Hi! My name is Justyna Kowalska. I am a Certified Software Tester. My longest experience is in testing web and desktop applications for the public sector. I also have a medical background due to my pharmaceutical education and previous work in a pharmacy. I am oriented for further development as a Quality Assurance Specialist. On this page I would like to share the experience I have gained from self-study and previous projects. I'm currently learning to write automated tests in Playwright using typescript.
- Bug Reports
- Test Cases
- Test Scenarios
- Collection in Postman
- API tests in Playwright
- Postman
- SQL Managment Studio
- Azure DevOps
- Chrome DevTools
- TestLink
- Fiddler
- ISTQB - No. 77217
- "GIT od podstaw dla każdego" Adrian Szuszkiewicz, Udemy
- "Konsola Deweloperska Szkolenie dla QA", SZKOLENIEDLAQA.PL
- "Praktyczny kurs testera oprogramowania - QA" Rafał Podraza, Udemy (the tools learned in the course: jMeter and BrowserStack)
- "OWASP top 10 Web Application Security for Absolute Beginners", Udemy
- "Praktyczne wprowadzenie do testów automatycznych z Playwright", jaktestowac.pl
- in progress: "Kurs javascript od podstaw" Rafał Podraza, Udemy
- Odessa (http://cherry-it.pl/archiwum-projektu-odessa/)
- KawQA-gad-Playwright (https://github.com/kat-kan/kawqa-gad-playwright)