This is a simple Python script to use a Raspberry Pi, any other Linux machine or even Windows machines as NVR (Network Video Recorder). The Code will connect to your configured rtsp streams and saves the video files (chunks) to a storage location. The code will also connect to a MQTT server and will publish to a assigned topic. For example: FilePath,FileSize,Status.
- Records RTSP streams
- Simultaneous Recordings
- Variable Chunk Size
- Sorted by Year/Month/Day/Hour
- Home Assistant/iobroker integration via MQTT
- MQTT publish status idle/recording/error
- MQTT publish FileSize/FilePath
- easy configuration via yaml config file.
Configuration of RTSP Streams, file location, chunk size, MQTT connection can be set within the config.yml file.
- For example:
cameras: Camera1: Name: FrontDoor IP: Port: 554 Path: /ch0_0.264 User: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD Width: 1920 Height: 1080 Fps: 25 Camera2: Name: Garage IP: Port: 554 Path: /ch0_0.264 User: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD Width: 1920 Height: 1080 Fps: 25 Recorder: Path: /PATH/TO/surveillance/recordings Chunks: 300 MQTT: Enabled: True ClientID: RTSP-Recoder IP: Port: 1886 User: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD Topic: Surveillance/Recorder
Once configured, you can then start the script by typing:
On Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt update && sudo apt install openRTSP pip3
pip3 install paho-mqtt pyyaml