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Gradients for Flux etc.-- WIP #59

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions REQUIRE
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
julia 0.7
TupleTools v1.0.0
Strided v0.2.2
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/TensorOperations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ include("implementation/diagonal.jl")

# Gradients
using Requires
function __init__()
@require Flux = "587475ba-b771-5e3f-ad9e-33799f191a9c" include("gradients/flux.jl")
@require Zygote = "e88e6eb3-aa80-5325-afca-941959d7151f" include("gradients/zygote.jl")

# Global package settings
# A switch for enabling/disabling the use of BLAS for tensor contractions
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133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions src/gradients/backwards.jl
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# gradients/backwards.jl
# Gradient functions called in backward pass, can be re-used for any framework.
# Note that I haven't thought about complex numbers at all, so conjA etc may be wrong.

const ∇VERBOSE = false # debugging

function add∇A(Δ, α, A::TA, conjA, β, C::TC, indCinA) where {TA,TC}
add!(α, Δ, conjA, 0, similar(data(A)), invperm(indCinA))

function any∇C(Δ, β)
β .* Δ

function trace∇A(Δ, α, A::TA, conjA, β, C::TC, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) where {TA,TC}

# csize = ntuple(i -> size(A,cindA1[i]), length(cindA1))
# T = eltype(Δ) # note that this is called with data(Δ)
# K = dirac(T, (csize..., csize...)) # default type Bool here much slower
K = dirac!(cached_similar_from_indices(:dirac, eltype(Δ), cindA1, cindA2, A, :N))

∇VERBOSE && @info "...trace∇A..." size(A) (cindA1,cindA2) indCinA size(K) # csize

indK = ntuple(i->i, 2*length(cindA1))
indΔ = ntuple(i->i, ndims(Δ))
indAinoKΔ = TupleTools.invperm((cindA1..., cindA2..., indCinA...))

# simA = similar(A)
indA = ntuple(i->i, ndims(A))
simA = similar_from_indices(eltype(A), indA, (), A, :N)

∇A = contract!(α, K, :N, Δ, conjA, false, simA, indK, (), indΔ, (), indAinoKΔ)

# Trying to use similar_from_indices ... for dirac I can use cache,
# and for contract∇A I add something to the given symbols, should be unique,
# does it matter that a matrix from the cache may be returned as A.grad?

# Could do likewise in ∇add() below, and ∇C = β .* Δ
# It would be neat if trace! and add! were also given a syms argument by the @tensor macro.

findint(n::Int, tup::Tuple)::Int = findfirst(i->i==n, tup)

function contract∇A(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms=nothing)

indAinoΔB_old = ntuple(i->i, ndims(A))
indAinoΔB = TupleTools.invperm((oindA..., cindA...))
∇VERBOSE && println("indAinoΔB_old = ",indAinoΔB_old, " , indAinoΔB = ",indAinoΔB)
oindΔ = ntuple(i -> findint(i, indCinoAB), length(oindA))
cindΔ = ntuple(i -> findint(i+length(oindA), indCinoAB), length(oindB))

∇VERBOSE && @info "...∇A..." indAinoΔB (oindΔ, cindΔ) (cindB, oindB) syms

# simA = similar(A)
indA = ntuple(i->i, ndims(A))
simA = cached_similar_from_indices(sym_glue(syms, :_c∇A), eltype(A), indA, (), A, :N)

∇A = contract!(α, Δ, conjA, B, conjB, false, simA, oindΔ, cindΔ, cindB, oindB, indAinoΔB, sym_suffix(syms, :_∇A))

function contract∇B(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms=nothing)

indBinoAΔ = TupleTools.invperm((cindB..., oindB...))
oindΔ = ntuple(i -> findint(i+length(oindA), indCinoAB), length(oindB))
cindΔ = ntuple(i -> findint(i, indCinoAB), length(oindA))

∇VERBOSE && @info "...∇B..." indBinoAΔ (oindΔ, cindΔ) (cindA, oindA) syms

# simB = similar(B)
indB = ntuple(i->i, ndims(B))
simB = cached_similar_from_indices(sym_glue(syms, :_c∇B), eltype(B), indB, (), B, :N)

∇B = contract!(α, A, conjA, Δ, conjB, false, simB, cindA, oindA, oindΔ, cindΔ, indBinoAΔ, sym_suffix(syms, :_∇B))

sym_suffix(syms, suffix) = Symbol.(syms, suffix)
sym_suffix(::Nothing, suffix) = nothing

sym_glue(syms, suffix) = Symbol(syms..., suffix)
sym_glue(::Nothing, suffix) = Symbol(:Δnew, suffix)

add∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) = (@warn "add∇α not yet defined"; false) # dot(Δ, permutedims(A...)) yuck
add∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) = (@warn "add∇β not yet defined"; false) # dot(Δ, C_orig) but that's been overwritten

trace∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) = (@warn "trace∇α not yet defined"; false)
trace∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) = (@warn "trace∇β not yet defined"; false)

contract∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) = (@warn "contract∇α not yet defined"; false)
contract∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) = (@warn "contract∇β not yet defined"; false)

using LinearAlgebra

dirac([T,] size)
Dense array of the given size, describing the product of `n = length(size)/2` kronecker deltas,
which equate the first `n` indices with the last `n`.
For `n=1` this is simply `Matrix{T}(I, size)`, with `T=Bool` by default.
For `n=2` it is `D[i,j,k,l] = i==k && j==l`, and so on.

Given an array, this fills it with `0` and `1` as above.
dirac(size::Tuple) = dirac(Bool, size)
dirac(x::T, size::Tuple) where {T<:Number} = dirac(T, size)

dirac(T::Type, size::NTuple{2,Int}) = Matrix{T}(LinearAlgebra.I, size)
dirac(T::Type, size::Tuple) = dirac_fill!(zeros(T, size), pairstep(cumprod1(size)), pairmins(size))

@doc @doc(dirac)
function dirac!(a::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N}
@assert iseven(N) "dirac! needs an even number of array indices"
a .= zero(T)
dirac_fill!(a, pairstep(cumprod1(size(a))), pairmins(size(a)))

cumprod1(tup::NTuple{N,T}) where {N,T} = ntuple(i -> i==1 ? one(T) : prod(tup[j] for j=1:i-1), Val(N))
pairstep(tup::NTuple{N,T}) where {N,T} = ntuple(i -> tup[i] + tup[i+N÷2], Val(N÷2))
pairmins(tup::NTuple{N,T}) where {N,T} = ntuple(i -> min(tup[i], tup[i+N÷2]), Val(N÷2))

using Base.Cartesian

@generated function dirac_fill!(array::AbstractArray{T,N}, steps::NTuple{D}, stops) where {T,N,D}
@nloops $D i k->1:stops[k] begin
lin = 1
@nexprs $D k->(@inbounds lin += steps[k] * (i_k - 1))
@inbounds array[lin] = one($T)
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/gradients/flux.jl
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# gradients/flux.jl
# Connect up gradients for Flux's TrackedArrays.

using .Flux
using .Flux.Tracker: track, @grad, TrackedArray, TrackedReal, data

using Strided
import Strided: StridedView, UnsafeStridedView

# similar_from_indices always makes an un-tracked array, as tracking is handled outside its concerns

similar_from_indices(::Type{Flux.Tracker.TrackedReal{T}}, p1::IndexTuple, p2::IndexTuple, A, CA::Symbol) where T =
similar_from_indices(T, p1, p2, data(A), CA)

cached_similar_from_indices(sym::Symbol, ::Type{Flux.Tracker.TrackedReal{T}}, p1::IndexTuple, p2::IndexTuple, A, CA::Symbol) where T =
cached_similar_from_indices(sym, T, p1, p2, data(A), CA)

similar_from_indices(::Type{Flux.Tracker.TrackedReal{T}}, poA::IndexTuple, poB::IndexTuple,
p1::IndexTuple, p2::IndexTuple, A, B, CA::Symbol, CB::Symbol) where T =
similar_from_indices(T, poA, poB, p1, p2, data(A), data(B), CA, CB)

cached_similar_from_indices(sym::Symbol, ::Type{Flux.Tracker.TrackedReal{T}}, poA::IndexTuple, poB::IndexTuple,
p1::IndexTuple, p2::IndexTuple, A, B, CA::Symbol, CB::Symbol) where T =
cached_similar_from_indices(sym, T, poA, poB, p1, p2, data(A), data(B), CA, CB)

StridedView(A::Flux.Tracker.TrackedArray) = StridedView(
UnsafeStridedView(A::Flux.Tracker.TrackedArray) = UnsafeStridedView(

function promote_type_α(T, Tα::TrackedReal{Tr}) where {Tr}
∇VERBOSE && @info "promote_type_α" T Tr
promote_type(T, Tr)

# Track the these basic functions

add!(α, A::TrackedArray{TA,N}, conjA::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray{TC,N}, indCinA) where {TA,TC,N} =
track(add!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
add!(α, A::Array{TA,N}, conjA::Symbol, β, C::TrackedArray{TC,N}, indCinA) where {TA,TC,N} =
track(add!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) # case of A untracked
add!(α, A::TrackedArray{TA,N}, conjA::Symbol, β, C::TrackedArray{TC,N}, indCinA) where {TA,TC,N} =
track(add!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) # because of method ambiguity

add!(α::TrackedReal, A::AbstractArray{TA,N}, conjA::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray{TC,N}, indCinA) where {TA,TC,N} =
track(add!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) # arises from promotion... which ideally would be delayed a bit?
add!(α::TrackedReal, A::TrackedArray{TA,N}, conjA::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray{TC,N}, indCinA) where {TA,TC,N} =
track(add!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
add!(α::TrackedReal, A::Array{TA,N}, conjA::Symbol, β, C::TrackedArray{TC,N}, indCinA) where {TA,TC,N} =
track(add!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)

# In v0.7, you only got α::TrackedReal when this was explicitly supplied, and I made it an error in ∇add.
# Now it occurs due to promotion too. As a result I must track more cases, to avoid Float64(TrackedReal) errors.

trace!(α, A::TrackedArray, conjA::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) =
track(trace!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)

trace!(α::TrackedReal, A::TrackedArray, conjA::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) =
track(trace!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)

contract!(α, A::TrackedArray, conjA::Symbol, B::AbstractArray, conjB::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray,
oindA::IndexTuple, cindA::IndexTuple, oindB::IndexTuple, cindB::IndexTuple,
indCinoAB::IndexTuple, syms::Union{Nothing, NTuple{3,Symbol}} = nothing) =
track(contract!, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)
contract!(α, A::Array, conjA::Symbol, B::TrackedArray, conjB::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray,
oindA::IndexTuple, cindA::IndexTuple, oindB::IndexTuple, cindB::IndexTuple,
indCinoAB::IndexTuple, syms::Union{Nothing, NTuple{3,Symbol}} = nothing) =
track(contract!, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)

contract!(α::TrackedReal, A::TrackedArray, conjA::Symbol, B::AbstractArray, conjB::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray,
oindA::IndexTuple, cindA::IndexTuple, oindB::IndexTuple, cindB::IndexTuple,
indCinoAB::IndexTuple, syms::Union{Nothing, NTuple{3,Symbol}} = nothing) =
track(contract!, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)
contract!(α::TrackedReal, A::Array, conjA::Symbol, B::TrackedArray, conjB::Symbol, β, C::AbstractArray,
oindA::IndexTuple, cindA::IndexTuple, oindB::IndexTuple, cindB::IndexTuple,
indCinoAB::IndexTuple, syms::Union{Nothing, NTuple{3,Symbol}} = nothing) =
track(contract!, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)

# Corresponding _forward definitions

@grad function add!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
∇VERBOSE && @info "@grad add!" α summary(A) A[1] conjA β summary(C) C[1] indCinA
add!(data(α), data(A), conjA, data(β), data(C), indCinA),
Δ -> ∇add(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) # not data() yet, so that ∇add knows which to compute

# track(trace!, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)
@grad function trace!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)
∇VERBOSE && @info "@grad trace!" α summary(A) A[1] conjA β summary(C) C[1] indCinA cindA1 cindA2
trace!(data(α), data(A), conjA, data(β), data(C), indCinA, cindA1, cindA2),
Δ -> ∇trace(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) # not data() yet

@grad function contract!(α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)
∇VERBOSE && @info "@grad contract! #1" α summary(A) A[1] conjA summary(B) B[1] conjB β summary(C) C[1] oindA cindA oindB cindB indCinoAB syms
contract!(data(α), data(A), conjA, data(B), conjB, data(β), data(C), oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms),
Δ -> ∇contract(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) # not data() yet

# Backward pass functions

function ∇add(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, β::Tβ, C::TC, indCinA) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TC}
∇VERBOSE && @info "∇add" summary(Δ) Δ[1] α summary(A) A[1] conjA β summary(C) C[1] indCinA

∇A = TA<:TrackedArray ? add∇A(data(Δ), data(α), A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) : nothing
∇C = TC<:TrackedArray ? data(β) .* data(Δ) : nothing

∇α = false # Tα<:TrackedReal ? add∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) : false
∇β = false # Tβ<:TrackedReal ? add∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) : false

return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing)

function ∇trace(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, β::Tβ, C::TC, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TC}
∇VERBOSE && @info "∇trace" summary(Δ) Δ[1] α summary(A) A[1] conjA β summary(C) C[1] indCinA cindA1 cindA2

∇A = TA<:TrackedArray ? trace∇A(data(Δ), data(α), data(A), conjA, data(β), data(C), indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) : nothing
∇C = TC<:TrackedArray ? data(β) .* data(Δ) : nothing

∇α = false # Tα<:TrackedReal ? trace∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) : false
∇β = false # Tβ<:TrackedReal ? trace∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) : false

return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing, nothing, nothing)

function ∇contract(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, B::TB, conjB, β::Tβ, C::TC, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TB,TC}
∇VERBOSE && @info "∇contract" summary(Δ) Δ[1] α summary(A) A[1] conjA summary(B) B[1] conjB β summary(C) C[1] oindA cindA oindB cindB indCinoAB syms

∇A = TA<:TrackedArray ?
contract∇A(Δ, data(α), data(A), conjA, data(B), conjB, data(β), data(C), oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) : nothing
∇B = TB<:TrackedArray ?
contract∇B(Δ, data(α), data(A), conjA, data(B), conjB, data(β), data(C), oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) : nothing
∇C = TC<:TrackedArray ? data(β) .* data(Δ) : nothing

∇α = false # Tα<:TrackedReal ?
# contract∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB) : false
∇β = false # Tβ<:TrackedReal ?
# contract∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB) : false

return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇B, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)

# Note that I haven't allowed for α,β to be tracked.
# Besides writing these functions, it would some more _forward definitions,
# and perhaps copying of the input matrices, and lots more tests!
# In v0.7 TensorOperations, these contract∇α etc. were never called if you didn't explicitly pass α::TrackedReal,
# so I made errors to warn you.
# But in v1 TensorOperations, α gets promoted sometimes to eltype(A) and thus these would be called more often,
# even when not required, so for now the are simply never called.
# This change also made dispatch of add!() etc more complicated, see above.

64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions src/gradients/zygote.jl
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# gradients/flux.jl
# Connect up gradients for Zygote?

using .Zygote
using .Zygote: @adjoint, @nograd

@nograd similar_from_indices, cached_similar_from_indices
@nograd dirac, dirac!

@adjoint function add!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
∇VERBOSE && @info "@adjoint add!"
add!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA),
Δ -> ∇add(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)

@adjoint function trace!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)
∇VERBOSE && @info "@adjoint trace!"
trace!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2),
Δ -> ∇trace(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)

@adjoint function contract!(α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)
∇VERBOSE && @info "@adjoint contract!"
contract!(α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms),
Δ -> ∇contract(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)

# It's currently not possible to skip the calculation of un-needed gradients, as done in Flux case

function ∇add(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, β::Tβ, C::TC, indCinA) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TC}

∇A = add∇A(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
∇C = any∇C(Δ,β)

∇α = 0 # false
∇β = 0 # false

return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing)

function ∇trace(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, β::Tβ, C::TC, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TC}

∇A = trace∇A(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)
∇C = any∇C(Δ,β)

∇α = 0 # false # trace∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)
∇β = 0 # false # trace∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)

return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing, nothing, nothing)

function ∇contract(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, B::TB, conjB, β::Tβ, C::TC, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TB,TC}

∇A = contract∇A(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)
∇B = contract∇B(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, syms)
∇C = any∇C(Δ,β)

∇α = 0 # false # contract∇α(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB)
∇β = 0 # false # contract∇β(Δ, α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB)

return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇B, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/REQUIRE
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