):
- User: this is our sole node. We're assuming no email validation is needed and as such other than relationships it contains just an ID, a name and a password hash.
- Friendship: this is a relationship between 2 users. It has a status (pending, accepted, rejected or auto-accepting payment requests as a higher form of accepted.)
- Obligation: this is really the core object of this project. It has an amount, short description, status (pending, accepted, rejected or paid) and a timestamp.
Additionally, there is an ExpenseSplitter helper class for, well, dividing expenses between multiple users (e.g. when a group of friends go out to dinner and want to split the bill automatically).
The API is a Spring Boot REST application. The 4 primary routes are /users
, /obligations
, /friends
and /auth
for registration/login.
Quite a bit here will have to be implementation-defined (configurations, security, etc.) - currently it's just controllers and data transfer objects.
The frontend in JavaFX and should use the API to get and send all data.
Ideally it'd be an android app, but that's a bit beyond this course :)
You can find a basic UI wireframe here, in the dics-assets/wireframe.tldraw
file or as an svg image under docs-assets/wireframe.svg
direction LR
class ApiApplication {
+ main(String[]) void
+ securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity) SecurityFilterChain
class ApiApplicationTests {
~ contextLoads() void
class AuthController {
+ login(LoginDTO) UserDTO
+ logout() void
+ register(RegisterDTO) UserDTO
class ExpenseSplitter {
- User actor
~ split(Double, List~User~) void
~ split(Double, User[]) void
~ split(Map~User, Double~) void
User actor
class ExpenseSplitterApplication {
+ start(Stage) void
+ main(String[]) void
class Friendship {
- Long id
- User user2
- User user1
- Status status
+ equals(Object) boolean
+ hashCode() int
+ toString() String
Long id
User user1
Status status
User user2
class FriendshipController {
+ rejectFriendship(Long) void
+ requestOrAcceptFriendship(Long) void
+ markAsAutoAccept(Long) void
List~FriendshipDTO~ friendshipRequests
List~UserDTO~ friends
class FriendshipDTO
class LoginDTO {
- String password
- String name
String name
String password
class Obligation {
- Status status
- String description
- User creditor
- Long id
- LocalDateTime timestamp
- Double amount
- User debtor
+ pay() void
+ equals(Object) boolean
+ accept() void
+ decline() void
+ hashCode() int
+ toString() String
String description
User creditor
LocalDateTime timestamp
Long id
Double amount
User debtor
Status status
class ObligationController {
+ getObligationsTo(Long) ObligationsToDTO
+ acceptObligation(Long) void
+ getObligationsFor(Long) List~ObligationWithIdDTO~
+ getObligation(Long) ObligationWithIdDTO
+ requestObligationFrom(Long, ObligationDTO) void
List~ObligationTotalDTO~ obligationTotals
List~ObligationWithIdDTO~ pendingObligations
class ObligationDTO {
- String creditorId
- Status status
- String description
- String timestamp
- String debtorId
- Double amount
String description
String debtorId
String creditorId
Double amount
String timestamp
Status status
class ObligationTotalDTO {
- User user
- Double totalAmount
Double totalAmount
User user
class ObligationWithIdDTO {
- Long id
Long id
class ObligationsToDTO {
- List~ObligationWithIdDTO~ obligations
- Double total
Double total
List~ObligationWithIdDTO~ obligations
class RegisterDTO {
- String name
- String password
String name
String password
class SplitObligationDTO {
- Double amount
- String timestamp
- String description
- List~Long~ users
String description
List~Long~ users
Double amount
String timestamp
class SplitObligationManualDTO {
- String timestamp
- String description
- Map~Long, Double~ users
String description
Map~Long, Double~ users
String timestamp
class Status {
+ valueOf(String) Status
+ values() Status[]
class Status {
+ values() Status[]
+ valueOf(String) Status
class User {
- String passwordHash
- List~Obligation~ isOwed
- String name
- Long id
- List~Obligation~ owes
- List~Friendship~ friendsWith
+ requestObligationFrom(User, Double, String, LocalDateTime) void
+ toString() String
+ equals(Object) boolean
+ payObligationTo(User, Long) void
+ acceptObligationTo(User, Long) void
+ hashCode() int
String name
String passwordHash
Long id
List~Obligation~ isOwed
List~Friendship~ friendsWith
List~Obligation~ owes
class UserController {
+ getTotalObligationsToTo(Long) String
+ getUser(Long) UserDTO
List~UserDTO~ users
class UserDTO {
- Long id
- String name
String name
Long id
class UserTokenDTO
ExpenseSplitter "1" *--> "actor 1" User
Friendship "1" *--> "status 1" Status
Friendship "1" *--> "user1 1" User
FriendshipDTO "1" *--> "status 1" Status
FriendshipDTO "1" *--> "from 1" User
Obligation "1" *--> "status 1" Status
Obligation "1" *--> "creditor 1" User
ObligationDTO "1" *--> "status 1" Status
ObligationTotalDTO "1" *--> "user 1" User
ObligationWithIdDTO --> ObligationDTO
ObligationsToDTO "1" *--> "obligations *" ObligationWithIdDTO
Friendship --> Status
Obligation --> Status
User "1" *--> "friendsWith *" Friendship
User "1" *--> "owes *" Obligation
An IntelliJ UML version from which this mermaid code was generated is also included as class_diagram.uml
     This note features all available API methods with
endpoints, parameters and basic usage.
     All parameters are meant to be sent in JSON format.
For every method following scheme is used:
- /end/point/method
- parameter1, parameter2, parameter3...
- result1, result2, result3...
For testing purpuses there is a master token, which is always valid - "MasterToken". You can use it instead of JWT token as "Bearer Token" in PostMan.
Basic idea behind implemented authorisation is to return Bearer token whenever a user is logging in or registering. On app side destroying token when logging out needs implementation. Token must be sent with every other request do API.
- /auth/register
- username, password
- token, id
- /auth/login
- username, password
- token, id
Methods related to friend accepting, requesting, declining etc. are presented below.
With this method the current user will either send or accept request if it's waiting to be accepted by the user.
- /friend/user/{id}/requestoracceptfriendship/{withid}
- (your) id, (friends) withid, token
Reject pending relationship invitation.
- /friend/user/{id}/rejectfriendship/{withid}
- (your) id, (friends) withid, token.
With this method, all future obligations between users will be automatically accepted.
- /friend/user/{id}/auto/{withid}
- (your) id, (friends) withid, token
Get all friends of the user.
- /friend/user/{id}/friends
- (your) id, token
- user1(name, id), user2(name, id)...
Get all friendship request received by the user.
- /friend/user/{id}/requests
- (your) id, token
- name
Asking for money, splitting bills, accepting or declining obligations
Get all obligation that user owes to others
- /obligations/user/{id}/debts
- (your) id, token
- list of((creditor) id, (debtor) id, description, amount, timestamp, status, token)
Get all obligation that others owes to user
- /obligations/user/{id}/credits
- (your) id, token
- list of((creditor) id, (debtor) id, description, amount, timestamp, status, token)
Ask for money
- /obligations/user/{id}/request
- (your) id, (friend) id, description, timestamp, status, token
Accept single obligation from another user
- /obligations/user/{id}/accept/{toid}/{oblid}
- (your) id, (friend) toid, (obligation) oblid
Get both incoming and outgoing pending (waiting to be accepted by friend or you) obligations
- /obligations/user/{id}/pending
- (your) id
- list of((creditor) id, (debtor) id, description, amount, timestamp, status, token)
Get all (both historic and current) obligations between you and a friend
- /user/{id}/getwith/{withid}
- (your) id, (friend) withid
- list of((creditor) id, (debtor) id, description, amount, timestamp, status, token)
Get single obligation by its id
- /user/{id}/getbyid/{withid}
- (your) id, (obligation) withid
- (creditor) id, (debtor) id, description, amount, timestamp, status, token
Split all the obligations between users equally
- /user/{id}/split
- (your) id, description, timestamp, list of users, amount
Allows user to split obligations manually
- /user/{id}/split/manual
- (your) id, description, timestamp, list of users, amount
This class is implemented in API segment, although it is only responsible for creating and verifying JWS tokens (it does not provide any methods that send POST/GET or other requests). It also checks if a specific token is expired or not (when created it is valid for 1 hour).
Finding all users, single user, obligations to certain user, etc.
Returns total amount of obligations to a specific person that you define by their id
- /user/{id}/total/{toid}
- (your) id, (friend) toid
Returns name and if of a certain user
- ser/{id}/findid/{userid}
- (your) id, (user) userid
Finds user by their name
- user/{id}/find/{name}
- (your) id, (user) name
We did our testing in "Postman" when it comes to request sending methods and we advise to at least try it out. Currently defined host port is "8090", but you can change it in api->src->main->resources-> in IntelliJ app or in other compiler.
- no possibility of continuation in some places
- functions and logic work
- in some places, code from the backend made it difficult to create the frontend
- exemplary project structure
- satisfactory backend (except for the lack of a few useful functionalities listed below)
- Errors in README, misleading, significantly prolonging the work.
- Lack of ability to pay off all debt
- Lack of ability to download unpaid debts
We used Java FX that allowed us to create .fxml files responsible for scenes. Here's classes we need to use GUI.
The ExpenseSplitterApplication class is the main entry point to the expense accounting application. It is responsible for initializing and launching the application, managing the configuration and creating the context. It also coordinates the operation of other application components.
LoginController handles the login process for users. It validates login data, authenticates users and provides access to the application after successful authorization. It also manages user sessions and access security.
MainPageController is responsible for displaying the main page of the application. It provides user interaction such as viewing features, displaying notifications and redirecting to the appropriate controllers handling specific actions.
ManageDebtsController manages the handling of debts in the application. It allows you to view, add, edit and delete debts. In addition, it allows debts to be settled between users by calculating ratios and generating reports.
RegisterController is responsible for registering new users in the system. It manages the account creation process, verifies the correctness of the registration data and allows registered users to access the application.
SplitExpenseController takes care of splitting expenses in the application. It allows users to enter expense information, define participants and distribute costs among them. Using appropriate algorithms, it calculates shares and generates billing reports for participants.
UserSearchController is a controller class responsible for managing user search and friend requests. It handles actions such as searching for users, sending friend requests, accepting friend invitations, and displaying lists of friends and pending invitations.
The implementation of Stage 3 proved to be a valuable lesson that helped us develop our skills to create application GUIs, familiarize us with Java FX and collaborate with other project groups. In conclusion, although Stage 3 proved to be a tough challenge, we are grateful as we finish it with the knowledge gained and the satisfaction of completing the exercise.