- Sublime is one of the best cross platform editors, so i thought why not create a simple Neo4j plugin so here it is.
- Solves the problem of running Neo4j queries from terminal and not being able to save/manage your query files in one place
- This is a very rough draft of the plugin, will add features if time permits, others are welcome to add to this project.
- Just make a clone of the repo into your ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages or equivalent on Windows/Linux.
- Edit Neo4j.sublime-settings to point to the right API, defaulted to localhost (accessible through the Preferences -> Package Settings -> Neo4j Menu)
- Results are displayed in the console (Ctrl+~) to open Console
- Default query run key is ctrl+r , just select query and hit ctrl+r. Edit Default.sublime-keymap if you need to change this.
There's really great cypher syntax highlight plugin named Cypher by Jan-Klass Kollhof which can be installed using Package Manager. Search for Cypher in Package Manager, also nice install video tutorial by Peter Neubauer http://vimeo.com/64886333
Thanks for looking!