Minimalist CLI for getting operating system information.
./os-info-cli [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Usage message
-a, --all Show all info (CPU, Network and memory)
-f, --filter=filter (cpu | net | mem)
I'm building this mini project because I started learning Go. I decided to write a simple CLI for getting the most common information that I look for in my operating system.
Mainly the purpose of this is:
- See how complex or easy is to get info from the OS using Go.
- See how easy is to understand Go's documentation
- Learn how to work with concurrency and processes in Go.
In case you want to see the goal/scope of this project, I suggest reviewing the To-Do section
- Create the basic structure of the project (Considering best practices for structuring a Go project and adding dependencies for adding unit tests).
- Create a workflow with GitHub actions
- Accept flags for getting information of the OS (help, all, filter by cpu, network, or memory).
- Get network info (public and private IPs).
- Get CPU info (usage % by user, by system, IDLE, top 5 processes, temperature).
- Get memory info (Mem GB wired, active, compressed, and free, top 5 processes).